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Announcing a topic in OS-Garden this Thursday: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?

Thomas Herrmann
Mon, Oct 28, 2024 1:15 PM

I am announcing a topic for the first session of our OS-garden on Thursday (1 pm. CET) Note we just had the change to normal time in Europe (winter) so check here for your time zonehttps://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=WOSonOS+-+Issues+%26+opportunities%3F&iso=20241031T13&p1=291&ah=1.

WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?
We will meet in the main room/café on Qiqo: The Café | Open Space Community on QiqoChathttps://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens
Then those who care for this topic are welcome to join me to move over to the Jardin Botanico in Brazil 😊
Thomas Herrmann
Open Space Consulting AB

Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81
Email: thomas@openspaceconsulting.commailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com
Homepage: www.openspaceconsulting.comhttp://www.openspaceconsulting.com/ / www.5toFold.comhttp://www.5tofold.com/
Profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsulthttp://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult

Open Space Consulting frigör livskraft i människor, organisationer och samhälle.
We release lifepower in people, organizations and society.

Trainings/workshops (Info & registrationhttps://openspaceconsulting.com/kategori/aktiviteter/kommande-aktiviteter/)
Oct 31-Nov 2: World OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace Istanbul, Turkey.
Nov 26-29: Whole Person Process Facilitation (ONLINE), ½ day, 2 full days, ½ day!

Jan 14-16: Att arbeta hållbart med Open Space-metoden, Örby, Sverige
Febr 11-13: Whole Person Process Facilitation, Örby, Sverige
Mar 12: Erfa-utbyte om Open Space (gratis, online)
Mar 19-21: Whole Person Process Facilitation, the Netherlands
Sept 9-11: Working with Open Space Technology, the Netherlands

Continous opportunities for online learning - selfstudy + mentoring – leadership and facilitation incl Open Space

I am announcing a topic for the first session of our OS-garden on Thursday (1 pm. CET) Note we just had the change to normal time in Europe (winter) so check here for your time zone<https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=WOSonOS+-+Issues+%26+opportunities%3F&iso=20241031T13&p1=291&ah=1>. WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities? We will meet in the main room/café on Qiqo: The Café | Open Space Community on QiqoChat<https://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens> Then those who care for this topic are welcome to join me to move over to the Jardin Botanico in Brazil 😊 Welcome Thomas Herrmann Open Space Consulting AB Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81 Email: thomas@openspaceconsulting.com<mailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com> Homepage: www.openspaceconsulting.com<http://www.openspaceconsulting.com/> / www.5toFold.com<http://www.5tofold.com/> Profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult<http://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult> Open Space Consulting frigör livskraft i människor, organisationer och samhälle. We release lifepower in people, organizations and society. Trainings/workshops (Info & registration<https://openspaceconsulting.com/kategori/aktiviteter/kommande-aktiviteter/>) 2024 Oct 31-Nov 2: World OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace Istanbul, Turkey. Nov 26-29: Whole Person Process Facilitation (ONLINE), ½ day, 2 full days, ½ day! 2025 Jan 14-16: Att arbeta hållbart med Open Space-metoden, Örby, Sverige Febr 11-13: Whole Person Process Facilitation, Örby, Sverige Mar 12: Erfa-utbyte om Open Space (gratis, online) Mar 19-21: Whole Person Process Facilitation, the Netherlands Sept 9-11: Working with Open Space Technology, the Netherlands Continous opportunities for online learning - selfstudy + mentoring – leadership and facilitation incl Open Space [cid:image001.png@01DB2942.EC1C4E60]
Thomas Herrmann
Thu, Oct 31, 2024 9:09 AM

Dear friends in Open Space
Some of you are gathering today in Istanbul – I wish you wonderful human encounters and good conversations!

FYI and everyone else “out there “ a reminder that I have posted a topic in the Qiqo Garden of Jardim Botanico at 1 pm CET, which I understand is 3 pm Istanbul time! Here you find to the Open Space Gardenshttps://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens.

My topic is: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?
My idea has emerged a bit more and my plan is to invite whoever shows up to

  • landing in the circle (transfer in),
  • storysharing about WOSonOS and then
  • possibly use The Medicine Wheel Tool to briefly start a taste of an exploration of purpose, leadership, vision, community and management 😊
  • Closing circle

I am preparing a circle and space on a Zoom whiteboard for the meeting.
Curious to see if you show up 😊
PS. I plan to feed back the documentation to the newswall in Istanbul, if you accept it.

Från: Thomas Herrmann
Skickat: den 28 oktober 2024 14:16
Till: OSLIST (everyone@oslist.org) everyone@oslist.org
Ämne: Announcing a topic in OS-Garden this Thursday: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?

