
World wide Open Space Technology email list

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Loving you...

Toke Møller
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 7:12 AM

To Harrison

Hearing of your passing
Graitude arises

For your life lived
In discovery of the Open Space
and its technology to practise

For the understanding
That when time and space
Is awoken in circle
The spiral of actions
Flow in the harmony of Life

For us humans
Alone and together
To do what is needed

For your generosity in

So many
So humbly
So clearly
So lightly

Asking a so important question

What if living open space today
Is a practise of here and now
That offers us to live
In freedom, peace and love
For ourselves, each other
All on the planet Earth?

To which you are now returning
As your spirit fly into the reality of
open space and beyond.

Journey well……

With respect, gratitude and love.


Toke Paludan Moeller
+45 26166919

NOW is practise


Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList everyone@oslist.org:

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed.

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne

The Title:  Loving You
Good morning Dad!
I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People
Right Place
All the right things have happened
the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"
Space invaders
Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

To Harrison Hearing of your passing Graitude arises For your life lived In discovery of the Open Space and its technology to practise For the understanding That when time and space Is awoken in circle The spiral of actions Flow in the harmony of Life For us humans Alone and together To do what is needed Now For your generosity in Exploring Teaching Writing Being Supporting So many So humbly So clearly So lightly Asking a so important question What if living open space today Is a practise of here and now That offers us to live In freedom, peace and love For ourselves, each other And All on the planet Earth? To which you are now returning As your spirit fly into the reality of open space and beyond. Journey well…… With respect, gratitude and love. Toke Toke Paludan Moeller toke@interchange.dk +45 26166919 NOW is practise www.interchange-tomo.com > Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org>: > > Dear precious friends and colleagues, > > Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine. > > He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space. > > And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding the space now... > > Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed. > > Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. > > But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne > > The Title: Loving You > Good morning Dad! > I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. > > I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST. > > You Taught us not to work so damned HARD > > Right People > Right Place > RightTime > All the right things have happened > the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! > > --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet" > BumbleBees > Butterflies > Space invaders > Noses out of joint > > I Love you Dad! > > Barry > > > > > > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 7:48 AM

Oh, shit!

Love and gratitude,

Beti gugan (=you´ll always live in us).

Gentza Eleder

Hemendik: Toke Møller via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 18(a), astelehena 08:12
Hona: Suzanne Daigle sdaigle4@gmail.com
Cc: OS list everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] Re: Loving you...

To Harrison

Hearing of your passing

Graitude arises

For your life lived

In discovery of the Open Space

and its technology to practise

For the understanding

That when time and space

Is awoken in circle

The spiral of actions

Flow in the harmony of Life

For us humans

Alone and together

To do what is needed


For your generosity in






So many

So humbly

So clearly

So lightly

Asking a so important question

What if living open space today

Is a practise of here and now

That offers us to live

In freedom, peace and love

For ourselves, each other


All on the planet Earth?

To which you are now returning

As your spirit fly into the reality of

open space and beyond.

Journey well......

With respect, gratitude and love.


Toke Paludan Moeller
+45 26166919

NOW is practise


Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org>:

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us - his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed.

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne

The Title:  Loving You
Good morning Dad!
I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People
Right Place
All the right things have happened
the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"
Space invaders
Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.orghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Dett2Km8dyFZyF8e034lDEeDHyG7Hy5pTA3K4m1K5QJ4oRrNIJLHIH8EFTp1oNuBY9JByaSKKGB5Zn05hvcnTpUtk8I$

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.

Oh, shit! Love and gratitude, HO! Beti gugan (=you´ll always live in us). Gentza Eleder Bilbao-Mundaka Hemendik: Toke Møller via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 18(a), astelehena 08:12 Hona: Suzanne Daigle <sdaigle4@gmail.com> Cc: OS list <everyone@oslist.org> Gaia: [OSList] Re: Loving you... To Harrison Hearing of your passing Graitude arises For your life lived In discovery of the Open Space and its technology to practise For the understanding That when time and space Is awoken in circle The spiral of actions Flow in the harmony of Life For us humans Alone and together To do what is needed Now For your generosity in Exploring Teaching Writing Being Supporting So many So humbly So clearly So lightly Asking a so important question What if living open space today Is a practise of here and now That offers us to live In freedom, peace and love For ourselves, each other And All on the planet Earth? To which you are now returning As your spirit fly into the reality of open space and beyond. Journey well...... With respect, gratitude and love. Toke Toke Paludan Moeller toke@interchange.dk<mailto:toke@interchange.dk> +45 26166919 NOW is practise www.interchange-tomo.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.interchange-tomo.com__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Dett2Km8dyFZyF8e034lDEeDHyG7Hy5pTA3K4m1K5QJ4oRrNIJLHIH8EFTp1oNuBY9JByaSKKGB5Zn05hvcnixkthj4$> Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>>: Dear precious friends and colleagues, Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine. He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space. And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding the space now... Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us - his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed. Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne The Title: Loving You Good morning Dad! I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST. You Taught us not to work so damned HARD Right People Right Place RightTime All the right things have happened the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet" BumbleBees Butterflies Space invaders Noses out of joint I Love you Dad! Barry OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Dett2Km8dyFZyF8e034lDEeDHyG7Hy5pTA3K4m1K5QJ4oRrNIJLHIH8EFTp1oNuBY9JByaSKKGB5Zn05hvcnTpUtk8I$> LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.
Jo Töpfer
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 7:56 AM

