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Report: Kraftsamling (“gathering of strength”). How do we strengthen and protect the democracy TOGETHER?

Thomas Herrmann
Fri, Oct 18, 2024 7:49 AM

Dear friends in Open Space
We had a lovely session yesterday. Here’s the notes made by the participants during our conversation which lasted almost 2 hours!
Convener: Thomas Herrmann
Participants: Kinna, John, Harold, Heidi, Tony

We started, gathered in the central garden, checked which sessions were offered and all went together to Nichat Bagh garden in india (one of the spaces created by Lucas (Qiqo owner and space-giver for us 😊) to have our conversation.

Thomas had prepared a Zoom whiteboard to have a circle and make notes – worked well I think. Here’s a pic of the board.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n38Xm_rti80D_0PZQz6MB6loii9lhJY5/view?usp=sharing It includes a pic from our QiqoPro page. We had a morning circle, Kinna and Thomas shared about the Democracy work we are doing. Then we had a conversation in the circle using a talking object. Finally a closing circle.
All participants were invited to make notes on the stickies prepared. I pasted them below, just added a few clarifications. Please add more if you like, those who were present and of course everyone is welcome with questions and reflections!

  • Kinna and Thomas have arranged two national 3-day conferences (2023 and 2024) and one regional 2024, on the topic: Kraftsamling (“gathering of strength”). How do we strengthen and protect the democracy TOGETHER?

  • Goal is about 1000 participants from 200 organizations. (We had 110 participants 2023 and about 60 in April 2024). Kinna has worked a lot to have the beautiful diversity – which is a given for us!

  • We have worked with OST to strengthen och protect democrazy in Sweden for two years and two national OSTs and one regional OST

  • OST FAcilitator working with a Grassroots Activist (Kinna). We have arranged planning meetings, the OSTs and follow up meetings. Mostly online except from the big OSTs.

  • English: From the invitation: The democracies in the world continue to shrink and dismantle, year after year. Over the past 10 years, democracy has declined the most in Europe. Even strong democracies like Sweden are being challenged. Objectives of the conference: * Gathering strength to strengthen and protect democracy * Cross-border collaboration between all parts of society * Strengthened capacity and collaboration between individuals, civil society, the business community and the public sector All for increased awareness of democracy issues - for joint monitoring of the development of democracy - as a voice bearer for democracy in everyday life - as a preservator and developer of democracy

  • The design we use: Evening 1: Storytelling evening. Day 2: Full day in Open Space. Day 3: Action planning. Ending with lunch at 1 pm.

  • We use a QiqoPro page to gather all information about what’s going on, that we know of, documentation from the conferences, evaluations, info about Open Space and we try to get energy into the forum. The page is password protected so only participants of the conferences have access.

  • One of the participant said - This is the world I want to live in, I am safe, we are equal and my vocie matters

  • Challenge to make it financially sustainable – we have put maaaaany hours into this with minor monetary return.

  • Syntropic Agro Forestry

  • What is the vision with democrazy?

  • Democrazy or "The democrazy"?

  • Include everyone

  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UfX25_V_DVL4MGnhlSwQH3zAUP7NQOMe/view?usp=drive_link

  • Gathering of Tribes https://gatheringoftribes.earth/

  • Balance between concrete results and change within ourself. We try to communicate the principles and law to live on throughout the year.

  • https://www.amazon.com/How-Minds-Change-Surprising-Persuasion/dp/0593190297

  • https://www.amazon.com/Change-How-Make-Things-Happen/dp/1529373387/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.bgeCEKv02XCws3xPiseF7g.arbgn0sZvk-BGLQWX4boaQhNE70ZjlNn2KgERBDsPLI&qid=1729183210&sr=1-1

Thank you all for participating and sharing! Amazing!
All the best
Thomas Herrmann
Open Space Consulting AB

Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81
Email: thomas@openspaceconsulting.commailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com
Homepage: www.openspaceconsulting.comhttp://www.openspaceconsulting.com/ / www.5toFold.comhttp://www.5tofold.com/
Profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsulthttp://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult
Company page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OpenSpaceConsultinghttp://www.facebook.com/OpenSpaceConsulting

Open Space Consulting frigör livskraft i människor, organisationer och samhälle.
We release lifepower in people, organizations and society.

Medskapande är här för att stanna – dags att vässa er förmåga?
Co-creation is here to stay – time to sharpen your skills?

Trainings/workshops 2024
Aktuella lärtillfällen: Aktiviteter - Open Space Consultinghttps://openspaceconsulting.com/kategori/aktiviteter/kommande-aktiviteter/
Samtliga våra reguljära kurser. Utbildning - Open Space Consultinghttps://openspaceconsulting.com/vara-tjanster/utbildning/

Oct 31-Nov 2: World OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace Istanbul, Turkey.
Nov 26-29: Whole Person Process Facilitation (ONLINE), ½ day, 2 full days, ½ day!