I am announcing a topic for the first session of our OS-garden on Thursday (1 pm. CET) Note we just had the change to normal time in Europe (winter) so check here for your time zonehttps://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=WOSonOS+-+Issues+%26+opportunities%3F&iso=20241031T13&p1=291&ah=1.

WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?

We will meet in the main room/café on Qiqo: The Café | Open Space Community on QiqoChathttps://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens
Then those who care for this topic are welcome to join me to move over to the Jardin Botanico in Brazil 😊
Thomas Herrmann
Open Space Consulting AB

Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81
Email: thomas@openspaceconsulting.commailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com
Homepage: www.openspaceconsulting.comhttp://www.openspaceconsulting.com/ / www.5toFold.comhttp://www.5tofold.com/
Profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsulthttp://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult

Open Space Consulting frigör livskraft i människor, organisationer och samhälle.
We release lifepower in people, organizations and society.

Trainings/workshops (Info & registrationhttps://openspaceconsulting.com/kategori/aktiviteter/kommande-aktiviteter/)
Oct 31-Nov 2: World OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace Istanbul, Turkey.
Nov 26-29: Whole Person Process Facilitation (ONLINE), ½ day, 2 full days, ½ day!

Jan 14-16: Att arbeta hållbart med Open Space-metoden, Örby, Sverige
Febr 11-13: Whole Person Process Facilitation, Örby, Sverige
Mar 12: Erfa-utbyte om Open Space (gratis, online)
Mar 19-21: Whole Person Process Facilitation, the Netherlands
Sept 9-11: Working with Open Space Technology, the Netherlands

Continous opportunities for online learning - selfstudy + mentoring – leadership and facilitation incl Open Space

Dear friends in Open Space Some of you are gathering today in Istanbul – I wish you wonderful human encounters and good conversations! FYI and everyone else “out there “ a reminder that I have posted a topic in the Qiqo Garden of Jardim Botanico at 1 pm CET, which I understand is 3 pm Istanbul time! Here you find to the Open Space Gardens<https://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens>. My topic is: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities? My idea has emerged a bit more and my plan is to invite whoever shows up to * landing in the circle (transfer in), * storysharing about WOSonOS and then * possibly use The Medicine Wheel Tool to briefly start a taste of an exploration of purpose, leadership, vision, community and management 😊 * Closing circle I am preparing a circle and space on a Zoom whiteboard for the meeting. Curious to see if you show up 😊 Thomas PS. I plan to feed back the documentation to the newswall in Istanbul, if you accept it. Från: Thomas Herrmann Skickat: den 28 oktober 2024 14:16 Till: OSLIST (everyone@oslist.org) <everyone@oslist.org> Ämne: Announcing a topic in OS-Garden this Thursday: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities? I am announcing a topic for the first session of our OS-garden on Thursday (1 pm. CET) Note we just had the change to normal time in Europe (winter) so check here for your time zone<https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=WOSonOS+-+Issues+%26+opportunities%3F&iso=20241031T13&p1=291&ah=1>. WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities? We will meet in the main room/café on Qiqo: The Café | Open Space Community on QiqoChat<https://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens> Then those who care for this topic are welcome to join me to move over to the Jardin Botanico in Brazil 😊 Welcome Thomas Herrmann Open Space Consulting AB Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81 Email: thomas@openspaceconsulting.com<mailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com> Homepage: www.openspaceconsulting.com<http://www.openspaceconsulting.com/> / www.5toFold.com<http://www.5tofold.com/> Profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult<http://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult> Open Space Consulting frigör livskraft i människor, organisationer och samhälle. We release lifepower in people, organizations and society. Trainings/workshops (Info & registration<https://openspaceconsulting.com/kategori/aktiviteter/kommande-aktiviteter/>) 2024 Oct 31-Nov 2: World OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace Istanbul, Turkey. Nov 26-29: Whole Person Process Facilitation (ONLINE), ½ day, 2 full days, ½ day! 2025 Jan 14-16: Att arbeta hållbart med Open Space-metoden, Örby, Sverige Febr 11-13: Whole Person Process Facilitation, Örby, Sverige Mar 12: Erfa-utbyte om Open Space (gratis, online) Mar 19-21: Whole Person Process Facilitation, the Netherlands Sept 9-11: Working with Open Space Technology, the Netherlands Continous opportunities for online learning - selfstudy + mentoring – leadership and facilitation incl Open Space [cid:image001.png@01DB2B7B.0EF39DA0]
Thomas Herrmann
Thu, Oct 31, 2024 1:55 PM

Here are the notes from todays session in the Open Space Gardens on QiqoChat on the topic: WOSonOS – Issues & opportunities?

I started off by myself, truly enjoying my own transfer in, then sharing stories, including digging in my archives on my computer, finding several old memories.

