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Re: Do you know Angeles Arrien?

Gentza Eleder
Wed, Dec 18, 2024 5:31 PM

Hello, in WOSonOS 2022 in Bilbao (Basque Country) we had a meeting on "What about Angeles Arrien?" (30th of September). You can find the notes in this links here
● Wordhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cw4cLhy83KYCX4emhiRkx9QXALGeTkROrILSDojs0_U/edit#heading=h.bh9t85ny4b50… ● PDFhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1vyTKnlfmDv4pzpLWCkf4C1cpjA5EDfdO/view…
Thank you Anna Caroline and all of you for opening the space again.

Very curious about this podcast.
A big hug for everybody!

Gentza Eleder

Em terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2024 às 05:04, Steve Cochran via OSList everyone@oslist.org escreveu:

When I brought a 'Fellows' group of senior federal government leaders to Angeles' remarkable studio in Sausalito she joined us by sitting in lotus position on the floor and said, "How may I serve you?". What followed was the most remarkable exchange and learning of my many years of so-called 'coaching' - where I was the fortunate learner!

Thank you, Angeles

On Dec 16, 2024, at 5:20 PM, Doris Gottlieb via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

Dear Anna Caroline,

I am also so grateful you asked. Thank you for the question, triggering my thinking and offering such deep learning from others sharing.

Just wanted to raise my voice to say thank you to you and to everyone in this thread.

With love,

On Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 6:45 PM Anna Caroline Türk via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

Dear all,

I am so touched and inspired by what has been shared!
Now I feel as if I have met her through your sharing.
It will be a wonderful energy to bring to the podcast.

So glad I asked!

many greetings from Berlin
Anna Caroline

Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com
Upcoming Facilitation Trainings
online: Strategic Planning the Genuine Contact Way, 7 sessions Jan & Feb 2025
The Netherlands: Whole Person Process Facilitation, March 19-21 2025

On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 1:57 AM Jeff Aitken via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

I wrote a short note to Anna Caroline, and now want to expand and share with yall on this list (I guess I can't write to the GC list.) I got a job at CIIS in 1986, and began taking courses in Social and Cultural Anthropology, a program that Angeles had co-designed.

My first impression of her courses was distinct. She was holding forth for three hours without notes, with a break halfway. This was very different from the experiential approach of many other CIIS courses. Over time it was clear she was steeped in an oral tradition, and speaking from a deep well of learning, passed down thru many generations. Years later, in a speech with indigenous leaders present, she referred to the mystical tradition of her Basque ancestors.

Dr Ralph Metzner brought Angeles to CIIS, I learned. It was her academic home for many years. Ralph and Angeles shared a care for the deeper layers of European cultures which could be recovered by folks of European ancestry, honoring and healing the historical traumas which cut us off from our deep roots. Ralph's book The Well of Remembrance was his own important offering, including the shadow work to counteract the dangers that can still arise.

I was curious that Angeles often stated that 85% of the world's cultures were in basic agreement about a topic she was discussing. Only later did I understand she was talking about Indigenous cultures, who tho very diverse, have a fundamental worldview that can be considered congruent. She meant not 85% of the human population, but 85% of humanity's cultures. Angeles was a lifelong supporter of Indigenous leaders and elders and youth thru her Foundation.

Her 1991 course in Cross-Cultural Shamanism was very interactive, for both personal learning and cultural contexts. Angeles taught us to investigate the old meaning of our given name, and the reasons we were given that name, and find the insights available there. (I learned that Jeffry meant "Peace in the Village" which was a kind affirmation.) She also offered ceremony, such as the Prayer Arrow. We also delved into our ancestry and ancestors' stories, and I soon was inspired to search for my birth parents, a years long deep journey, eventually now honoring all my sets of grandparents and lineages and relatives.

Angeles' book The Tarot Handbook is a treasure trove of cultural insights, and applying archetypal approaches to our unfolding lives. One does not need to try Tarot to learn a lot from this book! Tho it helps, in the experiential learning of synchronicity.

Finally, I interviewed Angeles about Open Space, because Harrison's books referred to her Four Fold Way. She wrote that Harrison's "Principles of Detachment" (meaning the 4-5 Principles of Open Space) are key to the Four Fold Way. Like others, I came to consider Open Space as a collective enactment of the Four Fold Way. She also noted how a long Open Space can be seen as congruent to Indigenous ceremony in key ways, including the Return and Giveaway at the end, inviting each participant to give the gifts of their learning and their contexts into the circle, and the ongoing story.

Angeles thought of Open Space as a "Braided Way" - skillfully helping to bring together the worldviews of Indigenous science and the West. (I remember laughing with an Australian visitor at WOSONOS 2008 that Open Space is like a "Trojan Horse" to sneak an Indigenous inspired practice and ongoing influences into Western organizations.)

This was the first example I learned, of several ways now, that scholars and practitioners are finding ways of braiding among these very different worldviews. The work of Dr Melanie Goodchild with the Presencing Institute is just one of these; the work of Dr Albert Marshall and "Two-Eyed Seeing" is another; the work of Dr Vanessa Andreotti and her research collective is another, and my teachers Dr Apela Colorado and Dr Jurgen Kremer offer others. So important in these times of great planet predicament!

Blessings on the memory of dear Angeles! I loved that she invited us to light a candle on the day of her passing, and on the same day each month for a year. I lift a toast to her memory.


On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 6:41 PM Peggy Holman via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:


Your message makes me grin from ear to ear! Thank you for putting into words some of the amazing lessons from Angie. And sharing that fabulous picture. Peter and Patrick are quite tall but it sure puts Angie’s height in perspective.

Also, thank you for the reminder to thank Anna Carolina for creating this opportunity to remember. Anna Carolina, I hope the podcast is a joy! The subject of glorious women sounds like a delight.

Spirited Work and the Practice of Peace convening that we hatched out of it spun a "radiant network” (another Anne Stadler phrase) around the world that is still alive and functioning. I am in touch with a remarkable number of the people I met because of Practice of Peace. I learned an amazing lesson from that work. We are all connected in a radiant network. When our hearts are open, we just intuitively know it. When our hearts are closed, I came to trust that it exists even if I can’t feel it. That deeply felt confidence was and is life changing. When I’m lost, I seek the heart. Sometimes it’s purpose and aspirations of what we aspire to do. Always it is what is in the heart with whomever I interact. What holds meaning for me (self)? For them (others)? For all (the whole)?

Thanks for the reminder Christy.


On Dec 14, 2024, at 2:56 PM, Christy Lee-Engel via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

Hi Anna Carolina,

Your invitation has been a lovely opportunity to reflect on Angie's teaching and presence, so beautifully evoked by Doris and Peggy - thank you all.

I too got to be with Angie (and Peggy!), in the circle of "Elders & Fellows" that Peggy describes, and then did a few mentoring calls with her, like Doris.

Some of the things Angie said that imprinted on me:

-Mentoring is always for change. It’s different from coaching/ healing/ reparenting work,which is giving acceptance and acknowledgement.- Connections are always stronger than form.

  • What we can count on 1) change and 2) our own death

plus one of her core teachings, related to the 4-Fold Way:

Honorable closure is called for with changes in the phases of relationship, work, structure, institution, name. This opens the portal for what's next and allows us to be doubly blessed.
A four-fold practice:

  1. Giving gratitude
  2. Saying how you were most positively impacted - what new growth has been ignited
  3. How you were most challenged/stretched
  4. Anything you need to do/say to be complete.

Here is a photo from our last gathering, with Peter Block and her closest protegé, Patrick O'Neill (http://www.thefourdirections.com) - Patrick's caption was "what is Angie standing on?"
[AA, PB, PON 5.2012.jpg]

Enjoy your podcast conversation, Anna Carolina, and thank you again for the invitation to remember!
Full Moon greetings to all,
Christy 🌝

PSJust like so many of my deeply valued lifelong connections and influences, my invitation to this gathering was a thread that spun out from the Practice of Peace OS event, with Harrison and around 200 (?) other folks from around the world, that Peggy and Anne and their Spirited Work co-creators hosted here in Washington state more than 20 years ago. Forever grateful for all the nutritious conditions and passionate people that resulted in that being the only thing that could have happened!

Christy Lee-Engel, ND, EAMP
naturopathic acupuncture
life cultivating life

2611 NE 125th St • Suite 90
Seattle WA 98125

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world." Dr. Paul Farmer, of blessed memory

On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 11:33 AM Peggy Holman via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

So beautifully said Doris!

I first met Angeles Arrien through Spirited Work’s use of the Four Fold Way. Anne Stadler was Spirited Work’s architect. I’ve described Spirited Work before. It was a community of practice that met 4 times a year - once a season - in Open Space from Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning. The themes of the seasons were the four fold practices:

Winter - Way of the Warrior: show up and be present
Spring - Way of the Healer: pay attention to what has heart and meaning
Summer - Way of the Visionary: tell the truth without blame or judgment (below is a story about that from when I met Angie in person)
Autumn - Way of the Teacher: be open, not attached to outcome

In 2002, Anne invited Angie to Spirited Work. For a silly reason, I remember a ferry ride to Whidbey Island with her like it was yesterday. I’m 5’2”. Angie was under 5 feet tall. We were standing outside on the ferry deck in a light breeze. I remember looking at Angie and I started laughing. Because she was short enough that I could see the top of her head. That wasn’t a normal experience for me. Virtually everyone is taller than me. I shared the source of my laughter with her. She laughed and we spoke of the importance of perspective.