Jan 14-16: Att arbeta hållbart med Open Space-metoden, Örby, Sverige
Febr 11-13: Whole Person Process Facilitation, Örby, Sverige
Mar 12: Erfa-utbyte om Open Space (gratis, online)
Mar 19-21: Whole Person Process Facilitation, the Netherlands
Sept 9-11: Working with Open Space Technology, the Netherlands

Continous opportunities for online learning - selfstudy + mentoring – leadership and facilitation incl Open Space

More info & registration: Aktiviteter - anmälan - Open Space Consultinghttps://openspaceconsulting.com/open-space-consulting-aktiviteter/aktiviteter-anmalan/
Or get in touch via email thomas@openspaceconsulting.commailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com


Dear friends in Open Space We had a lovely session yesterday. Here’s the notes made by the participants during our conversation which lasted almost 2 hours! Convener: Thomas Herrmann Participants: Kinna, John, Harold, Heidi, Tony We started, gathered in the central garden, checked which sessions were offered and all went together to Nichat Bagh garden in india (one of the spaces created by Lucas (Qiqo owner and space-giver for us 😊) to have our conversation. Thomas had prepared a Zoom whiteboard to have a circle and make notes – worked well I think. Here’s a pic of the board.<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n38Xm_rti80D_0PZQz6MB6loii9lhJY5/view?usp=sharing> It includes a pic from our QiqoPro page. We had a morning circle, Kinna and Thomas shared about the Democracy work we are doing. Then we had a conversation in the circle using a talking object. Finally a closing circle. All participants were invited to make notes on the stickies prepared. I pasted them below, just added a few clarifications. Please add more if you like, those who were present and of course everyone is welcome with questions and reflections! * Kinna and Thomas have arranged two national 3-day conferences (2023 and 2024) and one regional 2024, on the topic: Kraftsamling (“gathering of strength”). How do we strengthen and protect the democracy TOGETHER? * Goal is about 1000 participants from 200 organizations. (We had 110 participants 2023 and about 60 in April 2024). Kinna has worked a lot to have the beautiful diversity – which is a given for us! * We have worked with OST to strengthen och protect democrazy in Sweden for two years and two national OSTs and one regional OST * OST FAcilitator working with a Grassroots Activist (Kinna). We have arranged planning meetings, the OSTs and follow up meetings. Mostly online except from the big OSTs. * English: From the invitation: The democracies in the world continue to shrink and dismantle, year after year. Over the past 10 years, democracy has declined the most in Europe. Even strong democracies like Sweden are being challenged. Objectives of the conference: * Gathering strength to strengthen and protect democracy * Cross-border collaboration between all parts of society * Strengthened capacity and collaboration between individuals, civil society, the business community and the public sector All for increased awareness of democracy issues - for joint monitoring of the development of democracy - as a voice bearer for democracy in everyday life - as a preservator and developer of democracy * The design we use: Evening 1: Storytelling evening. Day 2: Full day in Open Space. Day 3: Action planning. Ending with lunch at 1 pm. * We use a QiqoPro page to gather all information about what’s going on, that we know of, documentation from the conferences, evaluations, info about Open Space and we try to get energy into the forum. The page is password protected so only participants of the conferences have access. * One of the participant said - This is the world I want to live in, I am safe, we are equal and my vocie matters * Challenge to make it financially sustainable – we have put maaaaany hours into this with minor monetary return. * Syntropic Agro Forestry * What is the vision with democrazy? * Democrazy or "The democrazy"? * Include everyone * https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UfX25_V_DVL4MGnhlSwQH3zAUP7NQOMe/view?usp=drive_link * Gathering of Tribes https://gatheringoftribes.earth/ * Balance between concrete results and change within ourself. We try to communicate the principles and law to live on throughout the year. * https://www.amazon.com/How-Minds-Change-Surprising-Persuasion/dp/0593190297 * https://www.amazon.com/Change-How-Make-Things-Happen/dp/1529373387/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.bgeCEKv02XCws3xPiseF7g.arbgn0sZvk-BGLQWX4boaQhNE70ZjlNn2KgERBDsPLI&qid=1729183210&sr=1-1 Thank you all for participating and sharing! Amazing! All the best Thomas Herrmann Open Space Consulting AB Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81 Email: thomas@openspaceconsulting.com<mailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com> Homepage: www.openspaceconsulting.com<http://www.openspaceconsulting.com/> / www.5toFold.com<http://www.5tofold.com/> Profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult<http://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasherrmannopenspaceconsult> Company page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OpenSpaceConsulting<http://www.facebook.com/OpenSpaceConsulting> Open Space Consulting frigör livskraft i människor, organisationer och samhälle. We release lifepower in people, organizations and society. Medskapande är här för att stanna – dags att vässa er förmåga? Co-creation is here to stay – time to sharpen your skills? Trainings/workshops 2024 Aktuella lärtillfällen: Aktiviteter - Open Space Consulting<https://openspaceconsulting.com/kategori/aktiviteter/kommande-aktiviteter/> Samtliga våra reguljära kurser. Utbildning - Open Space Consulting<https://openspaceconsulting.com/vara-tjanster/utbildning/> Oct 31-Nov 2: World OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace Istanbul, Turkey. Nov 26-29: Whole Person Process Facilitation (ONLINE), ½ day, 2 full days, ½ day! 2025 Jan 14-16: Att arbeta hållbart med Open Space-metoden, Örby, Sverige Febr 11-13: Whole Person Process Facilitation, Örby, Sverige Mar 12: Erfa-utbyte om Open Space (gratis, online) Mar 19-21: Whole Person Process Facilitation, the Netherlands Sept 9-11: Working with Open Space Technology, the Netherlands Continous opportunities for online learning - selfstudy + mentoring – leadership and facilitation incl Open Space More info & registration: Aktiviteter - anmälan - Open Space Consulting<https://openspaceconsulting.com/open-space-consulting-aktiviteter/aktiviteter-anmalan/> Or get in touch via email thomas@openspaceconsulting.com<mailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com> [cid:image001.png@01DB213F.73153EB0]