…. Then out of the blue – comes Marai Kiele (who had a change in plans and saw my reminder on the OSLIST) joining me after 20 minutes. So we had a transfer in together, shared stories and ended with a closing circle(we didn’t get to the board I had prepared - for exploring the foundations of WOSonOS). Here’s a pic of the board that we usedhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1RTeXFJywG1jEjMdIc9LVQpw6yWqvcCUc/view?usp=sharing – a Zoom whiteboard I had prepared for this.

I even took on an action: To update the info about OST in Swedish, on openspaceworld.org – it’s been in my mind for 20 years 😊
I became aware of that I’ve been to 13 WOSonOS’ since my start in 2000!
I also had an ah’a, that in the future when we are even more participants here, we can start with an opening in the central garden, set a time for whoever wants to join a closing circle, then head out to break outs. When we are there I think its nice to have a facilitator – nice training opportunity for anyone who feels prepared and ready to give it a go.
Thanks for today!

Från: Thomas Herrmann
Skickat: den 31 oktober 2024 10:09
Till: OSLIST (everyone@oslist.org) everyone@oslist.org
Ämne: Reminder: Announcing a topic in OS-Garden this Thursday: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?

Dear friends in Open Space
Some of you are gathering today in Istanbul – I wish you wonderful human encounters and good conversations!

FYI and everyone else “out there “ a reminder that I have posted a topic in the Qiqo Garden of Jardim Botanico at 1 pm CET, which I understand is 3 pm Istanbul time! Here you find to the Open Space Gardenshttps://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens.

My topic is: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?
My idea has emerged a bit more and my plan is to invite whoever shows up to

  • landing in the circle (transfer in),
  • storysharing about WOSonOS and then
  • possibly use The Medicine Wheel Tool to briefly start a taste of an exploration of purpose, leadership, vision, community and management 😊
  • Closing circle

I am preparing a circle and space on a Zoom whiteboard for the meeting.
Curious to see if you show up 😊
PS. I plan to feed back the documentation to the newswall in Istanbul, if you accept it.

Från: Thomas Herrmann
Skickat: den 28 oktober 2024 14:16
Till: OSLIST (everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org) <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org>
Ämne: Announcing a topic in OS-Garden this Thursday: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?

I am announcing a topic for the first session of our OS-garden on Thursday (1 pm. CET) Note we just had the change to normal time in Europe (winter) so check here for your time zonehttps://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=WOSonOS+-+Issues+%26+opportunities%3F&iso=20241031T13&p1=291&ah=1.

WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities?

We will meet in the main room/café on Qiqo: The Café | Open Space Community on QiqoChathttps://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens
Then those who care for this topic are welcome to join me to move over to the Jardin Botanico in Brazil 😊
Thomas Herrmann
Open Space Consulting AB

Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81
Email: thomas@openspaceconsulting.commailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com
Homepage: www.openspaceconsulting.comhttp://www.openspaceconsulting.com/ / www.5toFold.comhttp://www.5tofold.com/
Profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsulthttp://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult

Open Space Consulting frigör livskraft i människor, organisationer och samhälle.
We release lifepower in people, organizations and society.

Trainings/workshops (Info & registrationhttps://openspaceconsulting.com/kategori/aktiviteter/kommande-aktiviteter/)
Oct 31-Nov 2: World OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace Istanbul, Turkey.
Nov 26-29: Whole Person Process Facilitation (ONLINE), ½ day, 2 full days, ½ day!

Jan 14-16: Att arbeta hållbart med Open Space-metoden, Örby, Sverige
Febr 11-13: Whole Person Process Facilitation, Örby, Sverige
Mar 12: Erfa-utbyte om Open Space (gratis, online)
Mar 19-21: Whole Person Process Facilitation, the Netherlands
Sept 9-11: Working with Open Space Technology, the Netherlands

Continous opportunities for online learning - selfstudy + mentoring – leadership and facilitation incl Open Space

