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Opening Space for Peace

Tonnie van der Zouwen
Mon, Jun 12, 2023 11:01 AM

Dear all,

In the Future Search Network shared a video that moved me, made me humble as a white facilitator from the West and brought me hope for the practice of peace. A striking example of opening space for peace. Maybe you already know about this process, if not, please see the video.



Dr. Tonnie van der Zouwen MCM

Larikslaan 1
5248 BP Rosmalen
The Netherlands


https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonnievanderzouwen/    https://twitter.com/TonnievdZouwen

Van: Will Phillips willing@thethirdagenda.com
Verzonden: dinsdag 30 mei 2023 23:30
Aan: Tonnie van der Zouwen info@tonnievanderzouwen.nl
Onderwerp: [searchnet] IDIGENOUS WHOLE Systems work

Dear Future Searchers.

Well, the issue came up in our conversation today about the design of Indigenous future search. Process. I immediately thought of the Documentary. Famblatok-Family Talk.  I was first exposed to this in a year long. Course I took on understanding and treating trauma From Eastern Methodist University. Probably the best program in the world for learning about trauma in a real in-depth way.


2011 documentary focused on community-based processes in the wake of civil war in Sierra Leone, in which persons harmed (including witnessing killing of loved ones, also including direct physical and sexual assault) tell their stories in front of their community, and often confronting the responsible party, in order to access Sierra Leoneans’ cultural tradition of forgiveness. The film focuses on particular stories and experiences of harm and healing, although we do not get to see all the months of preparation work that happens behind the scenes before people come together at the storytelling fires. Options to watch 82-minute or 52-minute version (recommend 52 minute).

For individual access: https://www.fambultok.com/watch/stream-online

I Remain,

Willing https://www.google.com/search?q=you+tube+holly+near+im+willing&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS968US969&oq=you+tube+holly+near+im+willing&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.23634j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Willing Phillips

858-829-1615 c

The Third Agenda LLC

97 Cliff St.

Quincy 02169

From: Sandra Janoff <sjanoff@futuresearch.net mailto:sjanoff@futuresearch.net >
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 3:33 PM
To: Will Phillips <willing@thethirdagenda.com mailto:willing@thethirdagenda.com >
Subject: [searchnet] FSN LE, May 30, 2023, 3pm - 5pm ET

Learning Exchange Info:

May 30, 2023, 3pm - 5pm ET,

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84161208413?pwd=aTlwcmNNT0VWNFhXWkR2cUFsLzZoZz09 Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84161208413?pwd=aTlwcmNNT0VWNFhXWkR2cUFsLzZoZz09 us02web.zoom.us

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Our April 19, 2023 Learning Exchange had great energy (as always). Members from US, Europe and New Zealand were there. We spent all 2 hours on the Network Report. Sandra talked about the history, evolution and financial status of the Network. Michael talked about current  stories and future hopes. Good discussions in breakouts and plenary, but not enough time. We are going to continue our discussion on May 30th LE focusing on 1) How we make FS more visible in the world, 2) How we find new funding streams that don’t require the “management” of funds, but enable us to support current and new members,  3) How we grow our network of people through mentoring, documenting at each other’s conferences, etc. and 4) Potential impact of AI.

Hope you can all come and please read the attached Report if you haven’t already.


  1. TIME CHANGE:  May 30, 2023 and the next four sessions will be 3pm ET.  Here’s the explanation. Last week’s meeting was at 3pm ET. We noted that we had greater geographic diversity and larger turnout than with other times.  NZ members were ok with getting up early. European members were ok with joining in the evening. US was good from one coast to the other. We talked a bit and agreed as a group to hold the LE time at 3pm ET for the next four sessions and see what it means. We know that there is not one good time around the globe, but this reflects the membership that comes to the meetings most often and we are giving it try.  This leads to the next topic.

  2. Slack: We talked about using Slack more than we do now. The benefit of Slack is creating conversation streams instead of overloading our inboxes with a specific topic. We will continue with announcements on the listserve, but we experienced topics coming up last week that we didn’t have time to go into deeply. One topic was the tension between wanting our face-to-face LE's back and wanting to fly less. This dilemma is worth some time and energy and we can explore that on Slack. Regional LE’s were mentioned. Other topics were mentoring and creating an online newsletter. All of these ideas we have supported in the past and can be brought to fruition by people who want to meet and talk more. Slack can be a way to flesh out these ideas and find out who has energy to take an idea further and organize something. So, Slack can be used for two things: continue a conversation and/or form and work in a working group. Please click the link below to join Slack and if you need help, Michael is glad to help.

