
World wide Open Space Technology email list

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If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help!

Thomas Herrmann
Sun, Sep 8, 2024 6:48 PM

Wow such wonderful stories in those proceedings.
Thanks for sharing
With appreciation
Thomas Herrmann

Från: Peggy Holman via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Skickat: den 8 september 2024 19:10
Till: Open Space Listserv everyone@oslist.org
Ämne: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help!

Hi Michael,

I do remember the double rainbow! It happened on what we called “Day 3” - a meeting among people who were stewarding international Open Space Institutes.

I’ve attached the proceedings from that meeting. (Hopefully the attachment comes through.) I’ve copied the session notes that talked about the rainbow below.

We declared the formation of “World-wide Open Space.” I guess that has since evolved to WOSonOS.

I also remember that Harrison got sick and didn’t make it to Monterey. I think it was Anne Stadler who invited us to create a get-well card to send him. It sat in the center of the circle until Ralph Copleman symbolically pulled Harrison out of the center of the circle by moving that big card made of multiple sheets of flip-chart paper out of the circle. (I remember him moving it not tearing it apart.) It was like the air cleared.

What I most recall in that morning circle was a tense exchange about “in groups” and “out groups.” I sat breathing and sinking energetic roots as deeply as I knew how as people spoke their anger, frustration, caring, curiosity, and more. A woman I didn’t know took the talking stick at one point, got up and wove in and out of the circle talking about what was: some felt in, some felt out, and all of it was legitimate. Something shifted in the room, as it did when Ralph moved Harrison out of the center. As a group, we went until there was nothing left to say. I remember sitting there catching my breath when the circle broke and Ralph sat down next to me and asked if I was okay. It was such an act of kindness.

To this day that circle was one of the most challenging experiences I’ve had in Open Space. From the outside, it probably looked like I was doing nothing. Inside, I was listening to ensure the space stayed open for whatever needed to be expressed. Ralph’s acknowledgment of the challenge and my being present to the moment meant a lot to me.

So much learning….

Peggy Holman
Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundationhttps://www.bkfoundation.org

Bellevue, WA  98006

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunityhttps://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger

TOPIC #5:  Opportunity: World wide Open Space with possibility of becoming an NGO of the United Nations

CONVENORS: Birgitt Bolton and Barry Owen

(Birgitt had posted the topic as above. Barry had posted the topic of Global Open Space. They decided to combine topics)


Paul Ash, Brian Bainbridge,Birgitt Bolton,  Chandra Christian, Leon Deking, Diana Griesshammer, Peggy Holman, Sheila Isakson, Joelle Lyons-Everett, Roy Mayhugh, Linda Olson, Barry Owen,  Michael Pannwitz, Katrina Petri, Larry Peterson

DISCUSSION/SUMMARYJust moments before this discussion began, we had all been dazzled by a wonderful double rainbow right outside our window, over the ocean.

Birgitt presented her desire for a world wide presence of Open Space. Her belief is that if enough groups use Open Space throughout the world, that we will have peace on earth. She also presented information from a meeting that she had had with Bruce Erickson the evening before. Bruce suggested that if world wide open space was to be, that for added credibility and contacts, that World Wide Open Space become an NGO (non-government organization) of the United Nations. He said that he could facilitate this as a former staff of the World Health Organization in Geneva and that he could arrange for one of the three critical conditions to be met---a letter of support for World Wide Open Space from a member of the United Nations. He could and would also supply us with the necessary paperwork. The discussion followed along the following lines:

• The words “world wide” are preferable to “global” or “international”. Each of the other words has particular meanings in other countries

• We agreed that we met one of the three criteria for United Nations NGO status in that we were represented by people from at least three countries. There were four countries represented in this discussion

• As OS practitioners that gather together, we gather as a place to meet, spread the idea of Open Space, we do not gather for profit to any one of us

• Association is a better word for us to be using than Institute

• If the Association has us all as practitioners rather than as members, it clearly clarifies that we are not here for our own profit

• An Association under British Law is thought as a network for greater good. In the US the concept of association is different in the non-profit sector ie: Blue Cross which is really a large money maker

• If we move forward with intention as a United Nations NGO, there will be many legalities we will have to deal with, the setting up of a bank account, etc.

• The mailing address of the Association should not be in the US

• We agreed that the NGO status aught to be explored so as to achieve it. Agreed that Birgitt would research this, and supply notes to others in this group who would help as needed to move this forward

• World Wide Open Space (Association) would mean that we would transcend boundaries caused by countries

• Don’t disband the local institutes, in fact there should be more in as many countries as possible

• This world wide presence is not to be a controlling body. Rather more like an amoeba

• There was great value from the beginning that the two initial Open Space Institutes were birthed almost simultaneously, taking care of the fact that there never was one controlling body

• Lets use verb rather than noun “institute”

• Lets use World Wide Open Space rather than adding on any word such as institute. However agreed that if an added on word is to be used, that the word be “association” rather than “insitute”

• Larry Peterson then took the initiative of saying that rather than continuing the conversation about whether or not we had a global intention


• The institutes all agreed to support World Wide Open Space, to develop a world wide consciousness through things like stating so on our correspondence, letterhead, looking for people who can multiply awareness of the existence of Open Space such as business clubs, do speaking engagements when possible, do Open Space events when possible (have to experience it to really understand it)

• Conversation continued regarding having WORLD WIDE OPEN SPACE as an NGO of United Nations

• Larry would contact Linda Stardob (sp?) who works for the United Nations Development Program to see what she could offer by way of information/help

• Peggy said that when paperwork needed to be filled out, could reference the paperwork the US filled out to achieve their 501C3

• All agreed that whatever legalities and structure needed to be set up in order to meet the criteria for the World Wide Open Space (Association) to become an NGO of United Nations, that the group will was for this to be kept to the minimum that we could get away with. We do not want unnecessary imposed structure.


On Sep 6, 2024, at 11:27 PM, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Dear Peggy,

do you remember the appearanc of two rainbows over the Pacific in Monterey as we were
crafting a new name for "OSonOS" and someone suggested "Worldwide OSonOS"....

I felt that was a grand intervention.

Another intervention impressing me was Ralph Copleman grabbing a poster with Harrison's name on it that someone had positioned in the Center of the Circle and tearing it appart.
It stirred up the deeper power of  "Whoever comes is the right people".
Harrison did not show up in person in Monterey suffering from what he called the "Berlin Flue".

And yes, I also remember Birgitt's deep reaction to several folks leaving our OSonOS after having been in her session on "What is Open Space Technology" (or something similar to that) cheerfully exclaiming "Thanks, we now know how it works"...  she
was angry at - what I felt - this shameless impudence.

peace and love

Am 07.09.2024 um 00:38 schrieb Peggy Holman via OSList:
I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way back in 1998.

Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in Vancouver.

Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao!

Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul!


Peggy Holman
Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundationhttps://www.bkfoundation.org/

Bellevue, WA  98006

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunityhttps://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger

On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org wrote:

Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation!

I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao).

I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa Heft during years.

I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other message.

Enjoy in Istambul!


Gentza Eleder
Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country

Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org>
Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03
Hona: everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help!

Dear OS friends!

At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the legacy of WOSonOS.
We need your help!

If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some highlights and pictures from the event.

If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, please also fill in the questionnaire.

Fill in this super short questionnairehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$ by Friday 13th September.

Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul, so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here are some more details about the brochurehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$and you are invited to leave comments in the brief.

We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be added to the brochure each year.

Greetings from
Maryana, Anna Caroline

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org

To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org

See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Michael M Pannwitz

Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin

+49 30 7728000    mmpannwitz@posteo.demailto:mmpannwitz@posteo.de
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Wow such wonderful stories in those proceedings. Thanks for sharing With appreciation Thomas Herrmann Från: Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> Skickat: den 8 september 2024 19:10 Till: Open Space Listserv <everyone@oslist.org> Ämne: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help! Hi Michael, I do remember the double rainbow! It happened on what we called “Day 3” - a meeting among people who were stewarding international Open Space Institutes. I’ve attached the proceedings from that meeting. (Hopefully the attachment comes through.) I’ve copied the session notes that talked about the rainbow below. We declared the formation of “World-wide Open Space.” I guess that has since evolved to WOSonOS. I also remember that Harrison got sick and didn’t make it to Monterey. I think it was Anne Stadler who invited us to create a get-well card to send him. It sat in the center of the circle until Ralph Copleman symbolically pulled Harrison out of the center of the circle by moving that big card made of multiple sheets of flip-chart paper out of the circle. (I remember him moving it not tearing it apart.) It was like the air cleared. What I most recall in that morning circle was a tense exchange about “in groups” and “out groups.” I sat breathing and sinking energetic roots as deeply as I knew how as people spoke their anger, frustration, caring, curiosity, and more. A woman I didn’t know took the talking stick at one point, got up and wove in and out of the circle talking about what was: some felt in, some felt out, and all of it was legitimate. Something shifted in the room, as it did when Ralph moved Harrison out of the center. As a group, we went until there was nothing left to say. I remember sitting there catching my breath when the circle broke and Ralph sat down next to me and asked if I was okay. It was such an act of kindness. To this day that circle was one of the most challenging experiences I’ve had in Open Space. From the outside, it probably looked like I was doing nothing. Inside, I was listening to ensure the space stayed open for whatever needed to be expressed. Ralph’s acknowledgment of the challenge and my being present to the moment meant a lot to me. So much learning…. _________________________________ Peggy Holman Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation<https://www.bkfoundation.org> peggy@peggyholman.com<mailto:peggy@peggyholman.com> Bellevue, WA 98006 206-948-0432 www.peggyholman.com<http://www.peggyholman.com> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity<https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become the fire". -- Drew Dellinger **** TOPIC #5: Opportunity: World wide Open Space with possibility of becoming an NGO of the United Nations CONVENORS: Birgitt Bolton and Barry Owen (Birgitt had posted the topic as above. Barry had posted the topic of Global Open Space. They decided to combine topics) PARTICIPANTS: Paul Ash, Brian Bainbridge,Birgitt Bolton, Chandra Christian, Leon Deking, Diana Griesshammer, Peggy Holman, Sheila Isakson, Joelle Lyons-Everett, Roy Mayhugh, Linda Olson, Barry Owen, Michael Pannwitz, Katrina Petri, Larry Peterson DISCUSSION/SUMMARYJust moments before this discussion began, we had all been dazzled by a wonderful double rainbow right outside our window, over the ocean. Birgitt presented her desire for a world wide presence of Open Space. Her belief is that if enough groups use Open Space throughout the world, that we will have peace on earth. She also presented information from a meeting that she had had with Bruce Erickson the evening before. Bruce suggested that if world wide open space was to be, that for added credibility and contacts, that World Wide Open Space become an NGO (non-government organization) of the United Nations. He said that he could facilitate this as a former staff of the World Health Organization in Geneva and that he could arrange for one of the three critical conditions to be met---a letter of support for World Wide Open Space from a member of the United Nations. He could and would also supply us with the necessary paperwork. The discussion followed along the following lines: • The words “world wide” are preferable to “global” or “international”. Each of the other words has particular meanings in other countries • We agreed that we met one of the three criteria for United Nations NGO status in that we were represented by people from at least three countries. There were four countries represented in this discussion • As OS practitioners that gather together, we gather as a place to meet, spread the idea of Open Space, we do not gather for profit to any one of us • Association is a better word for us to be using than Institute • If the Association has us all as practitioners rather than as members, it clearly clarifies that we are not here for our own profit • An Association under British Law is thought as a network for greater good. In the US the concept of association is different in the non-profit sector ie: Blue Cross which is really a large money maker • If we move forward with intention as a United Nations NGO, there will be many legalities we will have to deal with, the setting up of a bank account, etc. • The mailing address of the Association should not be in the US • We agreed that the NGO status aught to be explored so as to achieve it. Agreed that Birgitt would research this, and supply notes to others in this group who would help as needed to move this forward • World Wide Open Space (Association) would mean that we would transcend boundaries caused by countries • Don’t disband the local institutes, in fact there should be more in as many countries as possible • This world wide presence is not to be a controlling body. Rather more like an amoeba • There was great value from the beginning that the two initial Open Space Institutes were birthed almost simultaneously, taking care of the fact that there never was one controlling body • Lets use verb rather than noun “institute” • Lets use World Wide Open Space rather than adding on any word such as institute. However agreed that if an added on word is to be used, that the word be “association” rather than “insitute” • Larry Peterson then took the initiative of saying that rather than continuing the conversation about whether or not we had a global intention WE HAVE NOW FORMED WORLD WIDE OPEN SPACE • The institutes all agreed to support World Wide Open Space, to develop a world wide consciousness through things like stating so on our correspondence, letterhead, looking for people who can multiply awareness of the existence of Open Space such as business clubs, do speaking engagements when possible, do Open Space events when possible (have to experience it to really understand it) • Conversation continued regarding having WORLD WIDE OPEN SPACE as an NGO of United Nations • Larry would contact Linda Stardob (sp?) who works for the United Nations Development Program to see what she could offer by way of information/help • Peggy said that when paperwork needed to be filled out, could reference the paperwork the US filled out to achieve their 501C3 • All agreed that whatever legalities and structure needed to be set up in order to meet the criteria for the World Wide Open Space (Association) to become an NGO of United Nations, that the group will was for this to be kept to the minimum that we could get away with. We do not want unnecessary imposed structure. WE AGREED THAT REGISTRATION AS AN NGO OF THE UNITED NATIONS WOULD GIVE US ESTABLISHED CREDIBILITY ON A WORLD WIDE LEVEL AND WE WOULD PROCEED WITH EXPLORING THIS WITH A DESIRE FOR A POSITIVE OUTCOME On Sep 6, 2024, at 11:27 PM, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: Dear Peggy, do you remember the appearanc of two rainbows over the Pacific in Monterey as we were crafting a new name for "OSonOS" and someone suggested "Worldwide OSonOS".... "WOSonOS"? I felt that was a grand intervention. Another intervention impressing me was Ralph Copleman grabbing a poster with Harrison's name on it that someone had positioned in the Center of the Circle and tearing it appart. It stirred up the deeper power of "Whoever comes is the right people". Harrison did not show up in person in Monterey suffering from what he called the "Berlin Flue". And yes, I also remember Birgitt's deep reaction to several folks leaving our OSonOS after having been in her session on "What is Open Space Technology" (or something similar to that) cheerfully exclaiming "Thanks, we now know how it works"... she was angry at - what I felt - this shameless impudence. .... peace and love mmp Am 07.09.2024 um 00:38 schrieb Peggy Holman via OSList: I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way back in 1998. Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in Vancouver. Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao! Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul! Warmly, Peggy _________________________________ Peggy Holman Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation<https://www.bkfoundation.org/> peggy@peggyholman.com<mailto:peggy@peggyholman.com> Bellevue, WA 98006 206-948-0432 www.peggyholman.com<http://www.peggyholman.com/> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity<https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become the fire". -- Drew Dellinger On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <everyone@oslist.org><mailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote: Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation! I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao). I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa Heft during years. I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other message. Enjoy in Istambul! Love, Gentza Eleder Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03 Hona: everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help! Dear OS friends! At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the legacy of WOSonOS. We need your help! If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some highlights and pictures from the event. If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, please also fill in the questionnaire. Fill in this super short questionnaire<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$> by Friday 13th September. Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul, so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here are some more details about the brochure<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$>and you are invited to leave comments in the brief. We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be added to the brochure each year. Greetings from Maryana, Anna Caroline LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee. OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org Michael M Pannwitz Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin +49 30 7728000 mmpannwitz@posteo.de<mailto:mmpannwitz@posteo.de> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Mon, Sep 9, 2024 11:53 AM