On a more serious note, because I had been working a lot with Appreciative Inquiry, I had started reformulating "tell the truth without blame or judgment” to the way I speak it now:tell the truth with compassion. I was thrilled to be able to ask Angie what she thought about that. She was quiet for a moment and then told me she liked it. That meant the world to me!

I was also part of a convening that Peter Block, Anne Stadler, and Angeles Arrien organized called Elder Fellows. Each of them invited a couple of younger people and we spent a weekend together in 2012 and 2013. (The first convening happened in 2011. I wasn’t at that one.) I learned a lot at those gatherings. Not ideas, which had always been my focus, but presence. Angie just oozed wisdom. And it wasn't about her words (which were wise). It was how she showed up. Doris described Angie’s presence better than I can. I’ll just say being in her company was a gift. I felt like I was in an advanced course on being.

Anne Stadler used to often refer to the Lao Tzu quote: “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.”

That’s kind of my take on Angeles Arrien. She embodied being-ness in a way that defies putting into words yet deeply touches those around her.


P.S. I also loved and used her The Tarot Handbook.

Peggy Holman
Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation

Bellevue, WA 98006

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger

On Dec 14, 2024, at 10:27 AM, Doris Gottlieb via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

Hi Anna Caroline,

Thanks for this question. A number of years ago (I think about 15 or 16) when I was in a personal and professional space where I felt lost, and need to re-weave both my work and my life. I contacted her, and entered into mentoring with her. These were a series of emergent online sessions (I with her as a mentor. Those sessions were extremely powerful in helping me through this time, and to re-connect to my personal journey. Although she never spoke directly or "taught" in those sessions about the 4 Fold Way, (which I had read by that time), what we did was deeply connected to my own re-connection to the archetypes in myself, and re-connection with my "personal medicine"....

Looking back, what I found so profound and what I am deeply grateful for is how she used all that she knew in what she did, without having to speak about it, but instead through deep listening and connecting to what she knew, finding ways for me to thrive. Reflecting on this, I think that this way that she had was as impactful, as any framework.

With love,


On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 6:59 PM Christine Whitney Sanchez via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

I also met her once, about 25 years ago. I had been using herFour Fold Wayin my work as a counselor and consultant, so it was such a pleasure to be in her presence. I’ve integrated her leadership archetypes in the work with the Girl Scouts and more recently with the T4 Leadership Academy.

Presently, I am in a women’s circle that is using A Year with Angeles Arrien’s Teaching: A Seasonal Meditation Guideby Michel Ellison as inspiration for our conversations.

All the best for your podcast, Anna Caroline.



Christine Whitney Sanchez
Phoenix, AZ, USA • +1.480.882.8181
Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram

On Dec 14, 2024, at 10:18 AM, Chris Corrigan via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

I only met her once in 1995 when I attended my first ever Open Space. It was in Whistler Canada at the International Association for Public Participation and she helped Anne Stadler open the space.

I was hooked on the process from that moment. I had no idea who she or Anne were at the time but I knew my facilitation practice was changed for good.

So, a brief meeting at one of the seminal moments in my life nearly 30 years ago. Small shifts make a big difference.


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 14, 2024, at 8:06 AM, Chrlsful via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

“...benefitting from her teaching or insights...”
sure, asa undergirthing, possibly‘way of life’ that supports,
'comes from the same place’ as our OST. "Riding the wave" is
not just about conducting an organization development (1 half of my
contracts)endeavor. Community development is the other half. But that’s
me personally...

Rather it’s an “on the other hand”; awhyI do the work (in many instances). I
think working the OST techniques transforms society (”opens” ?) one organization,
municipality, university, business (and family - as I wrk there too) at a time. I am hopeful,
altho I worked from other places in myself’n got burned out, that each contract plants a seed.
That enuff of these seeds can‘heal’ a moving-in-the-wrong-direction society/culture. Energizes
these systems (individuals and families) to move in the direction I think she & HO urge us to head in.
In Community,

  • -BroChad

On Saturday, December 14, 2024, 10:43:12 AM EST, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

Hi all!

I’ve been invited to participate in a podcast
„Glorious Women“.

I’d like to introduce Angeles Arrien, author of several books, including the Four Fold Way. This book has impacted my thinking a lot and has helped me strengthen my holistic world view.

Birgitt Williams, Harrison Owen and many others have learned from her - I believe. Her work is extremely important for the Genuine Contact approach and program.

I’m curious if anyone of you has stories to share about working with her, benefitting from her teaching or insights that you gained from her - I’ll be happy to include it in my contribution to the podcast.

Many greetings
Anna Caroline

Spotify Glorious Women : https://open.spotify.com/show/1D1qmjrlzQ8fyCxKhrnjW5

Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 |TruthCircles.com
Upcoming Facilitation Trainings
online:Whole Person Process Facilitation, November 26-29 2024
online:Strategic Planning the Genuine Contact Way, 7 sessions Jan & Feb 2025
The Netherlands:Whole Person Process Facilitation, March 19-21 2025
OSList mailing list --everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email toeveryone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org


Doris Gottlieb
Consultant | Facilitator | Mentor
Co-Owner | Genuine Contact Program
Authorized Genuine Contact Trainer

T  +31(0)6.
E doris@dorisgottlieb.com
W www.dorisgottlieb.com
You can book and appointment with mehere

Upcoming events and Genuine Contact™ program (GCP) training. You can find a complete listing of training offeringhere

Whole Person Process Facilitation Training| 26 to 29 November, ONLINE
GC Inspiration Session 3 2024| 30 November from 13:00 to 17:00, Ruimte voor Aandacht, Utrecht, NL

Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 19 to 21 March, 2025
Working with Open Space Technology| 9 to 11 September, 2025

OSList mailing list --everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email toeveryone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

OSList mailing list --everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email toeveryone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
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OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
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OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
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Doris Gottlieb
Consultant | Facilitator | Mentor
Co-Owner | Genuine Contact Program
Authorized Genuine Contact Trainer

T  +31(0)6.
E doris@dorisgottlieb.com
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorisgottlieb/
W www.dorisgottlieb.com
You can book and appointment with me here

Upcoming events and Genuine Contact™ program (GCP) training. You can find a complete listing of training offering here

Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 26 to 29 November, ONLINE

GC Inspiration Session 3 2024 | 30 November from 13:00 to 17:00, Ruimte voor Aandacht, Utrecht, NL

Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 19 to 21 March, 2025

Working with Open Space Technology | 9 to 11 September, 2025

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

> Hello, in WOSonOS 2022 in Bilbao (Basque Country) we had a meeting on "What about Angeles Arrien?" (30th of September). You can find the notes in this links here > ● Word[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cw4cLhy83KYCX4emhiRkx9QXALGeTkROrILSDojs0_U/edit#heading=h.bh9t85ny4b50…](https://t.co/ynM4mWeSnS) ● PDF[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vyTKnlfmDv4pzpLWCkf4C1cpjA5EDfdO/view…](https://t.co/fUM559Nl7T) > Thank you Anna Caroline and all of you for opening the space again. > > Very curious about this podcast. > A big hug for everybody! > > Gentza Eleder > Mundaka > > Em terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2024 às 05:04, Steve Cochran via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> escreveu: > >> When I brought a 'Fellows' group of senior federal government leaders to Angeles' remarkable studio in Sausalito she joined us by sitting in lotus position on the floor and said, "How may I serve you?". What followed was the most remarkable exchange and learning of my many years of so-called 'coaching' - where I was the fortunate learner! >> >> Thank you, Angeles >> >>> On Dec 16, 2024, at 5:20 PM, Doris Gottlieb via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >> >>>  >>> Dear Anna Caroline, >>> >>> I am also so grateful you asked. Thank you for the question, triggering my thinking and offering such deep learning from others sharing. >>> >>> Just wanted to raise my voice to say thank you to you and to everyone in this thread. >>> >>> With love, >>> Doris >>> ᐧ >>> >>> On Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 6:45 PM Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>> >>>> Dear all, >>>> >>>> I am so touched and inspired by what has been shared! >>>> Now I feel as if I have met her through your sharing. >>>> It will be a wonderful energy to bring to the podcast. >>>> >>>> So glad I asked! >>>> >>>> many greetings from Berlin >>>> Anna Caroline >>>> >>>> Anna Caroline Türk >>>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders >>>> +49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com >>>> Upcoming Facilitation Trainings >>>> online: [Strategic Planning the Genuine Contact Way](https://truthcircles.com/strategic-planning/), 7 sessions Jan & Feb 2025 >>>> The Netherlands: [Whole Person Process Facilitation](https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-nl/), March 19-21 2025 >>>> >>>> On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 1:57 AM Jeff Aitken via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>> >>>>> I wrote a short note to Anna Caroline, and now want to expand and share with yall on this list (I guess I can't write to the GC list.) I got a job at CIIS in 1986, and began taking courses in Social and Cultural Anthropology, a program that Angeles had co-designed. >>>>> >>>>> My first impression of her courses was distinct. She was holding forth for three hours without notes, with a break halfway. This was very different from the experiential approach of many other CIIS courses. Over time it was clear she was steeped in an oral tradition, and speaking from a deep well of learning, passed down thru many generations. Years later, in a speech with indigenous leaders present, she referred to the mystical tradition of her Basque ancestors. >>>>> >>>>> Dr Ralph Metzner brought Angeles to CIIS, I learned. It was her academic home for many years. Ralph and Angeles shared a care for the deeper layers of European cultures which could be recovered by folks of European ancestry, honoring and healing the historical traumas which cut us off from our deep roots. Ralph's book The Well of Remembrance was his own important offering, including the shadow work to counteract the dangers that can still arise. >>>>> >>>>> I was curious that Angeles often stated that 85% of the world's cultures were in basic agreement about a topic she was discussing. Only later did I understand she was talking about Indigenous cultures, who tho very diverse, have a fundamental worldview that can be considered congruent. She meant not 85% of the human population, but 85% of humanity's cultures. Angeles was a lifelong supporter of Indigenous leaders and elders and youth thru her Foundation. >>>>> >>>>> Her 1991 course in Cross-Cultural Shamanism was very interactive, for both personal learning and cultural contexts. Angeles taught us to investigate the old meaning of our given name, and the reasons we were given that name, and find the insights available there. (I learned that Jeffry meant "Peace in the Village" which was a kind affirmation.) She also offered ceremony, such as the Prayer Arrow. We also delved into our ancestry and ancestors' stories, and I soon was inspired to search for my birth parents, a years long deep journey, eventually now honoring all my sets of grandparents and lineages and relatives. >>>>> >>>>> Angeles' book The Tarot Handbook is a treasure trove of cultural insights, and applying archetypal approaches to our unfolding lives. One does not need to try Tarot to learn a lot from this book! Tho it helps, in the experiential learning of synchronicity. >>>>> >>>>> Finally, I interviewed Angeles about Open Space, because Harrison's books referred to her Four Fold Way. She wrote that Harrison's "Principles of Detachment" (meaning the 4-5 Principles of Open Space) are key to the Four Fold Way. Like others, I came to consider Open Space as a collective enactment of the Four Fold Way. She also noted how a long Open Space can be seen as congruent to Indigenous ceremony in key ways, including the Return and Giveaway at the end, inviting each participant to give the gifts of their learning and their contexts into the circle, and the ongoing story. >>>>> >>>>> Angeles thought of Open Space as a "Braided Way" - skillfully helping to bring together the worldviews of Indigenous science and the West. (I remember laughing with an Australian visitor at WOSONOS 2008 that Open Space is like a "Trojan Horse" to sneak an Indigenous inspired practice and ongoing influences into Western organizations.) >>>>> >>>>> This was the first example I learned, of several ways now, that scholars and practitioners are finding ways of braiding among these very different worldviews. The work of Dr Melanie Goodchild with the Presencing Institute is just one of these; the work of Dr Albert Marshall and "Two-Eyed Seeing" is another; the work of Dr Vanessa Andreotti and her research collective is another, and my teachers Dr Apela Colorado and Dr Jurgen Kremer offer others. So important in these times of great planet predicament! >>>>> >>>>> Blessings on the memory of dear Angeles! I loved that she invited us to light a candle on the day of her passing, and on the same day each month for a year. I lift a toast to her memory. >>>>> >>>>> warmly >>>>> Jeff >>>>> >>>>> On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 6:41 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Christy, >>>>>> >>>>>> Your message makes me grin from ear to ear! Thank you for putting into words some of the amazing lessons from Angie. And sharing that fabulous picture. Peter and Patrick are quite tall but it sure puts Angie’s height in perspective. >>>>>> >>>>>> Also, thank you for the reminder to thank Anna Carolina for creating this opportunity to remember. Anna Carolina, I hope the podcast is a joy! The subject of glorious women sounds like a delight. >>>>>> >>>>>> Spirited Work and the Practice of Peace convening that we hatched out of it spun a "radiant network” (another Anne Stadler phrase) around the world that is still alive and functioning. I am in touch with a remarkable number of the people I met because of Practice of Peace. I learned an amazing lesson from that work. We are all connected in a radiant network. When our hearts are open, we just intuitively know it. When our hearts are closed, I came to trust that it exists even if I can’t feel it. That deeply felt confidence was and is life changing. When I’m lost, I seek the heart. Sometimes it’s purpose and aspirations of what we aspire to do. Always it is what is in the heart with whomever I interact. What holds meaning for me (self)? For them (others)? For all (the whole)? >>>>>> >>>>>> Thanks for the reminder Christy. >>>>>> >>>>>> Warmly, >>>>>> Peggy >>>>>> >>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2024, at 2:56 PM, Christy Lee-Engel via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Hi Anna Carolina, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Your invitation has been a lovely opportunity to reflect on Angie's teaching and presence, so beautifully evoked by Doris and Peggy - thank you all. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I too got to be with Angie (and Peggy!), in the circle of "Elders & Fellows" that Peggy describes, and then did a few mentoring calls with her, like Doris. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Some of the things Angie said that imprinted on me: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -Mentoring is always for change. It’s different from coaching/ healing/ reparenting work,which is giving acceptance and acknowledgement.- Connections are always stronger than form. >>>>>>>> - What we can count on 1) change and 2) our own death >>>>>>> >>>>>>> plus one of her core teachings, related to the 4-Fold Way: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Honorable closure is called for with changes in the phases of relationship, work, structure, institution, name. This opens the portal for what's next and allows us to be doubly blessed. >>>>>>>> A four-fold practice: >>>>>>>> 1) Giving gratitude >>>>>>>> 2) Saying how you were most positively impacted - what new growth has been ignited >>>>>>>> 3) How you were most challenged/stretched >>>>>>>> 4) Anything you need to do/say to be complete. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Here is a photo from our last gathering, with Peter Block and her closest protegé, Patrick O'Neill ([http://www.thefourdirections.com](http://www.thefourdirections.com/)) - Patrick's caption was "what is Angie standing on?" >>>>>>> [AA, PB, PON 5.2012.jpg] >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Enjoy your podcast conversation, Anna Carolina, and thank you again for the invitation to remember! >>>>>>> Full Moon greetings to all, >>>>>>> Christy 🌝 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> PSJust like so many of my deeply valued lifelong connections and influences, my invitation to this gathering was a thread that spun out from the Practice of Peace OS event, with Harrison and around 200 (?) other folks from around the world, that Peggy and Anne and their Spirited Work co-creators hosted here in Washington state more than 20 years ago. Forever grateful for all the nutritious conditions and passionate people that resulted in that being the only thing that could have happened! >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Christy Lee-Engel, ND, EAMP >>>>>>> naturopathic acupuncture >>>>>>> [life cultivating life](https://www.lifecultivatinglife.com/) >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 2611 NE 125th St • Suite 90 >>>>>>> Seattle WA 98125 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world." Dr. Paul Farmer, of blessed memory >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 11:33 AM Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> So beautifully said Doris! >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I first met Angeles Arrien through Spirited Work’s use of the Four Fold Way. Anne Stadler was Spirited Work’s architect. I’ve described Spirited Work before. It was a community of practice that met 4 times a year - once a season - in Open Space from Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning. The themes of the seasons were the four fold practices: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Winter - Way of the Warrior: show up and be present >>>>>>>> Spring - Way of the Healer: pay attention to what has heart and meaning >>>>>>>> Summer - Way of the Visionary: tell the truth without blame or judgment (below is a story about that from when I met Angie in person) >>>>>>>> Autumn - Way of the Teacher: be open, not attached to outcome >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> In 2002, Anne invited Angie to Spirited Work. For a silly reason, I remember a ferry ride to Whidbey Island with her like it was yesterday. I’m 5’2”. Angie was under 5 feet tall. We were standing outside on the ferry deck in a light breeze. I remember looking at Angie and I started laughing. Because she was short enough that I could see the top of her head. That wasn’t a normal experience for me. Virtually everyone is taller than me. I shared the source of my laughter with her. She laughed and we spoke of the importance of perspective. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On a more serious note, because I had been working a lot with Appreciative Inquiry, I had started reformulating "tell the truth without blame or judgment” to the way I speak it now:tell the truth with compassion. I was thrilled to be able to ask Angie what she thought about that. She was quiet for a moment and then told me she liked it. That meant the world to me! >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I was also part of a convening that Peter Block, Anne Stadler, and Angeles Arrien organized called Elder Fellows. Each of them invited a couple of younger people and we spent a weekend together in 2012 and 2013. (The first convening happened in 2011. I wasn’t at that one.) I learned a lot at those gatherings. Not ideas, which had always been my focus, but presence. Angie just oozed wisdom. And it wasn't about her words (which were wise). It was how she showed up. Doris described Angie’s presence better than I can. I’ll just say being in her company was a gift. I felt like I was in an advanced course on being. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Anne Stadler used to often refer to the Lao Tzu quote: “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.” >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> That’s kind of my take on Angeles Arrien. She embodied being-ness in a way that defies putting into words yet deeply touches those around her. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Peggy >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> P.S. I also loved and used her [The Tarot Handbook](https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-tarot-handbook-practical-applications-of-ancient-visual-symbols-angeles-arrien/11527044?ean=9780874778953). >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> _________________________________ >>>>>>>> Peggy Holman >>>>>>>> Co-chair, [Berrett-Koehler Foundation](https://www.bkfoundation.org/) >>>>>>>> peggy@peggyholman.com >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Bellevue, WA 98006 >>>>>>>> 206-948-0432 >>>>>>>> [www.peggyholman.com](http://www.peggyholman.com/) >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Enjoy the award winning [Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity](https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/) >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become >>>>>>>> the fire". >>>>>>>> -- Drew Dellinger >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2024, at 10:27 AM, Doris Gottlieb via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hi Anna Caroline, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thanks for this question. A number of years ago (I think about 15 or 16) when I was in a personal and professional space where I felt lost, and need to re-weave both my work and my life. I contacted her, and entered into mentoring with her. These were a series of emergent online sessions (I with her as a mentor. Those sessions were extremely powerful in helping me through this time, and to re-connect to my personal journey. Although she never spoke directly or "taught" in those sessions about the 4 Fold Way, (which I had read by that time), what we did was deeply connected to my own re-connection to the archetypes in myself, and re-connection with my "personal medicine".... >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Looking back, what I found so profound and what I am deeply grateful for is how she used all that she knew in what she did, without having to speak about it, but instead through deep listening and connecting to what she knew, finding ways for me to thrive. Reflecting on this, I think that this way that she had was as impactful, as any framework. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> With love, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Doris >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 6:59 PM Christine Whitney Sanchez via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I also met her once, about 25 years ago. I had been using herFour Fold Wayin my work as a counselor and consultant, so it was such a pleasure to be in her presence. I’ve integrated her leadership archetypes in the work with the Girl Scouts and more recently with the [T4 Leadership Academy](https://tech.asu.edu/T4-Academy). >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Presently, I am in a women’s circle that is using [A Year with Angeles Arrien’s Teaching: A Seasonal Meditation Guide](https://www.amazon.com/Year-Angeles-Arriens-Teaching-Meditation/dp/B0CPWG3GJ1/ref=sr_1_8)by Michel Ellison as inspiration for our conversations. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> All the best for your podcast, Anna Caroline. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Namaste, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Christine >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Christine Whitney Sanchez >>>>>>>>>> Phoenix, AZ, USA • +1.480.882.8181 >>>>>>>>>> [christinewhitneysanchez.com](https://christinewhitneysanchez.com/) >>>>>>>>>> [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ChristineWhitneySanchez/) | [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/) | [Instagram](https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/) >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2024, at 10:18 AM, Chris Corrigan via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I only met her once in 1995 when I attended my first ever Open Space. It was in Whistler Canada at the International Association for Public Participation and she helped Anne Stadler open the space. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I was hooked on the process from that moment. I had no idea who she or Anne were at the time but I knew my facilitation practice was changed for good. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> So, a brief meeting at one of the seminal moments in my life nearly 30 years ago. Small shifts make a big difference. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Chris. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2024, at 8:06 AM, Chrlsful via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> “...benefitting from her teaching or insights...” >>>>>>>>>>> sure, asa undergirthing, possibly‘way of life’ that supports, >>>>>>>>>>> 'comes from the same place’ as our OST. "Riding the wave" is >>>>>>>>>>> not just about conducting an organization development (1 half of my >>>>>>>>>>> contracts)endeavor. Community development is the other half. But that’s >>>>>>>>>>> me personally... >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Rather it’s an “on the other hand”; awhyI do the work (in many instances). I >>>>>>>>>>> think working the OST techniques transforms society (”opens” ?) one organization, >>>>>>>>>>> municipality, university, business (and family - as I wrk there too) at a time. I am hopeful, >>>>>>>>>>> altho I worked from other places in myself’n got burned out, that each contract plants a seed. >>>>>>>>>>> That enuff of these seeds can‘heal’ a moving-in-the-wrong-direction society/culture. Energizes >>>>>>>>>>> these systems (individuals and families) to move in the direction I think she & HO urge us to head in. >>>>>>>>>>> In Community, >>>>>>>>>>> - -BroChad >>>>>>>>>>> Amherst >>>>>>>>>>> MA >>>>>>>>>>> usa >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, December 14, 2024, 10:43:12 AM EST, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hi all! >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I’ve been invited to participate in a podcast >>>>>>>>>>> „Glorious Women“. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I’d like to introduce Angeles Arrien, author of several books, including the Four Fold Way. This book has impacted my thinking a lot and has helped me strengthen my holistic world view. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Birgitt Williams, Harrison Owen and many others have learned from her - I believe. Her work is extremely important for the Genuine Contact approach and program. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I’m curious if anyone of you has stories to share about working with her, benefitting from her teaching or insights that you gained from her - I’ll be happy to include it in my contribution to the podcast. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Many greetings >>>>>>>>>>> Anna Caroline >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Spotify Glorious Women : https://open.spotify.com/show/1D1qmjrlzQ8fyCxKhrnjW5 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Anna Caroline Türk >>>>>>>>>>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders >>>>>>>>>>> +49(0)176 24872254 |[TruthCircles.com](http://truthcircles.com/) >>>>>>>>>>> Upcoming Facilitation Trainings >>>>>>>>>>> online:[Whole Person Process Facilitation](https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-online/), November 26-29 2024 >>>>>>>>>>> online:[Strategic Planning the Genuine Contact Way](https://truthcircles.com/strategic-planning/), 7 sessions Jan & Feb 2025 >>>>>>>>>>> The Netherlands:[Whole Person Process Facilitation](https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-nl/), March 19-21 2025 >>>>>>>>>>> OSList mailing list --everyone@oslist.org >>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email toeveryone-leave@oslist.org >>>>>>>>>>> See the archives here:https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Doris Gottlieb >>>>>>>>> Consultant | Facilitator | Mentor >>>>>>>>> Co-Owner | Genuine Contact Program >>>>>>>>> Authorized Genuine Contact Trainer >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> T +31(0)6. >>>>>>>>> E doris@dorisgottlieb.com >>>>>>>>> LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/dorisgottlieb/ >>>>>>>>> W [www.dorisgottlieb.com](http://www.dorisgottlieb.com/) >>>>>>>>> You can book and appointment with me[here](https://calendar.app.google/aHCyeJpM9xkkbzhh6) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Upcoming events and Genuine Contact™ program (GCP) training. You can find a complete listing of training offering[here](https://www.dorisgottlieb.com/workshops/) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Whole Person Process Facilitation Training| 26 to 29 November, ONLINE >>>>>>>>> GC Inspiration Session 3 2024| 30 November from 13:00 to 17:00, Ruimte voor Aandacht, Utrecht, NL >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 19 to 21 March, 2025 >>>>>>>>> Working with Open Space Technology| 9 to 11 September, 2025 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> OSList mailing list --everyone@oslist.org >>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email toeveryone-leave@oslist.org >>>>>>>>> See the archives here:https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>>>>>> >>>>>>> OSList mailing list --everyone@oslist.org >>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email toeveryone-leave@oslist.org >>>>>>> See the archives here:https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>>>>> >>>>>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>>>>> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>>>> >>>>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>>>> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>>> >>>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>>> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>> >>> -- >>> >>> Doris Gottlieb >>> Consultant | Facilitator | Mentor >>> Co-Owner | Genuine Contact Program >>> Authorized Genuine Contact Trainer >>> >>> T +31(0)6. >>> E doris@dorisgottlieb.com >>> LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorisgottlieb/ >>> W [www.dorisgottlieb.com](http://www.dorisgottlieb.com/) >>> You can book and appointment with me [here](https://calendar.app.google/aHCyeJpM9xkkbzhh6) >>> >>> Upcoming events and Genuine Contact™ program (GCP) training. You can find a complete listing of training offering [here](https://www.dorisgottlieb.com/workshops/) >>> >>> Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 26 to 29 November, ONLINE >>> >>> GC Inspiration Session 3 2024 | 30 November from 13:00 to 17:00, Ruimte voor Aandacht, Utrecht, NL >>> >>> Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 19 to 21 March, 2025 >>> >>> Working with Open Space Technology | 9 to 11 September, 2025 >>> >>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Thomas Herrmann
Wed, Dec 18, 2024 7:37 PM