  3. Finances: We talked about our frustration with the Network’s  financial insecurity. Because we, as a Network, can respond to any sector need, we don’t fit foundation funding frameworks that are sector focused. Our outcome data is qualitative and covers the full breadth of social issues.  Additionally, and in contrast to other Networks, we don’t have a yearly conference where we charge US$400-500 per participant that then becomes a main income stream. Our Learning Exchanges have always been at cost. Gifts to the Network have come sporadically through the years. As we talked during the LE, Willing Philips and Jim Whitehead stepped up and volunteered to meet with a group of people who want to look more deeply into this. This is the best example of how our Network works. We grow with the energy and commitment of our members to take on these needed tasks. Sandra and Michael support this effort and will work closely with them.

  4. FSN Brand:  Michael and Sandra have worked with a designer to create the logo that you have approved and we now use in our material. We also commissioned our designer to create a Power Point template. Our purpose has been to have a Future Search look, both logo and font, that is present on everything we put out to the public. If you would like a copy of the template, please write to fsn@futuresearch.net mailto:fsn@futuresearch.net  and we’ll send it to you.

  5. Marketing/Educating: We start with what we’ve said for years - "While FS is often bought, it is hard to sell to those who haven’t thought about it." Therefore, our work, as individual practitioners and as a Network, is to capitalize on opportunities to talk about the power of bringing the whole system into the room on an issue they all care about. We have always presented at conferences, written books and articles, done webinars, videos, podcasts and captivated our friends at dinner parties. We want to do all of this more and more. Drew Howick and Jeff Axelbank presented FS and the Network at the National Conference for School Superintendents in San Diego, CA in April.  Drew and Jeff used our new template and created a wonderful power point. They are happy to share it. The Network bought 20 books to give out and, apparently, they went like hot cakes. They wrote a very thorough report that is on Slack. It’s important to read to understand this kind of effort.

  6. FSN Website: We are investing in a new website. We are at the very beginning. We haven’t taken a concrete step yet, but will definitely keep everyone in the loop.  As a starter, our question is: What would you love to see on the website? And, please send us the link to your favorite site. Hoping we begin using Slack as a vehicle, you can throw your ideas on there under FSN Website or, until we are all Slack-literate, send to fsn@futuresearch.net mailto:fsn@futuresearch.net .

  7. Slack Link

https://futuresearchnetwork.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-1tseubyol-gc8smSxD3J_9j5nZ9sBs4Q#/shared-invite/email Slack

https://futuresearchnetwork.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-1tseubyol-gc8smSxD3J_9j5nZ9sBs4Q#/shared-invite/email futuresearchnetwork.slack.com

  1. Future LE Dates and Times:

May 30th, 3pm - 5pm ET

June 20th 3pm - 5pm ET

July 25th, 3pm - 5pm ET

September 27, 3pm - 5pm ET

  1. Link for May 30th, 3pm - 5pm ET


Meeting ID: 841 6120 8413

Passcode: 683464

Warm regards to all,

Sandra, Michael, Michele, Tammy, Candy and Jim, The FSN LE Planning Group

Sandra Janoff, PhD, Director, Future Search Network
Michael Donnelly, Deputy Director
Emails: sjanoff@futuresearch.net mailto:sjanoff@futuresearch.net , mdonnelly@futuresearch.net mailto:mdonnelly@futuresearch.net
See www.futuresearch.net http://www.futuresearch.net/  for stories of positive social change around the world.

You are currently subscribed to searchnet as: willing@thethirdagenda.com mailto:willing@thethirdagenda.com .

To unsubscribe click here: https://listserv.nea.org/u?id=15703745.aae2a5a39d2a4cbc6fb9161b1fdc6e17 https://listserv.nea.org/u?id=15703745.aae2a5a39d2a4cbc6fb9161b1fdc6e17&n=T&l=searchnet&o=434969 &n=T&l=searchnet&o=434969

(It may be necessary to cut and paste the above URL if the line is broken)

or send a blank email to leave-434969-15703745.aae2a5a39d2a4cbc6fb9161b1fdc6e17@list.nea.org mailto:leave-434969-15703745.aae2a5a39d2a4cbc6fb9161b1fdc6e17@list.nea.org

You are currently subscribed to searchnet as: info@tonnievanderzouwen.nl mailto:info@tonnievanderzouwen.nl .

To unsubscribe click here: https://listserv.nea.org/u?id=1226272.8a56539870357c57064118db807a43c0 https://listserv.nea.org/u?id=1226272.8a56539870357c57064118db807a43c0&n=T&l=searchnet&o=435188 &n=T&l=searchnet&o=435188

(It may be necessary to cut and paste the above URL if the line is broken)

or send a blank email to leave-435188-1226272.8a56539870357c57064118db807a43c0@list.nea.org mailto:leave-435188-1226272.8a56539870357c57064118db807a43c0@list.nea.org

