Joe Power
Fri, May 19, 2023 6:58 AM
Hi Anna,
That's a great story. It's amazing the people you meet along the way.
Sounds like "the right people" picked you up.
Re the 90 minute OS and your questions.
- I heard about OS through my work in restorative practices (RP) and
sometimes going down interesting "rabbit holes" of podcasts, etc. It
immediately spoke to me as potentially more restorative than RP itself as
it is so democratic and engaging. I've just been listening to podcasts and
watching videos really. Probably should buy the book, but some of the
resources on the internet are very thorough.
- At present it's a standalone meeting, an attempt at averting
antisocial behaviour this summer. That said, I have been told there may
further steps if people agree that would be helpful
- I haven't been labelling the event OS too much but, once I was asked
to facilitate the meeting (between residents and professionals) I just
thought it was made for OS
- There is a local network coordinator who will do the welcome. Not
really sure you'd call her a sponsor. What exactly is a sponsor?
- The meeting is in a big gym, with loads of room - we will be about
20-25 people.
- Given the short timeframe, I am only envisaging one starting time for
breakout sessions. I am hoping there will be 4 or 5 of these. Can't predict
- I am also hoping there will be further meetings with a bigger, wider
invitation. This one has been a little more targeted.
- Yes, I will be asking people to write down ideas, thoughts,
suggestions and these will be shared with everyone, either through google
forms or paper (some people may not have the best literacy skills as the
issues are happening in an area of extreme disadvantage).
Hope that gives you a better picture and looking forward to hearing any
Vielen Dank,
On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 6:47 PM Anna Caroline Türk <> wrote:
Dear Joe,
It's wonderful in Berlin - we had a sunny day off :)
I have only been once in Limerick hitchhicking back to Galway with my
boyfriend at the age of 17. After lots of waiting we wrote a sign " Just 3
miles" - to encourage drivers to even take us for a short part of the trip.
Finally we were extrely lucky and tourists from the US picked us up - we
ended up spending several days with them and later visited them in Texas.
This is my memory of your part of the world. :)
And happy to hear that you're bringing Open Space to your communities! How
did you find out about it and how did you mentor yourself to apply it? With
the help of Harrison Ownes Book "Open Space Technology", or how is your
For your 90 minutes Open Space next week I am curious about a couple of
- Is the Open Space part of a bigger meeting? Or are the participants
arriving in that moment?
- Who chose the title of the Open Space?
- Who will do the Welcome at the beginning? Do you have a sponsor?
- Do you have a big room with a circle and breakout areas close by or
in the room?
- How many starting times for breakout sessions have you planned?
- Are there more meetings planned for the near or far future?
- Will you invite them to write down highlights of their
conversations, will these be shared with everyone?
I am happy to share a few ideas with you - once I know about more about
these things.
Liebe Grüße
Anna Caroline
Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 |
Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 10:02 Uhr schrieb Joe Power <>:
Hi Anna,
Wie geht es in Berlin? Thanks for the message. Galway is a great city.
I held an OS for anyone in the restorative practices community in Ireland
to come together to see what else could be achieved. Had 30 people show up
and the feedback was great. People couldn't believe the freedom. Am doing
one in person next week (just 90 minutes though) for people in a community
with a lot of antisocial behaviour. They are bringing 20 parents and 6 or 7
"professionals" and I think an Open Space is the best way to maximise
engagement and ideas. The time is obviously short, and I've never done one
in-person, nor done training, nor attended one, but hopefully it goes to
plan. Would welcome any advice from anyone.
On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 8:44 AM Anna Caroline Türk <> wrote:
Hi Joe,
I went to school in Galway- but I don’t live in Ireland any more. I hope
this still qualifies me to talk with you about your experience ☺️
I can relate to you having the bug - I guess something similar happens
to me 20 years ago.
Liebe Grüße from Berlin
Anna Caroline
Joe Power via OSList schrieb am Mi. 17. Mai 2023
um 08:53:
Joe Power
Restorative Practices Development Officer
Céim ar Chéim
Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
Knockalisheen Road
Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
Fax: 061-322203
Joe Power
Restorative Practices Development Officer
Céim ar Chéim
Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
Knockalisheen Road
Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
Fax: 061-322203
Hi Anna,
That's a great story. It's amazing the people you meet along the way.
Sounds like "the right people" picked you up.
Re the 90 minute OS and your questions.
- I heard about OS through my work in restorative practices (RP) and
sometimes going down interesting "rabbit holes" of podcasts, etc. It
immediately spoke to me as potentially more restorative than RP itself as
it is so democratic and engaging. I've just been listening to podcasts and
watching videos really. Probably should buy the book, but some of the
resources on the internet are very thorough.
- At present it's a standalone meeting, an attempt at averting
antisocial behaviour this summer. That said, I have been told there may
further steps if people agree that would be helpful
- I haven't been labelling the event OS too much but, once I was asked
to facilitate the meeting (between residents and professionals) I just
thought it was made for OS
- There is a local network coordinator who will do the welcome. Not
really sure you'd call her a sponsor. What exactly is a sponsor?
- The meeting is in a big gym, with loads of room - we will be about
20-25 people.
- Given the short timeframe, I am only envisaging one starting time for
breakout sessions. I am hoping there will be 4 or 5 of these. Can't predict
- I am also hoping there will be further meetings with a bigger, wider
invitation. This one has been a little more targeted.
- Yes, I will be asking people to write down ideas, thoughts,
suggestions and these will be shared with everyone, either through google
forms or paper (some people may not have the best literacy skills as the
issues are happening in an area of extreme disadvantage).