I will miss HO a lot. Berlin OS community gathers today at 5pm in our favourite Stammtisch place to share sadness and stories.



Am 18.03.24 um 08:48 schrieb AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList:

{font-family:"Cambria Math";
panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;}@font-face
panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}@font-face
{font-family:"Helvetica Neue";
panose-1:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif;}a:link, span.MsoHyperlink
{page:WordSection1;}Oh, shit!

Love and gratitude,


Beti gugan (=you´ll always live in us).

Gentza Eleder


Hemendik: Toke Møller via OSList <everyone@oslist.org>
Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 18(a), astelehena 08:12
Hona: Suzanne Daigle <sdaigle4@gmail.com>
Cc: OS list <everyone@oslist.org>
Gaia: [OSList] Re: Loving you...

To Harrison

Hearing of your passing

Graitude arises

For your life lived

In discovery of the Open Space

and its technology to practise

For the understanding

That when time and space

Is awoken in circle

The spiral of actions

Flow in the harmony of Life

For us humans

Alone and together

To do what is needed


For your generosity in






So many

So humbly

So clearly

So lightly

Asking a so important question

What if living open space today

Is a practise of here and now

That offers us to live

In freedom, peace and love

For ourselves, each other


All on the planet Earth?

To which you are now returning

As your spirit fly into the reality of

open space and beyond.

Journey well……

With respect, gratitude and love.


Toke Paludan Moeller
+45 26166919

NOW is practise


Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org>:

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding the space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed.

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne

The Title: Loving You

Good morning Dad!

I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People

Right Place


All the right things have happened

the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"



Space invaders

Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.

<pre class="moz-quote-pre" wrap="">OSList mailing list -- <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:everyone@oslist.org">everyone@oslist.org</a>
To unsubscribe send an email to <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org">everyone-leave@oslist.org</a>
See the archives here: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org">https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org</a>

<a color="#000000"> </a>

<a color="#000000">Jo Toepfer [he/his], </a><a href="http://www.boscop.org">boscop eg</a>
Holländerstr. 36R, 13407 Berlin
Tel: +49-(0)30-42018000
Mob: +49-(0)176-22394083

Funda Oral
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 8:06 AM

Dear Harrison, Dear OST Community,
I was facilitating a meeting with Open Space Technology near Berlin on
March 16th, at one point in the venue, in front of the Agenda Board, in the
middle of the notepads, participants were eating and working, dancing and
juggling. All at the same time. That's when I thought of Harrison. Turns
out that we were actually saying goodby. I admit I worked harder than he
always advised. But I want share with you some of the feedback I got: "we
created a flower garden together", "my only reality was the time here, I
thought of nothing else", "I got out of the life we were stuck in, I became
alive, my space expanded", "the method is beautiful and organic".
Thanks Harrison, you always generously and modestly shared your knowledge.
You were always there when I needed some information and support from you.
Thanks for saying that "anybody with a good heart" can do this job.
Open Space Technology didn't only change my life but also clarified where I
want to stand, what I want to do.
You know, we will host World Open Space on Open Space this year in Istanbul.
We will have a chance to come together, talk and think about you. We will
hold the space you left for us gracefully, respectfully.

Funda Oral

Le dim. 17 mars 2024 à 20:00, gerardo de luzenberger via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> a écrit :

Dear Suzanne, dear Barry, dear all.
This is really a sad moment for all of us who had the gift to know him and
being inspired by his work.
Let's meet and dance together at next WOSonOS to celebrate Harrison and
what he has given to the world.