Thanks for taking me back to GiGi Mundial en Bilbao ❤️.  I so much enjoyed scrolling through the beautiful docu! Thomas

Skickat från Outlook för iOShttps://aka.ms/o0ukef

Från: Gentza Eleder via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Skickat: Thursday, December 19, 2024 4:31:01 AM
Till: Open Space Listserv everyone@oslist.org
Ämne: [OSList] Re: Do you know Angeles Arrien?

Hello, in WOSonOS 2022 in Bilbao (Basque Country) we had a meeting on "What about Angeles Arrien?" (30th of September). You can find the notes in this links here
● Word https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cw4cLhy83KYCX4emhiRkx9QXALGeTkROrILSDojs0_U/edit#heading=h.bh9t85ny4b50https://t.co/ynM4mWeSnS ● PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vyTKnlfmDv4pzpLWCkf4C1cpjA5EDfdO/viewhttps://t.co/fUM559Nl7T
Thank you Anna Caroline and all of you for opening the space again.

Very curious about this podcast.
A big hug for everybody!

Gentza Eleder

Em terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2024 às 05:04, Steve Cochran via OSList everyone@oslist.org escreveu:
When I brought a 'Fellows' group of senior federal government leaders to Angeles' remarkable studio in Sausalito she joined us by sitting in lotus position on the floor and said, "How may I serve you?". What followed was the most remarkable exchange and learning of my many years of so-called 'coaching' - where I was the fortunate learner!

Thank you, Angeles

On Dec 16, 2024, at 5:20 PM, Doris Gottlieb via OSList everyone@oslist.org wrote:

Dear Anna Caroline,

I am also so grateful you asked. Thank you for the question, triggering my thinking and offering such deep learning from others sharing.

Just wanted to raise my voice to say thank you to you and to everyone in this thread.

With love,

On Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 6:45 PM Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
Dear all,

I am so touched and inspired by what has been shared!
Now I feel as if I have met her through your sharing.
It will be a wonderful energy to bring to the podcast.

So glad I asked!

many greetings from Berlin
Anna Caroline

Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com http://TruthCircles.com

Upcoming Facilitation Trainings
online: Strategic Planning the Genuine Contact Wayhttps://truthcircles.com/strategic-planning/, 7 sessions Jan & Feb 2025
The Netherlands: Whole Person Process Facilitationhttps://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-nl/, March 19-21 2025

On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 1:57 AM Jeff Aitken via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
I wrote a short note to Anna Caroline, and now want to expand and share with yall on this list (I guess I can't write to the GC list.) I got a job at CIIS in 1986, and began taking courses in Social and Cultural Anthropology, a program that Angeles had co-designed.

My first impression of her courses was distinct. She was holding forth for three hours without notes, with a break halfway. This was very different from the experiential approach of many other CIIS courses. Over time it was clear she was steeped in an oral tradition, and speaking from a deep well of learning, passed down thru many generations. Years later, in a speech with indigenous leaders present, she referred to the mystical tradition of her Basque ancestors.

Dr Ralph Metzner brought Angeles to CIIS, I learned. It was her academic home for many years. Ralph and Angeles shared a care for the deeper layers of European cultures which could be recovered by folks of European ancestry, honoring and healing the historical traumas which cut us off from our deep roots. Ralph's book The Well of Remembrance was his own important offering, including the shadow work to counteract the dangers that can still arise.

I was curious that Angeles often stated that 85% of the world's cultures were in basic agreement about a topic she was discussing. Only later did I understand she was talking about Indigenous cultures, who tho very diverse, have a fundamental worldview that can be considered congruent. She meant not 85% of the human population, but 85% of humanity's cultures. Angeles was a lifelong supporter of Indigenous leaders and elders and youth thru her Foundation.

Her 1991 course in Cross-Cultural Shamanism was very interactive, for both personal learning and cultural contexts. Angeles taught us to investigate the old meaning of our given name, and the reasons we were given that name, and find the insights available there. (I learned that Jeffry meant "Peace in the Village" which was a kind affirmation.) She also offered ceremony, such as the Prayer Arrow. We also delved into our ancestry and ancestors' stories, and I soon was inspired to search for my birth parents, a years long deep journey, eventually now honoring all my sets of grandparents and lineages and relatives.

Angeles' book The Tarot Handbook is a treasure trove of cultural insights, and applying archetypal approaches to our unfolding lives. One does not need to try Tarot to learn a lot from this book! Tho it helps, in the experiential learning of synchronicity.

Finally, I interviewed Angeles about Open Space, because Harrison's books referred to her Four Fold Way. She wrote that Harrison's "Principles of Detachment" (meaning the 4-5 Principles of Open Space) are key to the Four Fold Way. Like others, I came to consider Open Space as a collective enactment of the Four Fold Way. She also noted how a long Open Space can be seen as congruent to Indigenous ceremony in key ways, including the Return and Giveaway at the end, inviting each participant to give the gifts of their learning and their contexts into the circle, and the ongoing story.

Angeles thought of Open Space as a "Braided Way" - skillfully helping to bring together the worldviews of Indigenous science and the West. (I remember laughing with an Australian visitor at WOSONOS 2008 that Open Space is like a "Trojan Horse" to sneak an Indigenous inspired practice and ongoing influences into Western organizations.)

This was the first example I learned, of several ways now, that scholars and practitioners are finding ways of braiding among these very different worldviews. The work of Dr Melanie Goodchild with the Presencing Institute is just one of these; the work of Dr Albert Marshall and "Two-Eyed Seeing" is another; the work of Dr Vanessa Andreotti and her research collective is another, and my teachers Dr Apela Colorado and Dr Jurgen Kremer offer others. So important in these times of great planet predicament!

Blessings on the memory of dear Angeles! I loved that she invited us to light a candle on the day of her passing, and on the same day each month for a year. I lift a toast to her memory.


On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 6:41 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Your message makes me grin from ear to ear! Thank you for putting into words some of the amazing lessons from Angie. And sharing that fabulous picture. Peter and Patrick are quite tall but it sure puts Angie’s height in perspective.

Also, thank you for the reminder to thank Anna Carolina for creating this opportunity to remember. Anna Carolina, I hope the podcast is a joy! The subject of glorious women sounds like a delight.

Spirited Work and the Practice of Peace convening that we hatched out of it spun a "radiant network” (another Anne Stadler phrase) around the world that is still alive and functioning. I am in touch with a remarkable number of the people I met because of Practice of Peace. I learned an amazing lesson from that work. We are all connected in a radiant network. When our hearts are open, we just intuitively know it. When our hearts are closed, I came to trust that it exists even if I can’t feel it. That deeply felt confidence was and is life changing. When I’m lost, I seek the heart. Sometimes it’s purpose and aspirations of what we aspire to do. Always it is what is in the heart with whomever I interact. What holds meaning for me (self)? For them (others)? For all (the whole)?

Thanks for the reminder Christy.


On Dec 14, 2024, at 2:56 PM, Christy Lee-Engel via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Hi Anna Carolina,

Your invitation has been a lovely opportunity to reflect on Angie's teaching and presence, so beautifully evoked by Doris and Peggy - thank you all.

I too got to be with Angie (and Peggy!), in the circle of "Elders & Fellows" that Peggy describes, and then did a few mentoring calls with her, like Doris.

Some of the things Angie said that imprinted on me:

  • Mentoring is always for change. It’s different from coaching/ healing/ reparenting work, which is giving acceptance and acknowledgement.
  • Connections are always stronger than form.
  • What we can count on 1) change and 2) our own death
    plus one of her core teachings, related to the 4-Fold Way:
    Honorable closure is called for with changes in the phases of relationship, work, structure, institution, name. This opens the portal for what's next and allows us to be doubly blessed.
    A four-fold practice:
  1. Giving gratitude
  2. Saying how you were most positively impacted - what new growth has been ignited
  3. How you were most challenged/stretched
  4. Anything you need to do/say to be complete.

Here is a photo from our last gathering, with Peter Block and her closest protegé, Patrick O'Neill (http://www.thefourdirections.comhttp://www.thefourdirections.com/) - Patrick's caption was "what is Angie standing on?"
[AA, PB, PON 5.2012.jpg]

Enjoy your podcast conversation, Anna Carolina, and thank you again for the invitation to remember!
Full Moon greetings to all,
Christy 🌝

PS Just like so many of my deeply valued lifelong connections and influences, my invitation to this gathering was a thread that spun out from the Practice of Peace OS event, with Harrison and around 200 (?) other folks from around the world, that Peggy and Anne and their Spirited Work co-creators hosted here in Washington state more than 20 years ago. Forever grateful for all the nutritious conditions and passionate people that resulted in that being the only thing that could have happened!

Christy Lee-Engel, ND, EAMP
naturopathic acupuncture
life cultivating lifehttps://www.lifecultivatinglife.com/
2611 NE 125th St • Suite 90
Seattle WA 98125

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world." Dr. Paul Farmer, of blessed memory

On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 11:33 AM Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
So beautifully said Doris!

