"Invitation to Our Closing”
Honoring Harrison Owen ~ A community came together…
April 10th - 2 PM Eastern Time
Place and Space: on ZOOM
“Whoever comes are the right people, on-line or in spirit.”
Together with Harrison, we rode the Solar Eclipse Wave. What a wild ride
these two days have been. A world community came together to share stories
and be with each other. Love was in the space every step of the way.
We felt Harrison’s presence throughout, reveling in the gratitude of what
Open Space Technology has taught us to be and do. The future awaits. The
world is ready. And our mission is clear: to open more and more space.
Tomorrow, we invite the familiar ritual of closing this special space.
Please join us if you can!
Barry, friends and colleagues...!
May Harrison Rest in Action so to speak.
Does anyone have an idea of how we could compile a wiki or something with 1000 of Harrison's greatest hits -there were dozens in his booklet practice of peace if anyone needs that booklet pls tell me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk wash dc
I was privileged to be at 4 lunches (2 at his favorite irish local in Maryland) with Harrison though I never saw an OS of his. In 2001 I was commuting between families in London & Dc (& Scotland). My dad and both grandads and so I did lifelong work on identifying worlds most broken systems and in some cases eg Von Neumann being biographers of people who offered youth solutions they needed to regenerate It was an open space in london designed by a young lady from Kentucky Bridget Peake called CW3 Create World We Want that re-energised me for my last 25 years which seem to have become everyone's final exam if you see UN sdgs as hard deadlines.
In London Bridgets work gave energy to hubs around the world, and several Gandhian movements which became critical to me as my maternal grandad spent 25 years as barrister mediating Gandhi in Mumbai and when I was 9 I shared a class with son of david attenborough and nephew of Richard who directed Gandhi
Some of Harrison stories start with his own conversion; like my paternal grandad he wss studying to be a community hosting priest when something happened that changed how he spent life upsetting his family's plans for him. That was early 1960s while Harrison was in Kennedy's peace corps; accidentally my family have a lot of notes on how the match of purposes of kennedy, a teenage prince charles and the Japan Emperor family (and so Asian transformation beyond what British Empire spun). These purposes match 4 of today's Goats of Artificial Intelligence LLMS good leaders:
King Charles - my last hope for English Language to mediate Good instead of nonsenseAnd 4 people in california 2012 have put AI in middle of every perfect stormFei-Fei Li - see her book with melinda gates and in the dear black girls library Worlds I (and 15 year old female immigrants teenage girls to usa see)
Demis Hassabis whose AI catches up with Einstein's 1905 revolution- nature's maths conflicts with top-down mans science and religions- his databank alphafold 2 on natures 250 million proteins is climate and biotech's best chance
The guy (part of the Taiwan American family of 6) who was building gpus gamers needed when he saw 2012 the greatest games was training machines regenerative ai; interestingly Jensen view of LLMs mimics V Neumann; every mother tongue needs to take back it intel sovereignty and resolve ever fake mindset top-down mba english spins
Priscilla Chan - if anyone can reform mz, meta & NYU Lecun she can
Another part of Harrison story is that he invented open space the same year that steve jobs invented personal computing and hoped he had designed the tool to end big brother. 17 trials later steve hosted Valley's 65th birthday wish party of Fazle Abed agent of 1 billion girls empowerment welcome economistdiary.com abedmooc.com,catholicuni.com Specifically Harrison was an early member of the valley's well. Does anyone hace stories the well told?
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welcome economistdiary.com abedmooc.com,catholicuni.com
Two of my 4 lunches with Harrison weren't for me alone but mainly i hope for a 20 something asian immigrant to USA who arrived 2015 2 months before sdgs were launched. Harrison and she accompanied each other on Harrison's last trip to China where the group I later visited expect Harrison spirit will help empower community building as long as humans breathe Some small feet!
Of course self at 73 those harrison stories i self-organise round dont matter unless we can scale those needed by the next unknown girl. See Economistwomen.com to help map about 25 twin nation women whose brains King Charles AI world series needs to linkin
cheers chris +1 240 316 8157http://www.economistwomen.com
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The King delivers a virtual address at the AI Safety Summit 2023
women and a few men
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economistwomen.com -welcome to AIDevelopment System Maps by 4 billion wo...
On Tuesday, 9 April 2024 at 17:11:38 GMT-4, Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
"Invitation to Our Closing”
Honoring Harrison Owen ~ A community came together…April 10th - 2 PM Eastern TimePlace and Space: on ZOOMhttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/5694939869?pwd=YUY3Q3puekZ5THljNjFoU2dCTjNuQT09“Whoever comes are the right people, on-line or in spirit.”******Together with Harrison, we rode the Solar Eclipse Wave. What a wild ride these two days have been. A world community came together to share stories and be with each other. Love was in the space every step of the way.We felt Harrison’s presence throughout, reveling in the gratitude of what Open Space Technology has taught us to be and do. The future awaits. The world is ready. And our mission is clear: to open more and more space.Tomorrow, we invite the familiar ritual of closing this special space. Please join us if you can!Barry, friends and colleagues...!