Written with a mobile device.
Excuse brevity and typos.  gerardo de luzenberger
+39 3293281343

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 19:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList everyone@oslist.org

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed
away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and
colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening
and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the
space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he
wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the
message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's
wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him
leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and
missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual
floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured
in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that
Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne

The Title:  Loving You

Good morning Dad!
I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions
(BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence
throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have
lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People
Right Place
All the right things have happened
the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"
Space invaders
Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Dear Harrison, Dear OST Community, I was facilitating a meeting with Open Space Technology near Berlin on March 16th, at one point in the venue, in front of the Agenda Board, in the middle of the notepads, participants were eating and working, dancing and juggling. All at the same time. That's when I thought of Harrison. Turns out that we were actually saying goodby. I admit I worked harder than he always advised. But I want share with you some of the feedback I got: "we created a flower garden together", "my only reality was the time here, I thought of nothing else", "I got out of the life we were stuck in, I became alive, my space expanded", "the method is beautiful and organic". Thanks Harrison, you always generously and modestly shared your knowledge. You were always there when I needed some information and support from you. Thanks for saying that "anybody with a good heart" can do this job. Open Space Technology didn't only change my life but also clarified where I want to stand, what I want to do. You know, we will host World Open Space on Open Space this year in Istanbul. We will have a chance to come together, talk and think about you. We will hold the space you left for us gracefully, respectfully. Funda Oral www.fundaoraltoussaint.com https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ www.aatorganizasyon.blogspot.com Le dim. 17 mars 2024 à 20:00, gerardo de luzenberger via OSList < everyone@oslist.org> a écrit : > Dear Suzanne, dear Barry, dear all. > This is really a sad moment for all of us who had the gift to know him and > being inspired by his work. > Let's meet and dance together at next WOSonOS to celebrate Harrison and > what he has given to the world. > Ge > > > > > > Written with a mobile device. > Excuse brevity and typos. gerardo de luzenberger > +39 3293281343 > > > On Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 19:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> > wrote: > >> Dear precious friends and colleagues, >> >> Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed >> away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine. >> >> He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and >> colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening >> and holding the space. >> >> And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding the >> space now... >> >> Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he >> wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the >> message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily >> agreed. >> >> Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's >> wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him >> leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. >> >> *But for now* as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and >> missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual >> floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured >> in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that >> Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne >> >> *The Title: Loving You* >> >> Good morning Dad! >> I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions >> (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence >> throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. >> >> I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have >> lived your life to your FULLEST. >> >> You Taught us not to work so damned HARD >> >> Right People >> Right Place >> RightTime >> All the right things have happened >> the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! >> >> --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet" >> BumbleBees >> Butterflies >> Space invaders >> Noses out of joint >> >> I Love you Dad! >> >> >> Barry >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: >> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Chris Corrigan
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 8:54 AM

Open Space was a two martini idea but the only drinking I did with Harrison
was good bourbon and so that is how I will toast this man who was a mentor
and a friend for nearly thirty years. With a glass of bourbon.

Sending love to all of us in this community who were touched by this man
and who embody and carry the Spirit of Open Space Technology wherever we


Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com
Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com

Upcoming events and workshops and online courses:

Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory,

On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 8:07 AM Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org

Dear Harrison, Dear OST Community,
I was facilitating a meeting with Open Space Technology near Berlin on
March 16th, at one point in the venue, in front of the Agenda Board, in the
middle of the notepads, participants were eating and working, dancing and
juggling. All at the same time. That's when I thought of Harrison. Turns
out that we were actually saying goodby. I admit I worked harder than he
always advised. But I want share with you some of the feedback I got: "we
created a flower garden together", "my only reality was the time here, I
thought of nothing else", "I got out of the life we were stuck in, I became
alive, my space expanded", "the method is beautiful and organic".
Thanks Harrison, you always generously and modestly shared your knowledge.
You were always there when I needed some information and support from you.
Thanks for saying that "anybody with a good heart" can do this job.
Open Space Technology didn't only change my life but also clarified where
I want to stand, what I want to do.
You know, we will host World Open Space on Open Space this year in
We will have a chance to come together, talk and think about you. We will
hold the space you left for us gracefully, respectfully.

Funda Oral

Le dim. 17 mars 2024 à 20:00, gerardo de luzenberger via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> a écrit :

Dear Suzanne, dear Barry, dear all.
This is really a sad moment for all of us who had the gift to know him
and being inspired by his work.
Let's meet and dance together at next WOSonOS to celebrate Harrison and
what he has given to the world.

Written with a mobile device.
Excuse brevity and typos.  gerardo de luzenberger
+39 3293281343

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 19:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed
away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and
colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening
and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the
space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he
wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the
message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's
wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him
leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving
and missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual
floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured
in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that
Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne

The Title:  Loving You

Good morning Dad!
I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions
(BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence
throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have
lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People
Right Place
All the right things have happened
the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"
Space invaders
Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Open Space was a two martini idea but the only drinking I did with Harrison was good bourbon and so that is how I will toast this man who was a mentor and a friend for nearly thirty years. With a glass of bourbon. Sending love to all of us in this community who were touched by this man and who embody and carry the Spirit of Open Space Technology wherever we go. Chris. ____ CHRIS CORRIGAN Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com Upcoming events and workshops and online courses: https://www.chriscorrigan.com/parkinglot/events/ Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory, On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 8:07 AM Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > Dear Harrison, Dear OST Community, > I was facilitating a meeting with Open Space Technology near Berlin on > March 16th, at one point in the venue, in front of the Agenda Board, in the > middle of the notepads, participants were eating and working, dancing and > juggling. All at the same time. That's when I thought of Harrison. Turns > out that we were actually saying goodby. I admit I worked harder than he > always advised. But I want share with you some of the feedback I got: "we > created a flower garden together", "my only reality was the time here, I > thought of nothing else", "I got out of the life we were stuck in, I became > alive, my space expanded", "the method is beautiful and organic". > Thanks Harrison, you always generously and modestly shared your knowledge. > You were always there when I needed some information and support from you. > Thanks for saying that "anybody with a good heart" can do this job. > Open Space Technology didn't only change my life but also clarified where > I want to stand, what I want to do. > You know, we will host World Open Space on Open Space this year in > Istanbul. > We will have a chance to come together, talk and think about you. We will > hold the space you left for us gracefully, respectfully. > > Funda Oral > www.fundaoraltoussaint.com > https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ > www.aatorganizasyon.blogspot.com > > > > > Le dim. 17 mars 2024 à 20:00, gerardo de luzenberger via OSList < > everyone@oslist.org> a écrit : > >> Dear Suzanne, dear Barry, dear all. >> This is really a sad moment for all of us who had the gift to know him >> and being inspired by his work. >> Let's meet and dance together at next WOSonOS to celebrate Harrison and >> what he has given to the world. >> Ge >> >> >> >> >> >> Written with a mobile device. >> Excuse brevity and typos. gerardo de luzenberger >> +39 3293281343 >> >> >> On Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 19:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList < >> everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >> >>> Dear precious friends and colleagues, >>> >>> Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed >>> away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine. >>> >>> He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and >>> colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening >>> and holding the space. >>> >>> And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding the >>> space now... >>> >>> Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he >>> wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the >>> message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily >>> agreed. >>> >>> Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's >>> wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him >>> leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. >>> >>> *But for now* as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving >>> and missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual >>> floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured >>> in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that >>> Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne >>> >>> *The Title: Loving You* >>> >>> Good morning Dad! >>> I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions >>> (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence >>> throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. >>> >>> I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have >>> lived your life to your FULLEST. >>> >>> You Taught us not to work so damned HARD >>> >>> Right People >>> Right Place >>> RightTime >>> All the right things have happened >>> the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! >>> >>> --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet" >>> BumbleBees >>> Butterflies >>> Space invaders >>> Noses out of joint >>> >>> I Love you Dad! >>> >>> >>> Barry >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>> See the archives here: >>> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >> >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: >> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 9:38 AM

I feel so connected with all of you ...with the same sandness and a very
strong and deep gratitude for the experiences in OS with him, our dear HO I
am glad that I had the chance to meet him in person as I told him! He
answerd me : I am happy to meet you in person to! This was in Chile !
He was funny and so wise at the same time.  The love and practice he shared
stays for  forever...

El lun, 18 de mar de 2024, 2:55 a. m., Chris Corrigan via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> escribió:

Open Space was a two martini idea but the only drinking I did with
Harrison was good bourbon and so that is how I will toast this man who was
a mentor and a friend for nearly thirty years. With a glass of bourbon.

Sending love to all of us in this community who were touched by this man
and who embody and carry the Spirit of Open Space Technology wherever we


Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com
Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com

Upcoming events and workshops and online courses:

Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory,

On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 8:07 AM Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org

Dear Harrison, Dear OST Community,
I was facilitating a meeting with Open Space Technology near Berlin on
March 16th, at one point in the venue, in front of the Agenda Board, in the
middle of the notepads, participants were eating and working, dancing and
juggling. All at the same time. That's when I thought of Harrison. Turns
out that we were actually saying goodby. I admit I worked harder than he
always advised. But I want share with you some of the feedback I got: "we
created a flower garden together", "my only reality was the time here, I
thought of nothing else", "I got out of the life we were stuck in, I became
alive, my space expanded", "the method is beautiful and organic".
Thanks Harrison, you always generously and modestly shared your
knowledge. You were always there when I needed some information and support
from you. Thanks for saying that "anybody with a good heart" can do this
Open Space Technology didn't only change my life but also clarified where
I want to stand, what I want to do.
You know, we will host World Open Space on Open Space this year in
We will have a chance to come together, talk and think about you. We will
hold the space you left for us gracefully, respectfully.

Funda Oral

Le dim. 17 mars 2024 à 20:00, gerardo de luzenberger via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> a écrit :

Dear Suzanne, dear Barry, dear all.
This is really a sad moment for all of us who had the gift to know him
and being inspired by his work.
Let's meet and dance together at next WOSonOS to celebrate Harrison and
what he has given to the world.