Peggy, hello!
Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of Wisdom from past WOSonOS hosts.
All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was also a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving to help us so generously.

Thanks, love, Lisa!

After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade the compilation.
Here is the link to the last version I foundhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1XX4M06VNzq-UBFk-CWEGANTAuRxE5-jd/view?usp=sharing.

I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams.

Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll keep connected, anyway)!

Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of you!

Gentza Eleder

Hemendik: Peggy Holman via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38
Hona: Open Space Listserv everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help!

I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way back in 1998.

Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in Vancouver.

Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao!

Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul!


Peggy Holman
Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundationhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bkfoundation.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXAVi42ks$

Bellevue, WA  98006

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunityhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXpl_-gko$

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger

On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation!

I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao).

I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa Heft during years.

I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other message.

Enjoy in Istambul!


Gentza Eleder
Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country

Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org>
Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03
Hona: everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help!

Dear OS friends!

At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the legacy of WOSonOS.
We need your help!

If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some highlights and pictures from the event.

If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, please also fill in the questionnaire.

Fill in this super short questionnairehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$ by Friday 13th September.

Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul, so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here are some more details about the brochurehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$and you are invited to leave comments in the brief.

We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be added to the brochure each year.

Greetings from
Maryana, Anna Caroline

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.orgmailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.orghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXuUEm-cA$

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.

Peggy, hello! Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of Wisdom from past WOSonOS hosts. All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was also a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving to help us so generously. Thanks, love, Lisa! After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade the compilation. Here is the link to the last version I found<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XX4M06VNzq-UBFk-CWEGANTAuRxE5-jd/view?usp=sharing>. I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams. Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll keep connected, anyway)! Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of you! Gentza Eleder Hemendik: Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> Bidaltze-data: sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38 Hona: Open Space Listserv <everyone@oslist.org> Gaia: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help! I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way back in 1998. Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in Vancouver. Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao! Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul! Warmly, Peggy _________________________________ Peggy Holman Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bkfoundation.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXAVi42ks$> peggy@peggyholman.com<mailto:peggy@peggyholman.com> Bellevue, WA 98006 206-948-0432 www.peggyholman.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.peggyholman.com__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXc7MlHg0$> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXpl_-gko$> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become the fire". -- Drew Dellinger On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation! I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao). I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa Heft during years. I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other message. Enjoy in Istambul! Love, Gentza Eleder Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03 Hona: everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help! Dear OS friends! At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the legacy of WOSonOS. We need your help! If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some highlights and pictures from the event. If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, please also fill in the questionnaire. Fill in this super short questionnaire<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$> by Friday 13th September. Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul, so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here are some more details about the brochure<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$>and you are invited to leave comments in the brief. We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be added to the brochure each year. Greetings from Maryana, Anna Caroline LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee. OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org<mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXuUEm-cA$> LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.
Peggy Holman
Mon, Sep 9, 2024 6:06 PM

Thank you for the link Gentza Eleder. While I just skimmed it, it is a wonderful read!

What a far-sighted gift from Lisa.

On Sep 9, 2024, at 4:53 AM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus wrote:

Peggy, hello!
Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of Wisdom from past WOSonOS hosts.
All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was also a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving to help us so generously.

Thanks, love, Lisa!

After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade the compilation.
Here is the link to the last version I found https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XX4M06VNzq-UBFk-CWEGANTAuRxE5-jd/view?usp=sharing.

I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams.

Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll keep connected, anyway)!

Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of you!

Gentza Eleder

Hemendik: Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org mailto:everyone@oslist.org>
Bidaltze-data: sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38
Hona: Open Space Listserv <everyone@oslist.org mailto:everyone@oslist.org>
Gaia: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help!

I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way back in 1998.

Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in Vancouver.

Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao!

Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul!


Peggy Holman
Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bkfoundation.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXAVi42ks$
peggy@peggyholman.com mailto:peggy@peggyholman.com

Bellevue, WA  98006
www.peggyholman.com https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.peggyholman.com__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXc7MlHg0$

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXpl_-gko$

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger

On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <everyone@oslist.org mailto:everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation!

I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao).

I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa Heft during years.

I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other message.

Enjoy in Istambul!


Gentza Eleder
Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country

Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.org mailto:everyone@oslist.org>
Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03
Hona: everyone@oslist.org mailto:everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help!

Dear OS friends!

At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the legacy of WOSonOS.
We need your help!

If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some highlights and pictures from the event.

If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, please also fill in the questionnaire.