Dear all, In the Future Search Network shared a video that moved me, made me humble as a white facilitator from the West and brought me hope for the practice of peace. A striking example of opening space for peace. Maybe you already know about this process, if not, please see the video. Warmly, Tonnie Dr. Tonnie van der Zouwen MCM Larikslaan 1 5248 BP Rosmalen The Netherlands Tel.: E-mail: Internet: + 31 6 - 50 69 79 82 <mailto:info@tonnievanderzouwen.nl> info@tonnievanderzouwen.nl <http://www.tonnievanderzouwen.nl/> www.tonnievanderzouwen.com <http://www.largescaleinterventions.com/> www.largescaleinterventions.com <https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonnievanderzouwen/> <https://twitter.com/TonnievdZouwen> Van: Will Phillips <willing@thethirdagenda.com> Verzonden: dinsdag 30 mei 2023 23:30 Aan: Tonnie van der Zouwen <info@tonnievanderzouwen.nl> Onderwerp: [searchnet] IDIGENOUS WHOLE Systems work Dear Future Searchers. Well, the issue came up in our conversation today about the design of Indigenous future search. Process. I immediately thought of the Documentary. Famblatok-Family Talk. I was first exposed to this in a year long. Course I took on understanding and treating trauma From Eastern Methodist University. Probably the best program in the world for learning about trauma in a real in-depth way. https://www.fambultok.com/watch/stream-online 2011 documentary focused on community-based processes in the wake of civil war in Sierra Leone, in which persons harmed (including witnessing killing of loved ones, also including direct physical and sexual assault) tell their stories in front of their community, and often confronting the responsible party, in order to access Sierra Leoneans’ cultural tradition of forgiveness. The film focuses on particular stories and experiences of harm and healing, although we do not get to see all the months of preparation work that happens behind the scenes before people come together at the storytelling fires. Options to watch 82-minute or 52-minute version (recommend 52 minute). For individual access: https://www.fambultok.com/watch/stream-online I Remain, Willing <https://www.google.com/search?q=you+tube+holly+near+im+willing&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS968US969&oq=you+tube+holly+near+im+willing&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.23634j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8> Willing Phillips 858-829-1615 c The Third Agenda LLC 97 Cliff St. Quincy 02169 From: Sandra Janoff <sjanoff@futuresearch.net <mailto:sjanoff@futuresearch.net> > Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 3:33 PM To: Will Phillips <willing@thethirdagenda.com <mailto:willing@thethirdagenda.com> > Subject: [searchnet] FSN LE, May 30, 2023, 3pm - 5pm ET Learning Exchange Info: May 30, 2023, 3pm - 5pm ET, <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84161208413?pwd=aTlwcmNNT0VWNFhXWkR2cUFsLzZoZz09> Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84161208413?pwd=aTlwcmNNT0VWNFhXWkR2cUFsLzZoZz09> us02web.zoom.us Dear Friends and Colleagues, Our April 19, 2023 Learning Exchange had great energy (as always). Members from US, Europe and New Zealand were there. We spent all 2 hours on the Network Report. Sandra talked about the history, evolution and financial status of the Network. Michael talked about current stories and future hopes. Good discussions in breakouts and plenary, but not enough time. We are going to continue our discussion on May 30th LE focusing on 1) How we make FS more visible in the world, 2) How we find new funding streams that don’t require the “management” of funds, but enable us to support current and new members, 3) How we grow our network of people through mentoring, documenting at each other’s conferences, etc. and 4) Potential impact of AI. Hope you can all come and please read the attached Report if you haven’t already. IMPORTANT POINTS 1. TIME CHANGE: May 30, 2023 and the next four sessions will be 3pm ET. Here’s the explanation. Last week’s meeting was at 3pm ET. We noted that we had greater geographic diversity and larger turnout than with other times. NZ members were ok with getting up early. European members were ok with joining in the evening. US was good from one coast to the other. We talked a bit and agreed as a group to hold the LE time at 3pm ET for the next four sessions and see what it means. We know that there is not one good time around the globe, but this reflects the membership that comes to the meetings most often and we are giving it try. This leads to the next topic. 