Written with a mobile device.
Excuse brevity and typos.  gerardo de luzenberger
+39 3293281343

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 19:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed
away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and
colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening
and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding
the space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he
wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the
message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's
wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him
leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving
and missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual
floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured
in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that
Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne

The Title:  Loving You

Good morning Dad!
I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions
(BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence
throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have
lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People
Right Place
All the right things have happened
the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"
Space invaders
Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

I feel so connected with all of you ...with the same sandness and a very strong and deep gratitude for the experiences in OS with him, our dear HO I am glad that I had the chance to meet him in person as I told him! He answerd me : I am happy to meet you in person to! This was in Chile ! He was funny and so wise at the same time. The love and practice he shared stays for forever... El lun, 18 de mar de 2024, 2:55 a. m., Chris Corrigan via OSList < everyone@oslist.org> escribió: > Open Space was a two martini idea but the only drinking I did with > Harrison was good bourbon and so that is how I will toast this man who was > a mentor and a friend for nearly thirty years. With a glass of bourbon. > > Sending love to all of us in this community who were touched by this man > and who embody and carry the Spirit of Open Space Technology wherever we > go. > > Chris. > > ____ > CHRIS CORRIGAN > Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com > Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com > > Upcoming events and workshops and online courses: > https://www.chriscorrigan.com/parkinglot/events/ > > Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory, > > > > > On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 8:07 AM Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> > wrote: > >> Dear Harrison, Dear OST Community, >> I was facilitating a meeting with Open Space Technology near Berlin on >> March 16th, at one point in the venue, in front of the Agenda Board, in the >> middle of the notepads, participants were eating and working, dancing and >> juggling. All at the same time. That's when I thought of Harrison. Turns >> out that we were actually saying goodby. I admit I worked harder than he >> always advised. But I want share with you some of the feedback I got: "we >> created a flower garden together", "my only reality was the time here, I >> thought of nothing else", "I got out of the life we were stuck in, I became >> alive, my space expanded", "the method is beautiful and organic". >> Thanks Harrison, you always generously and modestly shared your >> knowledge. You were always there when I needed some information and support >> from you. Thanks for saying that "anybody with a good heart" can do this >> job. >> Open Space Technology didn't only change my life but also clarified where >> I want to stand, what I want to do. >> You know, we will host World Open Space on Open Space this year in >> Istanbul. >> We will have a chance to come together, talk and think about you. We will >> hold the space you left for us gracefully, respectfully. >> >> Funda Oral >> www.fundaoraltoussaint.com >> https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ >> www.aatorganizasyon.blogspot.com >> >> >> >> >> Le dim. 17 mars 2024 à 20:00, gerardo de luzenberger via OSList < >> everyone@oslist.org> a écrit : >> >>> Dear Suzanne, dear Barry, dear all. >>> This is really a sad moment for all of us who had the gift to know him >>> and being inspired by his work. >>> Let's meet and dance together at next WOSonOS to celebrate Harrison and >>> what he has given to the world. >>> Ge >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Written with a mobile device. >>> Excuse brevity and typos. gerardo de luzenberger >>> +39 3293281343 >>> >>> >>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 19:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList < >>> everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>> >>>> Dear precious friends and colleagues, >>>> >>>> Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed >>>> away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine. >>>> >>>> He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and >>>> colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening >>>> and holding the space. >>>> >>>> And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding >>>> the space now... >>>> >>>> Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he >>>> wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the >>>> message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily >>>> agreed. >>>> >>>> Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's >>>> wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him >>>> leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. >>>> >>>> *But for now* as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving >>>> and missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual >>>> floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured >>>> in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that >>>> Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne >>>> >>>> *The Title: Loving You* >>>> >>>> Good morning Dad! >>>> I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions >>>> (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence >>>> throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. >>>> >>>> I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have >>>> lived your life to your FULLEST. >>>> >>>> You Taught us not to work so damned HARD >>>> >>>> Right People >>>> Right Place >>>> RightTime >>>> All the right things have happened >>>> the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! >>>> >>>> --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet" >>>> BumbleBees >>>> Butterflies >>>> Space invaders >>>> Noses out of joint >>>> >>>> I Love you Dad! >>>> >>>> >>>> Barry >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>>> See the archives here: >>>> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>> >>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>> See the archives here: >>> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >> >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: >> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Thomas Perret
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 10:00 AM

For Harrison Owen and his almost invisible and simultaneously splendid life’s work and gifts that will continue to expand for a long time.

Your deeds impossible not to respect, you walked this earth your own man and a man of spirit.

Few things have impacted the way I see possibilities in the way Open Space Technology has. You had a hunch and you tried, to see what happens.

Why do it any other way?