Fill in this super short questionnaire https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$ by Friday 13th September.

Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul, so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here are some more details about the brochure https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$and you are invited to leave comments in the brief.

We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be added to the brochure each year.

Greetings from
Maryana, Anna Caroline

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org mailto:everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXuUEm-cA$

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.

Thank you for the link Gentza Eleder. While I just skimmed it, it is a wonderful read! What a far-sighted gift from Lisa. > On Sep 9, 2024, at 4:53 AM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder <eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus> wrote: > > Peggy, hello! > Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of Wisdom from past WOSonOS hosts. > All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was also a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving to help us so generously. > > Thanks, love, Lisa! > > After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade the compilation. > Here is the link to the last version I found <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XX4M06VNzq-UBFk-CWEGANTAuRxE5-jd/view?usp=sharing>. > > I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams. > > Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll keep connected, anyway)! > > Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of you! > > Gentza Eleder > > > Hemendik: Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org <mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> > Bidaltze-data: sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38 > Hona: Open Space Listserv <everyone@oslist.org <mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> > Gaia: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help! > > I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way back in 1998. > > Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in Vancouver. > > Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao! > > Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul! > > Warmly, > Peggy > > _________________________________ > Peggy Holman > Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bkfoundation.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXAVi42ks$> > peggy@peggyholman.com <mailto:peggy@peggyholman.com> > > Bellevue, WA 98006 > 206-948-0432 > www.peggyholman.com <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.peggyholman.com__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXc7MlHg0$> > > Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXpl_-gko$> > > "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt, is to become > the fire". > -- Drew Dellinger > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <everyone@oslist.org <mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> wrote: > > Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation! > > I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao). > > I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa Heft during years. > > I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other message. > > Enjoy in Istambul! > > Love, > > Gentza Eleder > Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country > > Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.org <mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> > Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03 > Hona: everyone@oslist.org <mailto:everyone@oslist.org> > Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need your help! > > Dear OS friends! > > At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the legacy of WOSonOS. > We need your help! > > If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some highlights and pictures from the event. > > If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, please also fill in the questionnaire. > > Fill in this super short questionnaire <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$> by Friday 13th September. > > Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul, so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here are some more details about the brochure <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$>and you are invited to leave comments in the brief. > > We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be added to the brochure each year. > > Greetings from > Maryana, Anna Caroline > > > > LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. > > AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) <mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. > > DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee. > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org <mailto:everyone@oslist.org> > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org <mailto:everyone-leave@oslist.org> > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXuUEm-cA$> > > > > > LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. > > AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) <mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. > > DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee. >
Anna Caroline Türk
Fri, Sep 20, 2024 3:40 PM

Hi dears!

Thank you for responding to our questionnaire and being willing to share
texts for the booklets.
I have been and continue to be quite busy - gave a Working with Open Space
Technology https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/ training in
the Netherlands in September and preparing for the next one in Ukraine in
October. And in between facilitating meetings, including OSTs for my
I would love to share more about it here, but I just don't manage, on my
LinkedIn, I try to share at least a bit about each one - feel free to
connect with me there.

Many of you have responded to the questionnaire, but there are still many
who have not responded. To represent all WOSonOS in the brochure we'd like
to have pictures and links to all WOSonOS.

If you have a moment to support the project, please take a look here and
contact hosts of WOSonOS
have not responded to our questionnaire - thank you!

Today I met with Johanna, who is volunteering to help out with the design.
Once that is finished we can add all information - including the texts
OST, WOSonOS, Talking Stick, and Access Queen - that have been shared.

I hope to finish the brochure before the 30th WOSonOS in Istanbul and offer
it to everyone, who cares, and celebrate the legecy of this community
mentoring and learning!

Greetings from Berlin
Anna Caroline

Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com  http://TruthCircles.com

Upcoming Facilitation Trainings
Berlin: Whole Person Process Facilitation
https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training/, July 8-10
The Netherlands: Working with Open Space Technology
https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/, September 3-5

On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 8:06 PM Peggy Holman via OSList everyone@oslist.org

Thank you for the link Gentza Eleder. While I just skimmed it, it is a
wonderful read!

What a far-sighted gift from Lisa.

On Sep 9, 2024, at 4:53 AM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder
eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus wrote:

Peggy, hello!
Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of Wisdom from past
WOSonOS hosts
All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was also
a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving to
help us so generously.

Thanks, love, Lisa!

After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade the
Here is the link to the last version I found

I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams.

Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll keep
connected, anyway)!

Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of you!

Gentza Eleder

Hemendik: Peggy Holman via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38
Hona: Open Space Listserv everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we
need your help!

I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way
back in 1998.

Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can
picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in

Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom?
When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to
start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao!

Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul!


Peggy Holman

Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation

Bellevue, WA  98006

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval
into Opportunity

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get
burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger

On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation!

I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao).

I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa
Heft during years.

I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other

Enjoy in Istambul!


Gentza Eleder
Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country

Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03
Hona: everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need
your help!

Dear OS friends!

At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the
legacy of WOSonOS.
We need your help!

If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some
highlights and pictures from the event.

If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure,
please also fill in the questionnaire.

Fill in this super short questionnaire
by Friday 13th September.

Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul,
so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here
are some more details about the brochure
you are invited to leave comments in the brief.

We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be added
to the brochure each year.

Greetings from
Maryana, Anna Caroline

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa
ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari
erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota
jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago.
Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta
jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik
hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan
jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren
bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) lantik@bizkaia.eus eta
gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez
bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es
para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s.
Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen
información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad
intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso
por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en
contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la
remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este
mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la
mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)
lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así
mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar,
distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este
mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the
exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and
the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information
and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other
laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the
sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary
in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the
designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the
sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)
lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you
that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either
directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the
designated addressee.
OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa
ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari
erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota
jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago.
Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta
jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik
hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan
jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren
bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) lantik@bizkaia.eus eta
gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez
bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es
para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s.
Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen
información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad
intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso
por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en
contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la
remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este
mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la
mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)
lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así
mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar,
distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este
mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

*DISCLAIMER *- The information contained in this email is for the
exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and
the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information
and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other
laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the
sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary
in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the
designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the
sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)
lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you
that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either
directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the
designated addressee.

