A Learning Café, every Thursday at 3 pm EDT
*Topic: Raise the Value of Learning via time currency in shared activities *
Your invited to talk about initiatives that make a difference. This is
the perfect opportunity to share ideas. We'll be discussing various
projects that aim to promote a local economy. It's a time to say what's
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 3382 7987
Pass code: 174745
Our chat will be casual and open-ended, so feel free to come with any
questions, comments, or ideas you may have. We'd love to hear from you
and have you be part of the conversation!
**Know that your comments are greatly appreciated, :thinking: :joy:
Click HERE to Chat with Tony
More Fun - Less Stuff :joy:
with a Learning Network :thinking:
Click HERE to Contact Tony
Become a Member at top left and
Record your unpaid work time for
valuable - Learning Time Credits. https://hourworld.org/bank/?hw=1968