Thank you.

On 18. Mar 2024, at 9.12, Toke Møller via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

To Harrison

Hearing of your passing
Graitude arises

For your life lived
In discovery of the Open Space
and its technology to practise

For the understanding
That when time and space
Is awoken in circle
The spiral of actions
Flow in the harmony of Life

For us humans
Alone and together
To do what is needed

For your generosity in

So many
So humbly
So clearly
So lightly

Asking a so important question

What if living open space today
Is a practise of here and now
That offers us to live
In freedom, peace and love
For ourselves, each other
All on the planet Earth?

To which you are now returning
As your spirit fly into the reality of
open space and beyond.

Journey well……

With respect, gratitude and love.


Toke Paludan Moeller
+45 26166919

NOW is practise


Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList everyone@oslist.org:

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed.

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne

The Title:  Loving You
Good morning Dad!
I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People
Right Place
All the right things have happened
the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"
Space invaders
Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

For Harrison Owen and his almost invisible and simultaneously splendid life’s work and gifts that will continue to expand for a long time. Your deeds impossible not to respect, you walked this earth your own man and a man of spirit. Few things have impacted the way I see possibilities in the way Open Space Technology has. You had a hunch and you tried, to see what happens. Why do it any other way? Thank you. > On 18. Mar 2024, at 9.12, Toke Møller via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > > To Harrison > > Hearing of your passing > Graitude arises > > For your life lived > In discovery of the Open Space > and its technology to practise > > For the understanding > That when time and space > Is awoken in circle > The spiral of actions > Flow in the harmony of Life > > For us humans > Alone and together > To do what is needed > Now > > For your generosity in > Exploring > Teaching > Writing > Being > Supporting > > So many > So humbly > So clearly > So lightly > > Asking a so important question > > What if living open space today > Is a practise of here and now > That offers us to live > In freedom, peace and love > For ourselves, each other > And > All on the planet Earth? > > To which you are now returning > As your spirit fly into the reality of > open space and beyond. > > Journey well…… > > With respect, gratitude and love. > > > Toke > > Toke Paludan Moeller > toke@interchange.dk > +45 26166919 > > NOW is practise > > www.interchange-tomo.com > > > > >> Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org>: >> >> Dear precious friends and colleagues, >> >> Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine. >> >> He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space. >> >> And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding the space now... >> >> Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed. >> >> Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. >> >> But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne >> >> The Title: Loving You >> Good morning Dad! >> I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. >> >> I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST. >> >> You Taught us not to work so damned HARD >> >> Right People >> Right Place >> RightTime >> All the right things have happened >> the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! >> >> --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet" >> BumbleBees >> Butterflies >> Space invaders >> Noses out of joint >> >> I Love you Dad! >> >> Barry >> >> >> >> >> >> >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Improbable Office
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 10:13 AM

Echoing Phelim’s words from the Improbable family who are all in our final
day of D&D19 in Leeds.

Thank you Phelim for holding a moment in closing circle for Harrison
yesterday, it was lovely to be together at that time.

Love Team Improbable x

Improbable Office

@improbable1 https://twitter.com/improbable1  |  0207 240 4556  |

Support us http://www.improbable.co.uk/support/  |  Find us on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/weareimprobable?fref=ts  |  Follow us on
Twitter https://twitter.com/improbable1

Improbable is a company limited by guarantee - registered in England &
Wales No. 08561272 - Charity No. 1155695. Registered address: Improbable,
PopHub Leicester Square, 41 Whitcomb Street, London, WC2H 7DT

On Mon, 18 Mar 2024 at 10:01, Thomas Perret via OSList everyone@oslist.org

For Harrison Owen and his almost invisible and simultaneously splendid
life’s work and gifts that will continue to expand for a long time.

Your deeds impossible not to respect, you walked this earth your own man
and a man of spirit.

Few things have impacted the way I see possibilities in the way Open Space
Technology has. You had a hunch and you tried, to see what happens.

Why do it any other way?

Thank you.

On 18. Mar 2024, at 9.12, Toke Møller via OSList everyone@oslist.org

To Harrison

Hearing of your passing
Graitude arises

For your life lived
In discovery of the Open Space
and its technology to practise

For the understanding
That when time and space
Is awoken in circle
The spiral of actions
Flow in the harmony of Life

For us humans
Alone and together
To do what is needed

For your generosity in

So many
So humbly
So clearly
So lightly

Asking a so important question

What if living open space today
Is a practise of here and now
That offers us to live
In freedom, peace and love
For ourselves, each other
All on the planet Earth?

To which you are now returning
As your spirit fly into the reality of
open space and beyond.

Journey well……

With respect, gratitude and love.