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Hi dears! Thank you for responding to our questionnaire and being willing to share texts for the booklets. I have been and continue to be quite busy - gave a Working with Open Space Technology <https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/> training in the Netherlands in September and preparing for the next one in Ukraine in October. And in between facilitating meetings, including OSTs for my clients. I would love to share more about it here, but I just don't manage, on my LinkedIn, I try to share at least a bit about each one - feel free to connect with me there. Many of you have responded to the questionnaire, but there are still many who have not responded. To represent all WOSonOS in the brochure we'd like to have pictures and links to all WOSonOS. If you have a moment to support the project, please take a look here and contact hosts of WOSonOS <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing>who have not responded to our questionnaire - thank you! Today I met with Johanna, who is volunteering to help out with the design. Once that is finished we can add all information - including the texts about OST, WOSonOS, Talking Stick, and Access Queen - that have been shared. I hope to finish the brochure before the 30th WOSonOS in Istanbul and offer it to everyone, who cares, and celebrate the legecy of this community mentoring and learning! Greetings from Berlin Anna Caroline *Anna Caroline Türk* Mentor to Visionary Leaders +49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com <http://TruthCircles.com> *Upcoming Facilitation Trainings* Berlin: Whole Person Process Facilitation <https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training/>, July 8-10 The Netherlands: Working with Open Space Technology <https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/>, September 3-5 On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 8:06 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > Thank you for the link Gentza Eleder. While I just skimmed it, it is a > wonderful read! > > What a far-sighted gift from Lisa. > > > > On Sep 9, 2024, at 4:53 AM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder > <eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus> wrote: > > Peggy, hello! > Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of *Wisdom from past > WOSonOS hosts*. > All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was also > a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving to > help us so generously. > > Thanks, love, Lisa! > > After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade the > compilation. > Here is the link to the last version I found > <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XX4M06VNzq-UBFk-CWEGANTAuRxE5-jd/view?usp=sharing> > . > > I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams. > > Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll keep > connected, anyway)! > > Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of you! > > Gentza Eleder > > > *Hemendik:* Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> > *Bidaltze-data:* sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38 > *Hona:* Open Space Listserv <everyone@oslist.org> > *Gaia:* [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we > need your help! > > I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way > back in 1998. > > Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can > picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in > Vancouver. > > Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? > When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to > start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao! > > Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul! > > Warmly, > Peggy > > _________________________________ > Peggy Holman > > Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bkfoundation.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXAVi42ks$> > peggy@peggyholman.com > > Bellevue, WA 98006 > 206-948-0432 > www.peggyholman.com > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.peggyholman.com__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXc7MlHg0$> > > Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval > into Opportunity > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXpl_-gko$> > > "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get > burnt, is to become > the fire". > -- Drew Dellinger > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList < > everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > > Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation! > > I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao). > > I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa > Heft during years. > > I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other > message. > > Enjoy in Istambul! > > Love, > > Gentza Eleder > Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country > > *Hemendik:* Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> > *Bidaltze-data:* jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03 > *Hona:* everyone@oslist.org > *Gaia:* [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need > your help! > > Dear OS friends! > > At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the > legacy of WOSonOS. > We need your help! > > If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some > highlights and pictures from the event. > > If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, > please also fill in the questionnaire. > > Fill in this super short questionnaire > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$> > by Friday 13th September. > > Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul, > so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here > are some more details about the brochure > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$>and > you are invited to leave comments in the brief. > > We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be added > to the brochure each year. > > Greetings from > Maryana, Anna Caroline > > > > > *LEGEZKO ABISUA*.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa > ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari > erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota > jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. > Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta > jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik > hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan > jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren > bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta > gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez > bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati > bat. > > *AVISO LEGAL* - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es > para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. > Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen > información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad > intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso > por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en > contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la > remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este > mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la > mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) > <lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así > mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, > distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este > mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. > > *DISCLAIMER* - The information contained in this email is for the > exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and > the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information > and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other > laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the > sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary > in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the > designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the > sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) > <lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you > that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either > directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the > designated addressee. > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXuUEm-cA$> > > > > > > > *LEGEZKO ABISUA*.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa > ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari > erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota > jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. > Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta > jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik > hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan > jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren > bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta > gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez > bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati > bat. > > *AVISO LEGAL* - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es > para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. > Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen > información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad > intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso > por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en > contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la > remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este > mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la > mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) > <lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así > mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, > distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este > mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. > > *DISCLAIMER *- The information contained in this email is for the > exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and > the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information > and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other > laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the > sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary > in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the > designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the > sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) > <lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you > that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either > directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the > designated addressee. > > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Jasmina Nikolic
Fri, Sep 20, 2024 4:13 PM

Dear Anna Caroline,

Thank you for your message and all the hard work you're putting into the
project. I have completed the questionnaire and sent over the photos as
requested. Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist with.

Looking forward to seeing the finished brochure and celebrating our
community's legacy!

Warm regards,

On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 5:41 PM Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Hi dears!

Thank you for responding to our questionnaire and being willing to share
texts for the booklets.
I have been and continue to be quite busy - gave a Working with Open
Space Technology https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/
training in the Netherlands in September and preparing for the next one in
Ukraine in October. And in between facilitating meetings, including OSTs
for my clients.
I would love to share more about it here, but I just don't manage, on my
LinkedIn, I try to share at least a bit about each one - feel free to
connect with me there.

Many of you have responded to the questionnaire, but there are still many
who have not responded. To represent all WOSonOS in the brochure we'd like
to have pictures and links to all WOSonOS.

If you have a moment to support the project, please take a look here and
contact hosts of WOSonOS
have not responded to our questionnaire - thank you!

Today I met with Johanna, who is volunteering to help out with the design.
Once that is finished we can add all information - including the texts
OST, WOSonOS, Talking Stick, and Access Queen - that have been shared.

I hope to finish the brochure before the 30th WOSonOS in Istanbul and
offer it to everyone, who cares, and celebrate the legecy of this community
mentoring and learning!

Greetings from Berlin
Anna Caroline

Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com  http://TruthCircles.com

Upcoming Facilitation Trainings
Berlin: Whole Person Process Facilitation
https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training/, July 8-10
The Netherlands: Working with Open Space Technology
https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/, September 3-5

On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 8:06 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Thank you for the link Gentza Eleder. While I just skimmed it, it is a
wonderful read!

What a far-sighted gift from Lisa.

On Sep 9, 2024, at 4:53 AM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder
eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus wrote:

Peggy, hello!
Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of Wisdom from past
WOSonOS hosts
All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was also
a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving to
help us so generously.

Thanks, love, Lisa!

After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade the
Here is the link to the last version I found

I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams.

Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll keep
connected, anyway)!

Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of

Gentza Eleder

Hemendik: Peggy Holman via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38
Hona: Open Space Listserv everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we
need your help!

I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way
back in 1998.

Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can
picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in

Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom?
When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to
start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao!

Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul!


Peggy Holman

Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation

Bellevue, WA  98006

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval
into Opportunity

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get
burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger

On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation!

I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao).

I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa
Heft during years.

I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other

Enjoy in Istambul!


Gentza Eleder
Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country

Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03
Hona: everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need
your help!

Dear OS friends!

At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the
legacy of WOSonOS.
We need your help!

If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some
highlights and pictures from the event.