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Suzanne and friends all,
I´ll be missing the online closing circle,
and anyway, we are all holding space
Yesteday I started to read Harrison´s last written gift,
(I had printed it as he sent it to the OSLIST,
(and it was lost among other readings).
It suddenly reappeared soon after HO´s voyage:
"After the rage"
The entrance pargaraph is delicious,
and his invitation on it´´s last line,
humble and empowering, typical fromHarrison:
"Tell your own story"!
I remember, soon after having met HO (and you, too, Suzanne) in the
2010 Peace and High Performance Learning Experience
in NYC, having conversations with him and Angeles Arrien
to have both of them for a trip in the Basque Country.
Harrison was very supporting the idea.
Fiinally, due to a very full agenda on Angeles´side,
We left it for the "maybe one day".
Now we´ll continue their way
in deep connection
with both of them.
Gentza Eleder
Hemendik: Suzanne Daigle via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko apirilaren 9(a), asteartea 23:11
Hona: OS list everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] Closing Invitation ~ Harrison Gathering
"Invitation to Our Closing"
Honoring Harrison Owen ~ A community came together...
April 10th - 2 PM Eastern Time
Place and Space: on ZOOM
"Whoever comes are the right people, on-line or in spirit."
Together with Harrison, we rode the Solar Eclipse Wave. What a wild ride these two days have been. A world community came together to share stories and be with each other. Love was in the space every step of the way.
We felt Harrison's presence throughout, reveling in the gratitude of what Open Space Technology has taught us to be and do. The future awaits. The world is ready. And our mission is clear: to open more and more space.
Tomorrow, we invite the familiar ritual of closing this special space. Please join us if you can!
Barry, friends and colleagues...!
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Greetings everyone
I have loved being part of ‘the waking of Harrison’.
it was a privilege to be able to join the sacred space with the worldwide community on zoom for a couple of hours yesterday.
The timing for the closing circle is beyond my own ‘awaking hours’ tonight as it will be 2am here in Albany, Western Australia.
I will go off to sleep now, dreaming of how the closing circle will gather to honour the conclusion of this amazing gathering.
And for me, the experience of participating, sharing stories, listening and singing, has reawakened my longing to continue opening more space
in honour of our shared humanity and our eternal connection to the special spirit of Harrison,
a man who discerned his true calling and lived with a dedicated passion for the possible.
May the celebrations of his life and the laughter of the leprechauns surround us all tonight.
With deep appreciation and gratitude
On 10 Apr 2024, at 5:11 am, Suzanne Daigle via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:
"Invitation to Our Closing”
Honoring Harrison Owen ~ A community came together…
April 10th - 2 PM Eastern Time
Place and Space: on ZOOM
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5694939869?pwd=YUY3Q3puekZ5THljNjFoU2dCTjNuQT09 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5694939869?pwd=YUY3Q3puekZ5THljNjFoU2dCTjNuQT09
“Whoever comes are the right people, on-line or in spirit.”
Together with Harrison, we rode the Solar Eclipse Wave. What a wild ride these two days have been. A world community came together to share stories and be with each other. Love was in the space every step of the way.
We felt Harrison’s presence throughout, reveling in the gratitude of what Open Space Technology has taught us to be and do. The future awaits. The world is ready. And our mission is clear: to open more and more space.
Tomorrow, we invite the familiar ritual of closing this special space. Please join us if you can!
Barry, friends and colleagues...!
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Thank you for all who hosted and held this space. Timing meant I was unable
to drop in, but it has been a rich and moving experience to read everyone's
stories and memories here.
On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 8:38 AM Brendan McKeague via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
Greetings everyone
I have loved being part of ‘the waking of Harrison’.
it was a privilege to be able to join the sacred space with the worldwide
community on zoom for a couple of hours yesterday.
The timing for the closing circle is beyond my own ‘awaking hours’ tonight
as it will be 2am here in Albany, Western Australia.
I will go off to sleep now, dreaming of how the closing circle will gather
to honour the conclusion of this amazing gathering.
And for me, the experience of participating, sharing stories, listening
and singing, has reawakened my longing to continue opening more space
in honour of our shared humanity and our eternal connection to the special
spirit of Harrison,
a man who discerned his true calling and lived with a dedicated passion
for the possible.
May the celebrations of his life and the laughter of the leprechauns
surround us all tonight.
With deep appreciation and gratitude
On 10 Apr 2024, at 5:11 am, Suzanne Daigle via OSList everyone@oslist.org
"Invitation to Our Closing”
Honoring Harrison Owen ~ A community came together…
April 10th - 2 PM Eastern Time
Place and Space: on ZOOM
“Whoever comes are the right people, on-line or in spirit.”
Together with Harrison, we rode the Solar Eclipse Wave. What a wild ride
these two days have been. A world community came together to share stories
and be with each other. Love was in the space every step of the way.
We felt Harrison’s presence throughout, reveling in the gratitude of what
Open Space Technology has taught us to be and do. The future awaits. The
world is ready. And our mission is clear: to open more and more space.