Toke Paludan Moeller
+45 26166919

NOW is practise


Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList <

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed
away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and
colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening
and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the
space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he
wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the
message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's
wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him
leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and
missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual
floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured
in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that
Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne

The Title:  Loving You

Good morning Dad!
I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions
(BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence
throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have
lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People
Right Place
All the right things have happened
the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"
Space invaders
Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Echoing Phelim’s words from the Improbable family who are all in our final day of D&D19 in Leeds. Thank you Phelim for holding a moment in closing circle for Harrison yesterday, it was lovely to be together at that time. Love Team Improbable x Improbable Office @improbable1 <https://twitter.com/improbable1> | 0207 240 4556 | www.improbable.co.uk Support us <http://www.improbable.co.uk/support/> | Find us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/weareimprobable?fref=ts> | Follow us on Twitter <https://twitter.com/improbable1> Improbable is a company limited by guarantee - registered in England & Wales No. 08561272 - Charity No. 1155695. Registered address: Improbable, PopHub Leicester Square, 41 Whitcomb Street, London, WC2H 7DT On Mon, 18 Mar 2024 at 10:01, Thomas Perret via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > For Harrison Owen and his almost invisible and simultaneously splendid > life’s work and gifts that will continue to expand for a long time. > > Your deeds impossible not to respect, you walked this earth your own man > and a man of spirit. > > Few things have impacted the way I see possibilities in the way Open Space > Technology has. You had a hunch and you tried, to see what happens. > > Why do it any other way? > > Thank you. > > > On 18. Mar 2024, at 9.12, Toke Møller via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> > wrote: > > *To Harrison* > > Hearing of your passing > Graitude arises > > For your life lived > In discovery of the Open Space > and its technology to practise > > For the understanding > That when time and space > Is awoken in circle > The spiral of actions > Flow in the harmony of Life > > For us humans > Alone and together > To do what is needed > Now > > For your generosity in > Exploring > Teaching > Writing > Being > Supporting > > So many > So humbly > So clearly > So lightly > > Asking a so important question > > What if living open space today > Is a practise of here and now > That offers us to live > In freedom, peace and love > For ourselves, each other > And > All on the planet Earth? > > To which you are now returning > As your spirit fly into the reality of > open space and beyond. > > Journey well…… > > With respect, gratitude and love. > > > Toke > > Toke Paludan Moeller > toke@interchange.dk > +45 26166919 > > NOW is practise > > www.interchange-tomo.com > > > > > Den 17. mar. 2024 kl. 19.20 skrev Suzanne Daigle via OSList < > everyone@oslist.org>: > > Dear precious friends and colleagues, > > Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed > away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine. > > He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and > colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening > and holding the space. > > And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding the > space now... > > Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he > wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the > message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily > agreed. > > Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's > wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him > leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. > > *But for now* as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and > missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual > floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured > in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that > Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne > > *The Title: Loving You* > > Good morning Dad! > I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions > (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence > throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. > > I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have > lived your life to your FULLEST. > > You Taught us not to work so damned HARD > > Right People > Right Place > RightTime > All the right things have happened > the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! > > --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet" > BumbleBees > Butterflies > Space invaders > Noses out of joint > > I Love you Dad! > > > Barry > > > > > > > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 12:23 PM

With deepest sympathy as we remember Harrison Owen.

We were fortunate to have the opportunity to welcome Mr. Harrison to Japan
and have him teach us directly when Open Space Technology was still unknown
in our country. We think back on those days as if they were yesterday.

We are truly grateful for his spirit, insight, and most of all, for the
tremendous influence his being has had on Japanese practitioners. We hope
to continue to live the principles of Open Space.

Please rest in peace.

Human Value from Japan
(Daisuke Kawaguchi, Gen Shimoyama)

2024年3月18日(月) 3:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList everyone@oslist.org:

Dear precious friends and colleagues,

Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed
away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.

He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and
colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening
and holding the space.

And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the
space now...

Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he
wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the
message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily

Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's
wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him
leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.

But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and
missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual
floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured
in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that
Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne

The Title:  Loving You

Good morning Dad!
I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions
(BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence
throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.

I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have
lived your life to your FULLEST.

You Taught us not to work so damned HARD

Right People
Right Place
All the right things have happened
the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!

--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"
Space invaders
Noses out of joint

I Love you Dad!