If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure,
please also fill in the questionnaire.

Fill in this super short questionnaire
by Friday 13th September.

Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul,
so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here
are some more details about the brochure
you are invited to leave comments in the brief.

We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be
added to the brochure each year.

Greetings from
Maryana, Anna Caroline

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa
ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari
erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota
jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago.
Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta
jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik
hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan
jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren
bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) lantik@bizkaia.eus eta
gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez
bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati

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LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa
ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari
erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota
jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago.
Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta
jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik
hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan
jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren
bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) lantik@bizkaia.eus eta
gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez
bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati

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mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la
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lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción.
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OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

Dear Anna Caroline, Thank you for your message and all the hard work you're putting into the project. I have completed the questionnaire and sent over the photos as requested. Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist with. Looking forward to seeing the finished brochure and celebrating our community's legacy! Warm regards, Jasmina On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 5:41 PM Anna Caroline Türk via OSList < everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > Hi dears! > > Thank you for responding to our questionnaire and being willing to share > texts for the booklets. > I have been and continue to be quite busy - gave a Working with Open > Space Technology <https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/> > training in the Netherlands in September and preparing for the next one in > Ukraine in October. And in between facilitating meetings, including OSTs > for my clients. > I would love to share more about it here, but I just don't manage, on my > LinkedIn, I try to share at least a bit about each one - feel free to > connect with me there. > > Many of you have responded to the questionnaire, but there are still many > who have not responded. To represent all WOSonOS in the brochure we'd like > to have pictures and links to all WOSonOS. > > If you have a moment to support the project, please take a look here and > contact hosts of WOSonOS > <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing>who > have not responded to our questionnaire - thank you! > > Today I met with Johanna, who is volunteering to help out with the design. > Once that is finished we can add all information - including the texts > about > OST, WOSonOS, Talking Stick, and Access Queen - that have been shared. > > I hope to finish the brochure before the 30th WOSonOS in Istanbul and > offer it to everyone, who cares, and celebrate the legecy of this community > mentoring and learning! > > Greetings from Berlin > Anna Caroline > > > > > > > > *Anna Caroline Türk* > Mentor to Visionary Leaders > +49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com <http://TruthCircles.com> > > *Upcoming Facilitation Trainings* > Berlin: Whole Person Process Facilitation > <https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training/>, July 8-10 > The Netherlands: Working with Open Space Technology > <https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/>, September 3-5 > > > On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 8:06 PM Peggy Holman via OSList < > everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > >> Thank you for the link Gentza Eleder. While I just skimmed it, it is a >> wonderful read! >> >> What a far-sighted gift from Lisa. >> >> >> >> On Sep 9, 2024, at 4:53 AM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder >> <eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus> wrote: >> >> Peggy, hello! >> Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of *Wisdom from past >> WOSonOS hosts*. >> All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was also >> a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving to >> help us so generously. >> >> Thanks, love, Lisa! >> >> After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade the >> compilation. >> Here is the link to the last version I found >> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XX4M06VNzq-UBFk-CWEGANTAuRxE5-jd/view?usp=sharing> >> . >> >> I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams. >> >> Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll keep >> connected, anyway)! >> >> Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of >> you! >> >> Gentza Eleder >> >> >> *Hemendik:* Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> >> *Bidaltze-data:* sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38 >> *Hona:* Open Space Listserv <everyone@oslist.org> >> *Gaia:* [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we >> need your help! >> >> I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way >> back in 1998. >> >> Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can >> picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in >> Vancouver. >> >> Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? >> When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to >> start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao! >> >> Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul! >> >> Warmly, >> Peggy >> >> _________________________________ >> Peggy Holman >> >> Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation >> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bkfoundation.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXAVi42ks$> >> peggy@peggyholman.com >> >> Bellevue, WA 98006 >> 206-948-0432 >> www.peggyholman.com >> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.peggyholman.com__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXc7MlHg0$> >> >> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval >> into Opportunity >> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXpl_-gko$> >> >> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get >> burnt, is to become >> the fire". >> -- Drew Dellinger >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList < >> everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >> >> Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation! >> >> I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, Bilbao). >> >> I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa >> Heft during years. >> >> I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other >> message. >> >> Enjoy in Istambul! >> >> Love, >> >> Gentza Eleder >> Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country >> >> *Hemendik:* Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> >> *Bidaltze-data:* jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03 >> *Hona:* everyone@oslist.org >> *Gaia:* [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need >> your help! >> >> Dear OS friends! >> >> At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate the >> legacy of WOSonOS. >> We need your help! >> >> If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some >> highlights and pictures from the event. >> >> If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, >> please also fill in the questionnaire. >> >> Fill in this super short questionnaire >> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$> >> by Friday 13th September. >> >> Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in Istanbul, >> so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this list. Here >> are some more details about the brochure >> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$>and >> you are invited to leave comments in the brief. >> >> We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be >> added to the brochure each year. >> >> Greetings from >> Maryana, Anna Caroline >> >> >> >> >> *LEGEZKO ABISUA*.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa >> ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari >> erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota >> jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. >> Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta >> jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik >> hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan >> jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren >> bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta >> gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez >> bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati >> bat. >> >> *AVISO LEGAL* - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es >> para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. >> Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen >> información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad >> intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso >> por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en >> contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la >> remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este >> mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la >> mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) >> <lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. >> Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, >> distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este >> mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. >> >> *DISCLAIMER* - The information contained in this email is for the >> exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and >> the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information >> and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other >> laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the >> sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary >> in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the >> designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the >> sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) >> <lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you >> that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either >> directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the >> designated addressee. >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: >> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXuUEm-cA$> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> *LEGEZKO ABISUA*.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa >> ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari >> erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota >> jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. >> Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta >> jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik >> hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan >> jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren >> bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta >> gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez >> bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati >> bat. >> >> *AVISO LEGAL* - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es >> para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. >> Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen >> información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad >> intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso >> por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en >> contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la >> remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este >> mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la >> mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) >> <lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. >> Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, >> distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este >> mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. >> >> *DISCLAIMER *- The information contained in this email is for the >> exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and >> the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information >> and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other >> laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the >> sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary >> in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the >> designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the >> sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) >> <lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you >> that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either >> directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the >> designated addressee. >> >> >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: >> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org
Anna Caroline Türk
Mon, Sep 23, 2024 3:26 PM

Dear Jasmina,

Thank you for offering your support!
Would you be willing to encourage those WOSonOS hosts, who have not shared
their information to respond to the questionnaire?
It will be much easier to have all links to proceedings and 3-5 favorite
pictures in one place - once we start putting it all in the brochure.

I have taken all information from the https://openspaceworld.org/wp2/osonos/
Not all links to proceedings work any longer - as you can see in the table
I created at the beginning of this overview

It would be great to get the full picture of the legacy of the WOSonOS.