Here are the notes from todays session in the Open Space Gardens on QiqoChat on the topic: WOSonOS – Issues & opportunities? I started off by myself, truly enjoying my own transfer in, then sharing stories, including digging in my archives on my computer, finding several old memories. …. Then out of the blue – comes Marai Kiele (who had a change in plans and saw my reminder on the OSLIST) joining me after 20 minutes. So we had a transfer in together, shared stories and ended with a closing circle(we didn’t get to the board I had prepared - for exploring the foundations of WOSonOS). Here’s a pic of the board that we used<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RTeXFJywG1jEjMdIc9LVQpw6yWqvcCUc/view?usp=sharing> – a Zoom whiteboard I had prepared for this. I even took on an action: To update the info about OST in Swedish, on openspaceworld.org – it’s been in my mind for 20 years 😊 I became aware of that I’ve been to 13 WOSonOS’ since my start in 2000! I also had an ah’a, that in the future when we are even more participants here, we can start with an opening in the central garden, set a time for whoever wants to join a closing circle, then head out to break outs. When we are there I think its nice to have a facilitator – nice training opportunity for anyone who feels prepared and ready to give it a go. Thanks for today! Thomas Från: Thomas Herrmann Skickat: den 31 oktober 2024 10:09 Till: OSLIST (everyone@oslist.org) <everyone@oslist.org> Ämne: Reminder: Announcing a topic in OS-Garden this Thursday: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities? Dear friends in Open Space Some of you are gathering today in Istanbul – I wish you wonderful human encounters and good conversations! FYI and everyone else “out there “ a reminder that I have posted a topic in the Qiqo Garden of Jardim Botanico at 1 pm CET, which I understand is 3 pm Istanbul time! Here you find to the Open Space Gardens<https://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens>. My topic is: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities? My idea has emerged a bit more and my plan is to invite whoever shows up to * landing in the circle (transfer in), * storysharing about WOSonOS and then * possibly use The Medicine Wheel Tool to briefly start a taste of an exploration of purpose, leadership, vision, community and management 😊 * Closing circle I am preparing a circle and space on a Zoom whiteboard for the meeting. Curious to see if you show up 😊 Thomas PS. I plan to feed back the documentation to the newswall in Istanbul, if you accept it. Från: Thomas Herrmann Skickat: den 28 oktober 2024 14:16 Till: OSLIST (everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>) <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> Ämne: Announcing a topic in OS-Garden this Thursday: WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities? I am announcing a topic for the first session of our OS-garden on Thursday (1 pm. CET) Note we just had the change to normal time in Europe (winter) so check here for your time zone<https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=WOSonOS+-+Issues+%26+opportunities%3F&iso=20241031T13&p1=291&ah=1>. WOSonOS - Issues & opportunities? We will meet in the main room/café on Qiqo: The Café | Open Space Community on QiqoChat<https://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens> Then those who care for this topic are welcome to join me to move over to the Jardin Botanico in Brazil 😊 Welcome Thomas Herrmann Open Space Consulting AB Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81 Email: thomas@openspaceconsulting.com<mailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com> Homepage: www.openspaceconsulting.com<http://www.openspaceconsulting.com/> / www.5toFold.com<http://www.5tofold.com/> Profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult<http://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult> Open Space Consulting frigör livskraft i människor, organisationer och samhälle. We release lifepower in people, organizations and society. Trainings/workshops (Info & registration<https://openspaceconsulting.com/kategori/aktiviteter/kommande-aktiviteter/>) 2024 Oct 31-Nov 2: World OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace Istanbul, Turkey. Nov 26-29: Whole Person Process Facilitation (ONLINE), ½ day, 2 full days, ½ day! 2025 Jan 14-16: Att arbeta hållbart med Open Space-metoden, Örby, Sverige Febr 11-13: Whole Person Process Facilitation, Örby, Sverige Mar 12: Erfa-utbyte om Open Space (gratis, online) Mar 19-21: Whole Person Process Facilitation, the Netherlands Sept 9-11: Working with Open Space Technology, the Netherlands Continous opportunities for online learning - selfstudy + mentoring – leadership and facilitation incl Open Space [cid:image001.png@01DB2BA2.147A0940]
Christine Whitney Sanchez
Thu, Oct 31, 2024 7:24 PM

Dear Open Space community,

Aloha from beautiful Kauai, where my husband and I are beginning our journey in Hawaii and Japan to celebrate our 45th anniversary, my milestone birthday and retirement from Arizona State University.

From the open space of this oldest Hawaiian island to all of you who are participating in WOSonOS in Istanbul, I send the Spirit of Aloha -  the sharing of life’s breath with you.

With deep appreciation to you, Funda, for leading the convening of WOSonOS 2024.



Christine Whitney Sanchez
Phoenix, AZ, USA • +1.480.882.8181
christinewhitneysanchez.com https://christinewhitneysanchez.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ChristineWhitneySanchez/ | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/ |  Instagram https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/

Dear Open Space community, Aloha from beautiful Kauai, where my husband and I are beginning our journey in Hawaii and Japan to celebrate our 45th anniversary, my milestone birthday and retirement from Arizona State University. From the open space of this oldest Hawaiian island to all of you who are participating in WOSonOS in Istanbul, I send the Spirit of Aloha - the sharing of life’s breath with you. With deep appreciation to you, Funda, for leading the convening of WOSonOS 2024. Namaste, Christine Christine Whitney Sanchez Phoenix, AZ, USA • +1.480.882.8181 christinewhitneysanchez.com <https://christinewhitneysanchez.com/> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/ChristineWhitneySanchez/> | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/> | Instagram <https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/>