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

With deepest sympathy as we remember Harrison Owen. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to welcome Mr. Harrison to Japan and have him teach us directly when Open Space Technology was still unknown in our country. We think back on those days as if they were yesterday. We are truly grateful for his spirit, insight, and most of all, for the tremendous influence his being has had on Japanese practitioners. We hope to continue to live the principles of Open Space. Please rest in peace. Human Value from Japan (Daisuke Kawaguchi, Gen Shimoyama) 2024年3月18日(月) 3:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org>: > Dear precious friends and colleagues, > > Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed > away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine. > > He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and > colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening > and holding the space. > > And that space will always be open, said Barry. "He's still holding the > space now... > > Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he > wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the > message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily > agreed. > > Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's > wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him > leaving us. Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. > > *But for now* as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and > missing him, with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual > floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured > in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that > Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger. Suzanne > > *The Title: Loving You* > > Good morning Dad! > I hope you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions > (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched by your presence > throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. > > I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have > lived your life to your FULLEST. > > You Taught us not to work so damned HARD > > Right People > Right Place > RightTime > All the right things have happened > the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! > > --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet" > BumbleBees > Butterflies > Space invaders > Noses out of joint > > I Love you Dad! > > > Barry > > > > > > > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Franklin Quijano
Mon, Mar 18, 2024 12:54 PM

From the tropics:
To our dear Harrison.
You have advocated with so much eloquence what you have seen in us: our ways - you were able to capture, through your God - given gifts.
Our appreciationOur gratitudePraising God and you.Honoring.
We will celebrate your life for you are with us.With grief but with a lot of joy that God gave you to us. 
We will surrender you to Him as all of us will travel, they way you did.
Bye for now Harrison, like you, we will ride the waves.
Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, March 18, 2024, 8:24 PM, 霜山元 via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

With deepest sympathy as we remember Harrison Owen.

We were fortunate to have the opportunity to welcome Mr. Harrison to Japan and have him teach us directly when Open Space Technology was still unknown in our country. We think back on those days as if they were yesterday.

We are truly grateful for his spirit, insight, and most of all, for the tremendous influence his being has had on Japanese practitioners. We hope to continue to live the principles of Open Space.

Please rest in peace.

Human Value from Japan
(Daisuke Kawaguchi, Gen Shimoyama)
2024年3月18日(月) 3:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList everyone@oslist.org:

Dear precious friends and colleagues, 
Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.  
He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space. 
And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the space now...
Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed. 
Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons. 
But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne
The Title:  Loving You
Good morning Dad!I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth.
I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST.
You Taught us not to work so damned HARD
Right PeopleRight PlaceRightTimeAll the right things have happened    the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over!
--THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"BumbleBeesButterfliesSpace invadersNoses out of joint
I Love you Dad! 


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

From the tropics: To our dear Harrison. You have advocated with so much eloquence what you have seen in us: our ways - you were able to capture, through your God - given gifts. Our appreciationOur gratitudePraising God and you.Honoring. We will celebrate your life for you are with us.With grief but with a lot of joy that God gave you to us.  We will surrender you to Him as all of us will travel, they way you did. Bye for now Harrison, like you, we will ride the waves. Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭  Franklin Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Monday, March 18, 2024, 8:24 PM, 霜山元 via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: With deepest sympathy as we remember Harrison Owen. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to welcome Mr. Harrison to Japan and have him teach us directly when Open Space Technology was still unknown in our country. We think back on those days as if they were yesterday. We are truly grateful for his spirit, insight, and most of all, for the tremendous influence his being has had on Japanese practitioners. We hope to continue to live the principles of Open Space. Please rest in peace. Human Value from Japan (Daisuke Kawaguchi, Gen Shimoyama) 2024年3月18日(月) 3:20 Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org>: Dear precious friends and colleagues,  Last night Barry Owen reached out to me to say that his dad had passed away... peacefully a few hours earlier in Camden Maine.   He briefly described that Harrison had prepared his family, friends and colleagues well for this moment. Staying in touch and connecting, opening and holding the space.  And that space will always be open, said Barry.  "He's still holding the space now... Earlier in the day, Barry had also shared a love note with me that he wrote to his dad. I asked if he/we could post it here feeling that the message speaks to all of us — his Global Open Space family. He heartily agreed.  Barry was back on the job this morning, in a way, honoring his father's wishes that none of us work too hard or make too much of a big deal of him leaving us.  Of course we know that's impossible for a billion reasons.  But for now as we sit together in this big global circle, grieving and missing him,  with hige blank white sheets in the middle of the virtual floor, each of us expressing our thoughts, feelings and memories, captured in a very special future Book of Proceedings, HERE..the love note that Barry send to his to his dad. I am but the humble messenger.  Suzanne The Title:  Loving You Good morning Dad!I hope  you are feeling the love and comfort from the many millions (BILLIONS) people whose lives have been enriched  by your presence throughout your 88 years while here on Earth. I wish for you a passing of comfort, Love, Peace, Joy HAPPINESS to have lived your life to your FULLEST. You Taught us not to work so damned HARD Right PeopleRight PlaceRightTimeAll the right things have happened    the Lord knows you will pass when "it" is over! --THANK YOU for "The Law of 2 feet"BumbleBeesButterfliesSpace invadersNoses out of joint I Love you Dad!  Barry OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org