Tomorrow, we invite the familiar ritual of closing this special space.
Please join us if you can!
Barry, friends and colleagues...!
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com
Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com
Upcoming events and workshops and online courses:
Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory,
It was my honor to bring a little music to the closing.
“Open Space” by Housefires
“Peace Love and Understanding” by Elvis Costello
“Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin
“Georgia on my Mind” sung by Ray Charles
Rijon Erickson
Click here https://dot.cards/rijon for all other contact methods.
On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 2:59 PM Chris Corrigan via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
Thank you for all who hosted and held this space. Timing meant I was
unable to drop in, but it has been a rich and moving experience to read
everyone's stories and memories here.
On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 8:38 AM Brendan McKeague via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
Greetings everyone
I have loved being part of ‘the waking of Harrison’.
it was a privilege to be able to join the sacred space with the worldwide
community on zoom for a couple of hours yesterday.
The timing for the closing circle is beyond my own ‘awaking hours’
tonight as it will be 2am here in Albany, Western Australia.
I will go off to sleep now, dreaming of how the closing circle will
gather to honour the conclusion of this amazing gathering.
And for me, the experience of participating, sharing stories, listening
and singing, has reawakened my longing to continue opening more space
in honour of our shared humanity and our eternal connection to the
special spirit of Harrison,
a man who discerned his true calling and lived with a dedicated passion
for the possible.
May the celebrations of his life and the laughter of the leprechauns
surround us all tonight.
With deep appreciation and gratitude
On 10 Apr 2024, at 5:11 am, Suzanne Daigle via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
"Invitation to Our Closing”
Honoring Harrison Owen ~ A community came together…
April 10th - 2 PM Eastern Time
Place and Space: on ZOOM
“Whoever comes are the right people, on-line or in spirit.”
Together with Harrison, we rode the Solar Eclipse Wave. What a wild ride
these two days have been. A world community came together to share stories
and be with each other. Love was in the space every step of the way.
We felt Harrison’s presence throughout, reveling in the gratitude of what
Open Space Technology has taught us to be and do. The future awaits. The
world is ready. And our mission is clear: to open more and more space.
Tomorrow, we invite the familiar ritual of closing this special space.
Please join us if you can!
Barry, friends and colleagues...!
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:
Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com
Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com
Upcoming events and workshops and online courses:
Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory,
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Dear Rijon -
Your musical additions were the perfect segue in Harrison's closing; especially 'Open Space' (chills!).
It definitely will become the background music as folks assemble for future OS gatherings with which I'm associated, beginning with the June 1 event here in Black Mountain NC, the theme of which is 'Practicing Love'.
Much Love to All, and Thanks Again to Barry and Suzanne for a remarkable send off for our servant leader, Harrison.
On Apr 10, 2024, at 5:04 PM, Rijon Erickson via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
It was my honor to bring a little music to the closing.
“Open Space” by Housefires
“Peace Love and Understanding” by Elvis Costello
“Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin
“Georgia on my Mind” sung by Ray Charles
Rijon Erickson
Click here for all other contact methods.
On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 2:59 PM Chris Corrigan via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
Thank you for all who hosted and held this space. Timing meant I was unable to drop in, but it has been a rich and moving experience to read everyone's stories and memories here.
On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 8:38 AM Brendan McKeague via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
Greetings everyone
I have loved being part of ‘the waking of Harrison’.it was a privilege to be able to join the sacred space with the worldwide community on zoom for a couple of hours yesterday.
The timing for the closing circle is beyond my own ‘awaking hours’ tonight as it will be 2am here in Albany, Western Australia.
I will go off to sleep now, dreaming of how the closing circle will gather to honour the conclusion of this amazing gathering.
And for me, the experience of participating, sharing stories, listening and singing, has reawakened my longing to continue opening more space
in honour of our shared humanity and our eternal connection to the special spirit of Harrison,
a man who discerned his true calling and lived with a dedicated passion for the possible.
May the celebrations of his life and the laughter of the leprechauns surround us all tonight.
With deep appreciation and gratitude
On 10 Apr 2024, at 5:11 am, Suzanne Daigle via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
"Invitation to Our Closing”
Honoring Harrison Owen ~ A community came together…
April 10th - 2 PM Eastern Time
Place and Space: on ZOOM
“Whoever comes are the right people, on-line or in spirit.”
Together with Harrison, we rode the Solar Eclipse Wave. What a wild ride these two days have been. A world community came together to share stories and be with each other. Love was in the space every step of the way.
We felt Harrison’s presence throughout, reveling in the gratitude of what Open Space Technology has taught us to be and do. The future awaits. The world is ready. And our mission is clear: to open more and more space.
Tomorrow, we invite the familiar ritual of closing this special space. Please join us if you can!
Barry, friends and colleagues...!
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.orgOSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org--
CHRIS CORRIGANBlog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com
Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com
Upcoming events and workshops and online courses: https://www.chriscorrigan.com/parkinglot/events/
Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory,
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.orgOSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org