2. Slack: We talked about using Slack more than we do now. The benefit of Slack is creating conversation streams instead of overloading our inboxes with a specific topic. We will continue with announcements on the listserve, but we experienced topics coming up last week that we didn’t have time to go into deeply. One topic was the tension between wanting our face-to-face LE's back and wanting to fly less. This dilemma is worth some time and energy and we can explore that on Slack. Regional LE’s were mentioned. Other topics were mentoring and creating an online newsletter. All of these ideas we have supported in the past and can be brought to fruition by people who want to meet and talk more. Slack can be a way to flesh out these ideas and find out who has energy to take an idea further and organize something. So, Slack can be used for two things: continue a conversation and/or form and work in a working group. Please click the link below to join Slack and if you need help, Michael is glad to help. 3. Finances: We talked about our frustration with the Network’s financial insecurity. Because we, as a Network, can respond to any sector need, we don’t fit foundation funding frameworks that are sector focused. Our outcome data is qualitative and covers the full breadth of social issues. Additionally, and in contrast to other Networks, we don’t have a yearly conference where we charge US$400-500 per participant that then becomes a main income stream. Our Learning Exchanges have always been at cost. Gifts to the Network have come sporadically through the years. As we talked during the LE, Willing Philips and Jim Whitehead stepped up and volunteered to meet with a group of people who want to look more deeply into this. This is the best example of how our Network works. We grow with the energy and commitment of our members to take on these needed tasks. Sandra and Michael support this effort and will work closely with them. 4. FSN Brand: Michael and Sandra have worked with a designer to create the logo that you have approved and we now use in our material. We also commissioned our designer to create a Power Point template. Our purpose has been to have a Future Search look, both logo and font, that is present on everything we put out to the public. If you would like a copy of the template, please write to fsn@futuresearch.net <mailto:fsn@futuresearch.net> and we’ll send it to you. 5. Marketing/Educating: We start with what we’ve said for years - "While FS is often bought, it is hard to sell to those who haven’t thought about it." Therefore, our work, as individual practitioners and as a Network, is to capitalize on opportunities to talk about the power of bringing the whole system into the room on an issue they all care about. We have always presented at conferences, written books and articles, done webinars, videos, podcasts and captivated our friends at dinner parties. We want to do all of this more and more. Drew Howick and Jeff Axelbank presented FS and the Network at the National Conference for School Superintendents in San Diego, CA in April. Drew and Jeff used our new template and created a wonderful power point. They are happy to share it. The Network bought 20 books to give out and, apparently, they went like hot cakes. They wrote a very thorough report that is on Slack. It’s important to read to understand this kind of effort. 7. FSN Website: We are investing in a new website. We are at the very beginning. We haven’t taken a concrete step yet, but will definitely keep everyone in the loop. As a starter, our question is: What would you love to see on the website? And, please send us the link to your favorite site. Hoping we begin using Slack as a vehicle, you can throw your ideas on there under FSN Website or, until we are all Slack-literate, send to fsn@futuresearch.net <mailto:fsn@futuresearch.net> . 8. Slack Link <https://futuresearchnetwork.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-1tseubyol-gc8smSxD3J_9j5nZ9sBs4Q#/shared-invite/email> Slack <https://futuresearchnetwork.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-1tseubyol-gc8smSxD3J_9j5nZ9sBs4Q#/shared-invite/email> futuresearchnetwork.slack.com 9. Future LE Dates and Times: May 30th, 3pm - 5pm ET June 20th 3pm - 5pm ET July 25th, 3pm - 5pm ET September 27, 3pm - 5pm ET 10. Link for May 30th, 3pm - 5pm ET https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84161208413?pwd=aTlwcmNNT0VWNFhXWkR2cUFsLzZoZz09 Meeting ID: 841 6120 8413 Passcode: 683464 Warm regards to all, Sandra, Michael, Michele, Tammy, Candy and Jim, The FSN LE Planning Group Sandra Janoff, PhD, Director, Future Search Network Michael Donnelly, Deputy Director Emails: sjanoff@futuresearch.net <mailto:sjanoff@futuresearch.net> , mdonnelly@futuresearch.net <mailto:mdonnelly@futuresearch.net> See www.futuresearch.net <http://www.futuresearch.net/> for stories of positive social change around the world. --- You are currently subscribed to searchnet as: willing@thethirdagenda.com <mailto:willing@thethirdagenda.com> . To unsubscribe click here: https://listserv.nea.org/u?id=15703745.aae2a5a39d2a4cbc6fb9161b1fdc6e17 <https://listserv.nea.org/u?id=15703745.aae2a5a39d2a4cbc6fb9161b1fdc6e17&n=T&l=searchnet&o=434969> &n=T&l=searchnet&o=434969 (It may be necessary to cut and paste the above URL if the line is broken) or send a blank email to leave-434969-15703745.aae2a5a39d2a4cbc6fb9161b1fdc6e17@list.nea.org <mailto:leave-434969-15703745.aae2a5a39d2a4cbc6fb9161b1fdc6e17@list.nea.org> --- You are currently subscribed to searchnet as: info@tonnievanderzouwen.nl <mailto:info@tonnievanderzouwen.nl> . To unsubscribe click here: https://listserv.nea.org/u?id=1226272.8a56539870357c57064118db807a43c0 <https://listserv.nea.org/u?id=1226272.8a56539870357c57064118db807a43c0&n=T&l=searchnet&o=435188> &n=T&l=searchnet&o=435188 (It may be necessary to cut and paste the above URL if the line is broken) or send a blank email to leave-435188-1226272.8a56539870357c57064118db807a43c0@list.nea.org <mailto:leave-435188-1226272.8a56539870357c57064118db807a43c0@list.nea.org>