I first met Angeles Arrien through Spirited Work’s use of the Four Fold Way. Anne Stadler was Spirited Work’s architect. I’ve described Spirited Work before. It was a community of practice that met 4 times a year - once a season - in Open Space from Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning. The themes of the seasons were the four fold practices:

Winter - Way of the Warrior: show up and be present
Spring - Way of the Healer: pay attention to what has heart and meaning
Summer - Way of the Visionary: tell the truth without blame or judgment (below is a story about that from when I met Angie in person)
Autumn - Way of the Teacher: be open, not attached to outcome

In 2002, Anne invited Angie to Spirited Work. For a silly reason, I remember a ferry ride to Whidbey Island with her like it was yesterday. I’m 5’2”. Angie was under 5 feet tall. We were standing outside on the ferry deck in a light breeze. I remember looking at Angie and I started laughing. Because she was short enough that I could see the top of her head. That wasn’t a normal experience for me. Virtually everyone is taller than me. I shared the source of my laughter with her. She laughed and we spoke of the importance of perspective.

On a more serious note, because I had been working a lot with Appreciative Inquiry, I had started reformulating "tell the truth without blame or judgment” to the way I speak it now: tell the truth with compassion. I was thrilled to be able to ask Angie what she thought about that. She was quiet for a moment and then told me she liked it. That meant the world to me!

I was also part of a convening that Peter Block, Anne Stadler, and Angeles Arrien organized called Elder Fellows. Each of them invited a couple of younger people and we spent a weekend together in 2012 and 2013. (The first convening happened in 2011. I wasn’t at that one.)  I learned a lot at those gatherings. Not ideas, which had always been my focus, but presence. Angie just oozed wisdom. And it wasn't about her words (which were wise). It was how she showed up. Doris described Angie’s presence better than I can. I’ll just say being in her company was a gift. I felt like I was in an advanced course on being.

Anne Stadler used to often refer to the Lao Tzu quote: “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.”

That’s kind of my take on Angeles Arrien. She embodied being-ness in a way that defies putting into words yet deeply touches those around her.


P.S. I also loved and used her The Tarot Handbookhttps://bookshop.org/p/books/the-tarot-handbook-practical-applications-of-ancient-visual-symbols-angeles-arrien/11527044?ean=9780874778953.

Peggy Holman
Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundationhttps://www.bkfoundation.org/

Bellevue, WA  98006

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunityhttps://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger
On Dec 14, 2024, at 10:27 AM, Doris Gottlieb via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Hi Anna Caroline,

Thanks for this question.  A number of years ago (I think about 15 or 16)  when I was in a personal and professional space where I felt lost, and need to re-weave both my work and my life.  I contacted her, and entered into mentoring with her. These were a series of emergent online sessions (I with her as a mentor.  Those sessions were extremely powerful in helping me through this time, and to re-connect to my personal journey.  Although she never spoke directly or "taught" in those sessions about the 4 Fold Way, (which I had read by that time), what we did was deeply connected to my own re-connection to the archetypes in myself, and re-connection with my "personal medicine"....

Looking back, what I found so profound and what I am deeply grateful for is how she used all that she knew in what she did, without having to speak about it, but instead through deep listening and connecting to what she knew, finding ways for me to thrive.  Reflecting on this, I think that this way that she had was as impactful, as any framework.

With love,


On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 6:59 PM Christine Whitney Sanchez via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:
I also met her once, about 25 years ago. I had been using her Four Fold Way in my work as a counselor and consultant, so it was such a pleasure to be in her presence. I’ve integrated her leadership archetypes in the work with the Girl Scouts and more recently with the T4 Leadership Academyhttps://tech.asu.edu/T4-Academy.

Presently, I am in a women’s circle that is using A Year with Angeles Arrien’s Teaching: A Seasonal Meditation Guide https://www.amazon.com/Year-Angeles-Arriens-Teaching-Meditation/dp/B0CPWG3GJ1/ref=sr_1_8 by Michel Ellison as inspiration for our conversations.

All the best for your podcast, Anna Caroline.



Christine Whitney Sanchez
Phoenix, AZ, USA • +1.480.882.8181
Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/ChristineWhitneySanchez/ | LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/ |  Instagramhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/

On Dec 14, 2024, at 10:18 AM, Chris Corrigan via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

I only met her once in 1995 when I attended my first ever Open Space. It was in Whistler Canada at the International Association for Public Participation and she helped Anne Stadler open the space.

I was hooked on the process from that moment. I had no idea who she or Anne were at the time but I knew my facilitation practice was changed for good.

So, a brief meeting at one of the seminal moments in my life nearly 30 years ago. Small shifts make a big difference.


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 14, 2024, at 8:06 AM, Chrlsful via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

“...benefitting from her teaching or insights...”
sure, asa undergirthing, possibly ‘way of life’ that supports,
'comes from the same place’ as our OST.  "Riding the wave" is
not just about conducting an organization development (1 half of my
contracts) endeavor.  Community development is the other half. But that’s
me personally...

Rather it’s an “on the other hand”; a why I do the work (in many instances). I
think working the OST techniques transforms society (”opens” ?) one organization,
municipality, university, business (and family - as I wrk there too) at a time. I am hopeful,
altho I worked from other places in myself’n got burned out, that each contract plants a seed.
That enuff of these seeds can ‘heal’ a moving-in-the-wrong-direction society/culture.  Energizes
these systems (individuals and families) to move in the direction I think she & HO urge us to head in.
In Community,

  • -BroChad

On Saturday, December 14, 2024, 10:43:12 AM EST, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Hi all!

I’ve been invited to participate in a podcast
„Glorious Women“.

I’d like to introduce Angeles Arrien, author of several books, including the Four Fold Way. This book has impacted my thinking a lot and has helped me strengthen my holistic world view.

Birgitt Williams, Harrison Owen and many others have learned from her - I believe. Her work is extremely important for the Genuine Contact approach and program.

I’m curious if anyone of you has stories to share about working with her, benefitting from her teaching or insights that you gained from her - I’ll be happy to include it in my contribution to the podcast.

Many greetings
Anna Caroline

Spotify Glorious Women : https://open.spotify.com/show/1D1qmjrlzQ8fyCxKhrnjW5

Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com http://truthcircles.com/

Upcoming Facilitation Trainings
online: Whole Person Process Facilitationhttps://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-online/, November 26-29 2024
online: Strategic Planning the Genuine Contact Wayhttps://truthcircles.com/strategic-planning/, 7 sessions Jan & Feb 2025
The Netherlands: Whole Person Process Facilitationhttps://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-nl/, March 19-21 2025
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Doris Gottlieb
Consultant | Facilitator | Mentor
Co-Owner | Genuine Contact Program
Authorized Genuine Contact Trainer

T  +31(0)6.
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorisgottlieb/
You can book and appointment with me herehttps://calendar.app.google/aHCyeJpM9xkkbzhh6


Upcoming events and Genuine Contact™ program (GCP) training. You can find a complete listing of training offering herehttps://www.dorisgottlieb.com/workshops/

Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 26 to 29 November, ONLINE
GC Inspiration Session 3 2024 | 30 November from 13:00 to 17:00, Ruimte voor Aandacht, Utrecht, NL
Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 19 to 21 March, 2025
Working with Open Space Technology | 9 to 11 September, 2025

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Doris Gottlieb
Consultant | Facilitator | Mentor
Co-Owner | Genuine Contact Program
Authorized Genuine Contact Trainer

T  +31(0)6.
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorisgottlieb/
You can book and appointment with me herehttps://calendar.app.google/aHCyeJpM9xkkbzhh6


Upcoming events and Genuine Contact™ program (GCP) training. You can find a complete listing of training offering herehttps://www.dorisgottlieb.com/workshops/

Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 26 to 29 November, ONLINE

GC Inspiration Session 3 2024 | 30 November from 13:00 to 17:00, Ruimte voor Aandacht, Utrecht, NL

Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 19 to 21 March, 2025

Working with Open Space Technology | 9 to 11 September, 2025

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Thanks for taking me back to GiGi Mundial en Bilbao ❤️. I so much enjoyed scrolling through the beautiful docu! Thomas Skickat från Outlook för iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef> ________________________________ Från: Gentza Eleder via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> Skickat: Thursday, December 19, 2024 4:31:01 AM Till: Open Space Listserv <everyone@oslist.org> Ämne: [OSList] Re: Do you know Angeles Arrien? Hello, in WOSonOS 2022 in Bilbao (Basque Country) we had a meeting on "What about Angeles Arrien?" (30th of September). You can find the notes in this links here ● Word https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cw4cLhy83KYCX4emhiRkx9QXALGeTkROrILSDojs0_U/edit#heading=h.bh9t85ny4b50…<https://t.co/ynM4mWeSnS> ● PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vyTKnlfmDv4pzpLWCkf4C1cpjA5EDfdO/view…<https://t.co/fUM559Nl7T> Thank you Anna Caroline and all of you for opening the space again. Very curious about this podcast. A big hug for everybody! Gentza Eleder Mundaka Em terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2024 às 05:04, Steve Cochran via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> escreveu: When I brought a 'Fellows' group of senior federal government leaders to Angeles' remarkable studio in Sausalito she joined us by sitting in lotus position on the floor and said, "How may I serve you?". What followed was the most remarkable exchange and learning of my many years of so-called 'coaching' - where I was the fortunate learner! Thank you, Angeles On Dec 16, 2024, at 5:20 PM, Doris Gottlieb via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote:  Dear Anna Caroline, I am also so grateful you asked. Thank you for the question, triggering my thinking and offering such deep learning from others sharing. Just wanted to raise my voice to say thank you to you and to everyone in this thread. With love, Doris [https://mailfoogae.appspot.com/t?sender=aZG9yaXNAZG9yaXNnb3R0bGllYi5jb20%3D&type=zerocontent&guid=1e20079e-04fa-4168-bf68-b986987d4026]ᐧ On Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 6:45 PM Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: Dear all, I am so touched and inspired by what has been shared! Now I feel as if I have met her through your sharing. It will be a wonderful energy to bring to the podcast. So glad I asked! many greetings from Berlin Anna Caroline Anna Caroline Türk Mentor to Visionary Leaders +49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com <http://TruthCircles.com> [https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/mail-sig/AIorK4zvzMaUno49GwAH7noLtobIaarFOor9_dXXc7vW4ivmABXmpzMLiesueztimmfItahz6agAo5qXgPjp] Upcoming Facilitation Trainings online: Strategic Planning the Genuine Contact Way<https://truthcircles.com/strategic-planning/>, 7 sessions Jan & Feb 2025 The Netherlands: Whole Person Process Facilitation<https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-nl/>, March 19-21 2025 On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 1:57 AM Jeff Aitken via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: I wrote a short note to Anna Caroline, and now want to expand and share with yall on this list (I guess I can't write to the GC list.) I got a job at CIIS in 1986, and began taking courses in Social and Cultural Anthropology, a program that Angeles had co-designed. My first impression of her courses was distinct. She was holding forth for three hours without notes, with a break halfway. This was very different from the experiential approach of many other CIIS courses. Over time it was clear she was steeped in an oral tradition, and speaking from a deep well of learning, passed down thru many generations. Years later, in a speech with indigenous leaders present, she referred to the mystical tradition of her Basque ancestors. Dr Ralph Metzner brought Angeles to CIIS, I learned. It was her academic home for many years. Ralph and Angeles shared a care for the deeper layers of European cultures which could be recovered by folks of European ancestry, honoring and healing the historical traumas which cut us off from our deep roots. Ralph's book The Well of Remembrance was his own important offering, including the shadow work to counteract the dangers that can still arise. I was curious that Angeles often stated that 85% of the world's cultures were in basic agreement about a topic she was discussing. Only later did I understand she was talking about Indigenous cultures, who tho very diverse, have a fundamental worldview that can be considered congruent. She meant not 85% of the human population, but 85% of humanity's cultures. Angeles was a lifelong supporter of Indigenous leaders and elders and youth thru her Foundation. Her 1991 course in Cross-Cultural Shamanism was very interactive, for both personal learning and cultural contexts. Angeles taught us to investigate the old meaning of our given name, and the reasons we were given that name, and find the insights available there. (I learned that Jeffry meant "Peace in the Village" which was a kind affirmation.) She also offered ceremony, such as the Prayer Arrow. We also delved into our ancestry and ancestors' stories, and I soon was inspired to search for my birth parents, a years long deep journey, eventually now honoring all my sets of grandparents and lineages and relatives. Angeles' book The Tarot Handbook is a treasure trove of cultural insights, and applying archetypal approaches to our unfolding lives. One does not need to try Tarot to learn a lot from this book! Tho it helps, in the experiential learning of synchronicity. Finally, I interviewed Angeles about Open Space, because Harrison's books referred to her Four Fold Way. She wrote that Harrison's "Principles of Detachment" (meaning the 4-5 Principles of Open Space) are key to the Four Fold Way. Like others, I came to consider Open Space as a collective enactment of the Four Fold Way. She also noted how a long Open Space can be seen as congruent to Indigenous ceremony in key ways, including the Return and Giveaway at the end, inviting each participant to give the gifts of their learning and their contexts into the circle, and the ongoing story. Angeles thought of Open Space as a "Braided Way" - skillfully helping to bring together the worldviews of Indigenous science and the West. (I remember laughing with an Australian visitor at WOSONOS 2008 that Open Space is like a "Trojan Horse" to sneak an Indigenous inspired practice and ongoing influences into Western organizations.) This was the first example I learned, of several ways now, that scholars and practitioners are finding ways of braiding among these very different worldviews. The work of Dr Melanie Goodchild with the Presencing Institute is just one of these; the work of Dr Albert Marshall and "Two-Eyed Seeing" is another; the work of Dr Vanessa Andreotti and her research collective is another, and my teachers Dr Apela Colorado and Dr Jurgen Kremer offer others. So important in these times of great planet predicament! Blessings on the memory of dear Angeles! I loved that she invited us to light a candle on the day of her passing, and on the same day each month for a year. I lift a toast to her memory. warmly Jeff On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 6:41 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: Christy, Your message makes me grin from ear to ear! Thank you for putting into words some of the amazing lessons from Angie. And sharing that fabulous picture. Peter and Patrick are quite tall but it sure puts Angie’s height in perspective. Also, thank you for the reminder to thank Anna Carolina for creating this opportunity to remember. Anna Carolina, I hope the podcast is a joy! The subject of glorious women sounds like a delight. Spirited Work and the Practice of Peace convening that we hatched out of it spun a "radiant network” (another Anne Stadler phrase) around the world that is still alive and functioning. I am in touch with a remarkable number of the people I met because of Practice of Peace. I learned an amazing lesson from that work. We are all connected in a radiant network. When our hearts are open, we just intuitively know it. When our hearts are closed, I came to trust that it exists even if I can’t feel it. That deeply felt confidence was and is life changing. When I’m lost, I seek the heart. Sometimes it’s purpose and aspirations of what we aspire to do. Always it is what is in the heart with whomever I interact. What holds meaning for me (self)? For them (others)? For all (the whole)? Thanks for the reminder Christy. Warmly, Peggy On Dec 14, 2024, at 2:56 PM, Christy Lee-Engel via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: Hi Anna Carolina, Your invitation has been a lovely opportunity to reflect on Angie's teaching and presence, so beautifully evoked by Doris and Peggy - thank you all. I too got to be with Angie (and Peggy!), in the circle of "Elders & Fellows" that Peggy describes, and then did a few mentoring calls with her, like Doris. Some of the things Angie said that imprinted on me: - Mentoring is always for change. It’s different from coaching/ healing/ reparenting work, which is giving acceptance and acknowledgement. - Connections are always stronger than form. - What we can count on 1) change and 2) our own death plus one of her core teachings, related to the 4-Fold Way: Honorable closure is called for with changes in the phases of relationship, work, structure, institution, name. This opens the portal for what's next and allows us to be doubly blessed. A four-fold practice: 1) Giving gratitude 2) Saying how you were most positively impacted - what new growth has been ignited 3) How you were most challenged/stretched 4) Anything you need to do/say to be complete. Here is a photo from our last gathering, with Peter Block and her closest protegé, Patrick O'Neill (http://www.thefourdirections.com<http://www.thefourdirections.com/>) - Patrick's caption was "what is Angie standing on?" [AA, PB, PON 5.2012.jpg] Enjoy your podcast conversation, Anna Carolina, and thank you again for the invitation to remember! Full Moon greetings to all, Christy 🌝 PS Just like so many of my deeply valued lifelong connections and influences, my invitation to this gathering was a thread that spun out from the Practice of Peace OS event, with Harrison and around 200 (?) other folks from around the world, that Peggy and Anne and their Spirited Work co-creators hosted here in Washington state more than 20 years ago. Forever grateful for all the nutritious conditions and passionate people that resulted in that being the only thing that could have happened! [https://drive.google.com/a/lifecultivatinglife.com/uc?id=15E7Q3moe1XE6XC56iLHupwfC_hKqTHcA&export=download] Christy Lee-Engel, ND, EAMP naturopathic acupuncture life cultivating life<https://www.lifecultivatinglife.com/> 2611 NE 125th St • Suite 90 Seattle WA 98125 "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world." Dr. Paul Farmer, of blessed memory On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 11:33 AM Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: So beautifully said Doris! I first met Angeles Arrien through Spirited Work’s use of the Four Fold Way. Anne Stadler was Spirited Work’s architect. I’ve described Spirited Work before. It was a community of practice that met 4 times a year - once a season - in Open Space from Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning. The themes of the seasons were the four fold practices: Winter - Way of the Warrior: show up and be present Spring - Way of the Healer: pay attention to what has heart and meaning Summer - Way of the Visionary: tell the truth without blame or judgment (below is a story about that from when I met Angie in person) Autumn - Way of the Teacher: be open, not attached to outcome In 2002, Anne invited Angie to Spirited Work. For a silly reason, I remember a ferry ride to Whidbey Island with her like it was yesterday. I’m 5’2”. Angie was under 5 feet tall. We were standing outside on the ferry deck in a light breeze. I remember looking at Angie and I started laughing. Because she was short enough that I could see the top of her head. That wasn’t a normal experience for me. Virtually everyone is taller than me. I shared the source of my laughter with her. She laughed and we spoke of the importance of perspective. On a more serious note, because I had been working a lot with Appreciative Inquiry, I had started reformulating "tell the truth without blame or judgment” to the way I speak it now: tell the truth with compassion. I was thrilled to be able to ask Angie what she thought about that. She was quiet for a moment and then told me she liked it. That meant the world to me! I was also part of a convening that Peter Block, Anne Stadler, and Angeles Arrien organized called Elder Fellows. Each of them invited a couple of younger people and we spent a weekend together in 2012 and 2013. (The first convening happened in 2011. I wasn’t at that one.) I learned a lot at those gatherings. Not ideas, which had always been my focus, but presence. Angie just oozed wisdom. And it wasn't about her words (which were wise). It was how she showed up. Doris described Angie’s presence better than I can. I’ll just say being in her company was a gift. I felt like I was in an advanced course on being. Anne Stadler used to often refer to the Lao Tzu quote: “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.” That’s kind of my take on Angeles Arrien. She embodied being-ness in a way that defies putting into words yet deeply touches those around her. Peggy P.S. I also loved and used her The Tarot Handbook<https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-tarot-handbook-practical-applications-of-ancient-visual-symbols-angeles-arrien/11527044?ean=9780874778953>. _________________________________ Peggy Holman Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation<https://www.bkfoundation.org/> peggy@peggyholman.com<mailto:peggy@peggyholman.com> Bellevue, WA 98006 206-948-0432 www.peggyholman.com<http://www.peggyholman.com/> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity<https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become the fire". -- Drew Dellinger On Dec 14, 2024, at 10:27 AM, Doris Gottlieb via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: Hi Anna Caroline, Thanks for this question. A number of years ago (I think about 15 or 16) when I was in a personal and professional space where I felt lost, and need to re-weave both my work and my life. I contacted her, and entered into mentoring with her. These were a series of emergent online sessions (I with her as a mentor. Those sessions were extremely powerful in helping me through this time, and to re-connect to my personal journey. Although she never spoke directly or "taught" in those sessions about the 4 Fold Way, (which I had read by that time), what we did was deeply connected to my own re-connection to the archetypes in myself, and re-connection with my "personal medicine".... Looking back, what I found so profound and what I am deeply grateful for is how she used all that she knew in what she did, without having to speak about it, but instead through deep listening and connecting to what she knew, finding ways for me to thrive. Reflecting on this, I think that this way that she had was as impactful, as any framework. With love, Doris On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 6:59 PM Christine Whitney Sanchez via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: I also met her once, about 25 years ago. I had been using her Four Fold Way in my work as a counselor and consultant, so it was such a pleasure to be in her presence. I’ve integrated her leadership archetypes in the work with the Girl Scouts and more recently with the T4 Leadership Academy<https://tech.asu.edu/T4-Academy>. Presently, I am in a women’s circle that is using A Year with Angeles Arrien’s Teaching: A Seasonal Meditation Guide <https://www.amazon.com/Year-Angeles-Arriens-Teaching-Meditation/dp/B0CPWG3GJ1/ref=sr_1_8> by Michel Ellison as inspiration for our conversations. All the best for your podcast, Anna Caroline. Namaste, Christine Christine Whitney Sanchez Phoenix, AZ, USA • +1.480.882.8181 christinewhitneysanchez.com<https://christinewhitneysanchez.com/> Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/ChristineWhitneySanchez/> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/> | Instagram<https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinewhitneysanchez/> On Dec 14, 2024, at 10:18 AM, Chris Corrigan via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: I only met her once in 1995 when I attended my first ever Open Space. It was in Whistler Canada at the International Association for Public Participation and she helped Anne Stadler open the space. I was hooked on the process from that moment. I had no idea who she or Anne were at the time but I knew my facilitation practice was changed for good. So, a brief meeting at one of the seminal moments in my life nearly 30 years ago. Small shifts make a big difference. Chris. Sent from my iPhone On Dec 14, 2024, at 8:06 AM, Chrlsful via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote:  “...benefitting from her teaching or insights...” sure, asa undergirthing, possibly ‘way of life’ that supports, 'comes from the same place’ as our OST. "Riding the wave" is not just about conducting an organization development (1 half of my contracts) endeavor. Community development is the other half. But that’s me personally... Rather it’s an “on the other hand”; a why I do the work (in many instances). I think working the OST techniques transforms society (”opens” ?) one organization, municipality, university, business (and family - as I wrk there too) at a time. I am hopeful, altho I worked from other places in myself’n got burned out, that each contract plants a seed. That enuff of these seeds can ‘heal’ a moving-in-the-wrong-direction society/culture. Energizes these systems (individuals and families) to move in the direction I think she & HO urge us to head in. In Community, - -BroChad Amherst MA usa On Saturday, December 14, 2024, 10:43:12 AM EST, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: Hi all! I’ve been invited to participate in a podcast „Glorious Women“. I’d like to introduce Angeles Arrien, author of several books, including the Four Fold Way. This book has impacted my thinking a lot and has helped me strengthen my holistic world view. Birgitt Williams, Harrison Owen and many others have learned from her - I believe. Her work is extremely important for the Genuine Contact approach and program. I’m curious if anyone of you has stories to share about working with her, benefitting from her teaching or insights that you gained from her - I’ll be happy to include it in my contribution to the podcast. Many greetings Anna Caroline Spotify Glorious Women : https://open.spotify.com/show/1D1qmjrlzQ8fyCxKhrnjW5 Anna Caroline Türk Mentor to Visionary Leaders +49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com <http://truthcircles.com/> [https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/mail-sig/AIorK4zvzMaUno49GwAH7noLtobIaarFOor9_dXXc7vW4ivmABXmpzMLiesueztimmfItahz6agAo5qXgPjp] Upcoming Facilitation Trainings online: Whole Person Process Facilitation<https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-online/>, November 26-29 2024 online: Strategic Planning the Genuine Contact Way<https://truthcircles.com/strategic-planning/>, 7 sessions Jan & Feb 2025 The Netherlands: Whole Person Process Facilitation<https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training-nl/>, March 19-21 2025 OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org -- [https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/mail-sig/AIorK4xCYjVHLyCZ-Gf7tPjYcNn_r_NDkwIgk2TW8P28Qgg2ivT66VPm5krCgkxD9lrZ0rbAyY_PLNI] Doris Gottlieb Consultant | Facilitator | Mentor Co-Owner | Genuine Contact Program Authorized Genuine Contact Trainer T +31(0)6. E doris@dorisgottlieb.com<mailto:doris@dorisgottlieb.com> LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorisgottlieb/ W www.dorisgottlieb.com<http://www.dorisgottlieb.com/> You can book and appointment with me here<https://calendar.app.google/aHCyeJpM9xkkbzhh6> [https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/mail-sig/AIorK4x8c3w9JDNby_FpWsILrT1v_9rnMo9tVWgL6iTJ9gUChGT0nIgubdff1XI2uLGkaPsoBae-beI] Upcoming events and Genuine Contact™ program (GCP) training. You can find a complete listing of training offering here<https://www.dorisgottlieb.com/workshops/> Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 26 to 29 November, ONLINE GC Inspiration Session 3 2024 | 30 November from 13:00 to 17:00, Ruimte voor Aandacht, Utrecht, NL Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 19 to 21 March, 2025 Working with Open Space Technology | 9 to 11 September, 2025 OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org -- [https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/mail-sig/AIorK4xCYjVHLyCZ-Gf7tPjYcNn_r_NDkwIgk2TW8P28Qgg2ivT66VPm5krCgkxD9lrZ0rbAyY_PLNI] Doris Gottlieb Consultant | Facilitator | Mentor Co-Owner | Genuine Contact Program Authorized Genuine Contact Trainer T +31(0)6. E doris@dorisgottlieb.com<mailto:doris@dorisgottlieb.com> LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorisgottlieb/ W www.dorisgottlieb.com<http://www.dorisgottlieb.com/> You can book and appointment with me here<https://calendar.app.google/aHCyeJpM9xkkbzhh6> [https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/mail-sig/AIorK4x8c3w9JDNby_FpWsILrT1v_9rnMo9tVWgL6iTJ9gUChGT0nIgubdff1XI2uLGkaPsoBae-beI] Upcoming events and Genuine Contact™ program (GCP) training. You can find a complete listing of training offering here<https://www.dorisgottlieb.com/workshops/> Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 26 to 29 November, ONLINE GC Inspiration Session 3 2024 | 30 November from 13:00 to 17:00, Ruimte voor Aandacht, Utrecht, NL Whole Person Process Facilitation Training | 19 to 21 March, 2025 Working with Open Space Technology | 9 to 11 September, 2025 OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org