Maybe others have time too, and take a look at the overview
and inform those they know about the questionnaire?

Thank you!
Anna Caroline

Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com  http://TruthCircles.com

Upcoming Facilitation Trainings
Berlin: Whole Person Process Facilitation
https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training/, July 8-10
The Netherlands: Working with Open Space Technology
https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/, September 3-5

On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 6:14 PM Jasmina Nikolic jasminanikolic@gmail.com

Dear Anna Caroline,

Thank you for your message and all the hard work you're putting into the
project. I have completed the questionnaire and sent over the photos as
requested. Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist with.

Looking forward to seeing the finished brochure and celebrating our
community's legacy!

Warm regards,

On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 5:41 PM Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Hi dears!

Thank you for responding to our questionnaire and being willing to share
texts for the booklets.
I have been and continue to be quite busy - gave a Working with Open
Space Technology https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/
training in the Netherlands in September and preparing for the next one in
Ukraine in October. And in between facilitating meetings, including OSTs
for my clients.
I would love to share more about it here, but I just don't manage, on my
LinkedIn, I try to share at least a bit about each one - feel free to
connect with me there.

Many of you have responded to the questionnaire, but there are still many
who have not responded. To represent all WOSonOS in the brochure we'd like
to have pictures and links to all WOSonOS.

If you have a moment to support the project, please take a look here and
contact hosts of WOSonOS
have not responded to our questionnaire - thank you!

Today I met with Johanna, who is volunteering to help out with the
design. Once that is finished we can add all information - including the
texts about
OST, WOSonOS, Talking Stick, and Access Queen - that have been shared.

I hope to finish the brochure before the 30th WOSonOS in Istanbul and
offer it to everyone, who cares, and celebrate the legecy of this community
mentoring and learning!

Greetings from Berlin
Anna Caroline

Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com  http://TruthCircles.com

Upcoming Facilitation Trainings
Berlin: Whole Person Process Facilitation
https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training/, July 8-10
The Netherlands: Working with Open Space Technology
https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/, September 3-5

On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 8:06 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Thank you for the link Gentza Eleder. While I just skimmed it, it is a
wonderful read!

What a far-sighted gift from Lisa.

On Sep 9, 2024, at 4:53 AM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder
eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus wrote:

Peggy, hello!
Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of Wisdom from past
WOSonOS hosts
All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was
also a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving
to help us so generously.

Thanks, love, Lisa!

After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade
the compilation.
Here is the link to the last version I found

I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams.

Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll
keep connected, anyway)!

Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of

Gentza Eleder

Hemendik: Peggy Holman via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38
Hona: Open Space Listserv everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we
need your help!

I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way
back in 1998.

Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can
picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in

Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom?
When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to
start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao!

Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul!


Peggy Holman

Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation

Bellevue, WA  98006

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval
into Opportunity

"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get
burnt, is to become
the fire".
-- Drew Dellinger

On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation!

I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022,

I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa
Heft during years.

I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other

Enjoy in Istambul!


Gentza Eleder
Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country

Hemendik: Maryana Zaviyska via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03
Hona: everyone@oslist.org
Gaia: [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need
your help!

Dear OS friends!

At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate
the legacy of WOSonOS.
We need your help!

If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some
highlights and pictures from the event.

If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure,
please also fill in the questionnaire.

Fill in this super short questionnaire
by Friday 13th September.

Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in
Istanbul, so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this
list. Here are some more details about the brochure
you are invited to leave comments in the brief.

We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be
added to the brochure each year.

Greetings from
Maryana, Anna Caroline

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile
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jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik
hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan
jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren
bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) lantik@bizkaia.eus eta
gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez
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LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile
gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari
erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota
jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago.
Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta
jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik
hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan
jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren
bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) lantik@bizkaia.eus eta
gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez
bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati

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mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la
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lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción.
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OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
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Dear Jasmina, Thank you for offering your support! Would you be willing to encourage those WOSonOS hosts, who have not shared their information to respond to the questionnaire? <https://forms.gle/aVvGzzweKEXAi8uQ6> It will be much easier to have all links to proceedings and 3-5 favorite pictures in one place - once we start putting it all in the brochure. I have taken all information from the https://openspaceworld.org/wp2/osonos/ Not all links to proceedings work any longer - as you can see in the table I created at the beginning of this overview <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing>. It would be great to get the full picture of the legacy of the WOSonOS. Maybe others have time too, and take a look at the overview <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing> and inform those they know about the questionnaire? Thank you! Anna Caroline *Anna Caroline Türk* Mentor to Visionary Leaders +49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com <http://TruthCircles.com> *Upcoming Facilitation Trainings* Berlin: Whole Person Process Facilitation <https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training/>, July 8-10 The Netherlands: Working with Open Space Technology <https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/>, September 3-5 On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 6:14 PM Jasmina Nikolic <jasminanikolic@gmail.com> wrote: > Dear Anna Caroline, > > Thank you for your message and all the hard work you're putting into the > project. I have completed the questionnaire and sent over the photos as > requested. Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist with. > > Looking forward to seeing the finished brochure and celebrating our > community's legacy! > > Warm regards, > Jasmina > > On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 5:41 PM Anna Caroline Türk via OSList < > everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > >> Hi dears! >> >> Thank you for responding to our questionnaire and being willing to share >> texts for the booklets. >> I have been and continue to be quite busy - gave a Working with Open >> Space Technology <https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/> >> training in the Netherlands in September and preparing for the next one in >> Ukraine in October. And in between facilitating meetings, including OSTs >> for my clients. >> I would love to share more about it here, but I just don't manage, on my >> LinkedIn, I try to share at least a bit about each one - feel free to >> connect with me there. >> >> Many of you have responded to the questionnaire, but there are still many >> who have not responded. To represent all WOSonOS in the brochure we'd like >> to have pictures and links to all WOSonOS. >> >> If you have a moment to support the project, please take a look here and >> contact hosts of WOSonOS >> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing>who >> have not responded to our questionnaire - thank you! >> >> Today I met with Johanna, who is volunteering to help out with the >> design. Once that is finished we can add all information - including the >> texts about >> OST, WOSonOS, Talking Stick, and Access Queen - that have been shared. >> >> I hope to finish the brochure before the 30th WOSonOS in Istanbul and >> offer it to everyone, who cares, and celebrate the legecy of this community >> mentoring and learning! >> >> Greetings from Berlin >> Anna Caroline >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> *Anna Caroline Türk* >> Mentor to Visionary Leaders >> +49(0)176 24872254 | TruthCircles.com <http://TruthCircles.com> >> >> *Upcoming Facilitation Trainings* >> Berlin: Whole Person Process Facilitation >> <https://truthcircles.com/whole-person-facilitation-training/>, July 8-10 >> The Netherlands: Working with Open Space Technology >> <https://truthcircles.com/open-space-technology/>, September 3-5 >> >> >> On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 8:06 PM Peggy Holman via OSList < >> everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >> >>> Thank you for the link Gentza Eleder. While I just skimmed it, it is a >>> wonderful read! >>> >>> What a far-sighted gift from Lisa. >>> >>> >>> >>> On Sep 9, 2024, at 4:53 AM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder >>> <eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus> wrote: >>> >>> Peggy, hello! >>> Yes, I found it a big help Lisa´s compilation of *Wisdom from past >>> WOSonOS hosts*. >>> All during and after the GiGi (WOSonOS 2022-Bilbao) process, she was >>> also a great close aid, so helpful, overcoming her health issues, striving >>> to help us so generously. >>> >>> Thanks, love, Lisa! >>> >>> After the GiGi we sent our learnings from the process and Lisa remade >>> the compilation. >>> Here is the link to the last version I found >>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XX4M06VNzq-UBFk-CWEGANTAuRxE5-jd/view?usp=sharing> >>> . >>> >>> I had sent it to the Ws 2024 Istambul and Berlin 2023 teams. >>> >>> Enjoy in Istambul (me, due to home duties, staying in Mundaka. We´ll >>> keep connected, anyway)! >>> >>> Really good memories from Bilbao, Peggy! A big hug for you, and all of >>> you! >>> >>> Gentza Eleder >>> >>> >>> *Hemendik:* Peggy Holman via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> >>> *Bidaltze-data:* sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024 0:38 >>> *Hona:* Open Space Listserv <everyone@oslist.org> >>> *Gaia:* [OSList] Re: If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we >>> need your help! >>> >>> I filled out the questionnaire for OSonOS 6 in Monterey, California way >>> back in 1998. >>> >>> Chris - loved your telling of the story of the talking stick! I can >>> picture you demonstrating how to hold it as you told us about it in 2001 in >>> Vancouver. >>> >>> Gentza Eleder, can you share the link to Lisa’s compilation of wisdom? >>> When went looking for it and couldn't find it. She was so far sighted to >>> start that tradition. What a joy to meet you in Bilbao! >>> >>> Looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Istanbul! >>> >>> Warmly, >>> Peggy >>> >>> _________________________________ >>> Peggy Holman >>> >>> Co-chair, Berrett-Koehler Foundation >>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bkfoundation.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXAVi42ks$> >>> peggy@peggyholman.com >>> >>> Bellevue, WA 98006 >>> 206-948-0432 >>> www.peggyholman.com >>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.peggyholman.com__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXc7MlHg0$> >>> >>> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval >>> into Opportunity >>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXpl_-gko$> >>> >>> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get >>> burnt, is to become >>> the fire". >>> -- Drew Dellinger >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> On Sep 5, 2024, at 11:41 PM, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList < >>> everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >>> >>> Maryana, Anna Caroline, thanks for the invitation! >>> >>> I filled the questionnaire data regarding the 28th WOSonOS (2022, >>> Bilbao). >>> >>> I added as a link the “Wisdon from past WOSonOS hosts” compiled by Lisa >>> Heft during years. >>> >>> I´ll send you dome pictures out of the proceedings book in an other >>> message. >>> >>> Enjoy in Istambul! >>> >>> Love, >>> >>> Gentza Eleder >>> Mundaka-Bilbao-Basque Country >>> >>> *Hemendik:* Maryana Zaviyska via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> >>> *Bidaltze-data:* jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024 12:03 >>> *Hona:* everyone@oslist.org >>> *Gaia:* [OSList] If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past - we need >>> your help! >>> >>> Dear OS friends! >>> >>> At the WOSonOS in Berlin we decided to create a brochure to celebrate >>> the legacy of WOSonOS. >>> We need your help! >>> >>> If you have organized a WOSonOS in the past, please help us collect some >>> highlights and pictures from the event. >>> >>> If you’re willing to help us write or edit some text for the brochure, >>> please also fill in the questionnaire. >>> >>> Fill in this super short questionnaire >>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/2Ys47cusgvgdWuJq5__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzws7vGrE$> >>> by Friday 13th September. >>> >>> Our intention is to finalize the brochure before the WOSonOS in >>> Istanbul, so it can be shared with all participants and everyone on this >>> list. Here are some more details about the brochure >>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1leZhVHN-52ksMGcFJd2ljqC6Z99A_vAigDoIJYcYCv4/edit?usp=sharing__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!Awxdndk7Z1Rw1deb0X7TM6GWTOmtH7c94jjbVApRKT3PjFeESDYGcePtN2ICzszl7yUeynpRuQlN3mozOrGzrzgZTls$>and >>> you are invited to leave comments in the brief. >>> >>> We also plan to create it in a way that future WOSonOS can easily be >>> added to the brochure each year. >>> >>> Greetings from >>> Maryana, Anna Caroline >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> *LEGEZKO ABISUA*.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile >>> gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari >>> erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota >>> jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. >>> Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta >>> jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik >>> hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan >>> jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren >>> bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta >>> gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez >>> bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati >>> bat. >>> >>> *AVISO LEGAL* - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es >>> para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. >>> Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen >>> información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad >>> intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso >>> por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en >>> contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la >>> remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este >>> mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la >>> mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) >>> <lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. >>> Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, >>> distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este >>> mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. >>> >>> *DISCLAIMER* - The information contained in this email is for the >>> exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and >>> the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information >>> and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other >>> laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the >>> sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary >>> in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the >>> designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the >>> sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) >>> <lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you >>> that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either >>> directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the >>> designated addressee. >>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>> See the archives here: >>> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!CL3sdlbVovxPMs0iwXF9pAq2WfA7RS3Wk2-5x3sC9oxjK4jV1wmQT4OukXswrrf2yVMYUQkXsO6V6bNhE5AXuUEm-cA$> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> *LEGEZKO ABISUA*.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile >>> gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari >>> erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota >>> jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. >>> Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta >>> jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik >>> hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan >>> jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren >>> bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta >>> gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez >>> bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati >>> bat. >>> >>> *AVISO LEGAL* - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es >>> para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. >>> Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen >>> información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad >>> intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso >>> por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en >>> contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la >>> remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este >>> mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la >>> mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) >>> <lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. >>> Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, >>> distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este >>> mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. >>> >>> *DISCLAIMER *- The information contained in this email is for the >>> exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and >>> the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information >>> and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other >>> laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the >>> sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary >>> in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the >>> designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the >>> sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) >>> <lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you >>> that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either >>> directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the >>> designated addressee. >>> >>> >>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>> See the archives here: >>> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >> >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: >> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > >