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[RVL] Tomorrow's Two Calls - DAF Solidarity & A Learning Café

Tony Budak
Wed, Sep 6, 2023 8:06 PM

-------- Forwarded Message --------    Subject:  [RVL] Tomorrow's Two Calls - DAF Solidarity & A Learning Café  Date:  Wed, 6 Sep 2023 15:53:10 -0400  From:  Tony Budak <tonybudak@tbmw.org>  Reply-To:  Tony Budak <tonybudak@tbmw.org>

Hi Colleagues,

I hope you all are doing well. I wish to follow up on our recent chats about the “Access to Internet Support campaign” by Bidii Yetu, a group of refugees in Kakuma camp, Kenya. It began with my observing chat threads on Deep Adaptation Forum, followed by inviting Martin Abumba and Mulamba Placide, to our Thursday Zoom chats, where we learned more about Bidii Yetu's challenges and aspirations. Now some exciting news for us. Dorian Cave and Wendy Freeman, DAF moderators, will host a Solidarity Experiment online event. As a DAF Solidarity Experiment team player, I am inviting you to join us which is well before our normal Thursday RVL chats; See both invites below:

Thank you very much for signing up to join the DAF Solidarity Experiment!

As you know, this experiment is an invitation to engage in ‘right’ relations with DAF solidarity projects – currently, these are “Make Bafut Ecovillage Green Again” by Better World Cameroon, and “Access to Internet Support campaign” by Bidii Yetu, Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya. We aim to engage in learning about solidarity through supporting these projects with money/energy exchange, accompanied by monthly calls exploring the various personal, cultural and socio-political aspects of solidarity and decolonisation.

We will meet tomorrow at 12pm UTC (your local time here) at the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89412138214?pwd%3DT4z8fcBnSeIpWtRIawBobL8SecaTIH.1

I look forward to seeing you there for this exploration.
In community,

A Learning Café, every Thursday at 3 pm EDT

Topic: Raise the Value of Learning via time currency in shared activities

https://drive.google.com/file/d/111nljAE2-8xkssTc4_tU03_vxMnibbzL/view?usp=share_link :

Your invited to talk about initiatives that make a difference. This is the perfect opportunity to share ideas. We'll be discussing various projects that aim to promote a local economy. It's a time to say what's happening.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 3382 7987
Pass code: 174745

Our chat will be casual and open-ended, so feel free to come with any questions, comments, or ideas you may have. We'd love to hear from you and have you be part of the conversation!

Know that your comments are greatly appreciated,  :thinking: :joy:

Click HERE to Chat with Tony

Until next time, Tony Budak,
More Fun and Less Stuff,
on behalf of our Learning Network

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