Hope that gives you a better picture and looking forward to hearing any
Vielen Dank,
On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 6:47 PM Anna Caroline Türk <> wrote:
> Dear Joe,
> It's wonderful in Berlin - we had a sunny day off :)
> I have only been once in Limerick hitchhicking back to Galway with my
> boyfriend at the age of 17. After lots of waiting we wrote a sign " Just 3
> miles" - to encourage drivers to even take us for a short part of the trip.
> Finally we were extrely lucky and tourists from the US picked us up - we
> ended up spending several days with them and later visited them in Texas.
> This is my memory of your part of the world. :)
> And happy to hear that you're bringing Open Space to your communities! How
> did you find out about it and how did you mentor yourself to apply it? With
> the help of Harrison Ownes Book "Open Space Technology", or how is your
> story?
> For your 90 minutes Open Space next week I am curious about a couple of
> things.
> - Is the Open Space part of a bigger meeting? Or are the participants
> arriving in that moment?
> - Who chose the title of the Open Space?
> - Who will do the Welcome at the beginning? Do you have a sponsor?
> - Do you have a big room with a circle and breakout areas close by or
> in the room?
> - How many starting times for breakout sessions have you planned?
> - Are there more meetings planned for the near or far future?
> - Will you invite them to write down highlights of their
> conversations, will these be shared with everyone?
> I am happy to share a few ideas with you - once I know about more about
> these things.
> Liebe Grüße
> Anna Caroline
> *Anna Caroline Türk*
> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
> +49(0)176 24872254 | <>
> Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 10:02 Uhr schrieb Joe Power <
>> Hi Anna,
>> Wie geht es in Berlin? Thanks for the message. Galway is a great city.
>> I held an OS for anyone in the restorative practices community in Ireland
>> to come together to see what else could be achieved. Had 30 people show up
>> and the feedback was great. People couldn't believe the freedom. Am doing
>> one in person next week (just 90 minutes though) for people in a community
>> with a lot of antisocial behaviour. They are bringing 20 parents and 6 or 7
>> "professionals" and I think an Open Space is the best way to maximise
>> engagement and ideas. The time is obviously short, and I've never done one
>> in-person, nor done training, nor attended one, but hopefully it goes to
>> plan. Would welcome any advice from anyone.
>> Joe
>> On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 8:44 AM Anna Caroline Türk <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Joe,
>>> I went to school in Galway- but I don’t live in Ireland any more. I hope
>>> this still qualifies me to talk with you about your experience ☺️
>>> I can relate to you having the bug - I guess something similar happens
>>> to me 20 years ago.
>>> Liebe Grüße from Berlin
>>> Anna Caroline
>>> Joe Power via OSList <> schrieb am Mi. 17. Mai 2023
>>> um 08:53:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> Am new to OS (via restorative practice) and would love to connect with
>>>> anyone in Ireland or who has done work in Ireland. Held an online OS this
>>>> week and have the bug!
>>>> Regards
>>>> Joe
>>>> --
>>>> Joe Power
>>>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>>>> Céim ar Chéim
>>>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>>>> Knockalisheen Road
>>>> Moyross
>>>> Limerick
>>>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>>>> Fax: 061-322203
>>>> Website:
>>>> OSList mailing list --
>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>>>> See the archives here:
>>> --
>>> *Anna Caroline Türk*
>>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
>>> +49(0)176 24872254 | <>
>> --
>> Joe Power
>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>> Céim ar Chéim
>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>> Knockalisheen Road
>> Moyross
>> Limerick
>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>> Fax: 061-322203
>> Website:
Joe Power
Restorative Practices Development Officer
Céim ar Chéim
Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
Knockalisheen Road
Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
Fax: 061-322203
Joe Power
Fri, May 19, 2023 7:09 AM
Thanks Michael and Bhav,
No doubt, I've a lot to learn with all this. So far, I've ran one OS online
with 30 people for 2 hours, around a familiar topic, spreading Restorative
Practices. As to the event next week, it's a bit of an experiment really.
The person hosting it is hoping for anything really, so there is no
expectation or pressure (which is a nice way to start).
My hope is that people are engaged enough to see the need for a longer
session with more people invited. It's a community who are rarely asked for
their thoughts and who have become used to being the recipient of services,
so hopefully this is a different experience where they are asked to come up
with issues, topics and ideas. That's the hope anyway.
Thanks again,
On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 5:53 AM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <> wrote:
Dear Bhav,
when folks approached me with such a time volume I spoke to them about
what they could expect with half a day, a full day, two days and three days.
For some reasons, they were not very excited with what I promised them
with a half day event and in most cases rescheduled and had one day events
or even more.
Here are two summaries of the various lengths in my practice in 167 events
that I researched back in 2008 or thereabouts
Length of open space events
Twenty different lengths and differently structured open space events from
my practice, sorted by length
• -Morning, 4 hours (9am to 1pm)
• -Afternoon, 4 hours (2pm to 6pm or 3pm to 7pm)
• -Afternoon, 6 hours (2pm to 8pm)
• -Afternoon, 6 hours with reading and supplementary round
• -Full day, 6 hours (10am to 4pm)
• -Full day, 6 hours with reading and supplement round
• -Full day, 8 hours (9am to 5pm)
• -Full day, 8 hours with action planning
• - Whole day, 8 hours with reading and supplement round and action
• -A long afternoon and a morning of action planning (15 to 15 p.m.).
20 and 9 to 13)
• -Full day and one morning
• -Whole day and a morning, action planning in the morning
• -Full day and an afternoon with action planning a week later
• -Two days
• -Two days of reading and supplementing rounds over lunchtime on the
second day and beyond
action planning
• -Afternoon, all day, morning, with reading group and action planning at
the last
Late morning
• -Afternoon, all day, afternoon with reading session and action planning
on the last
• -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half day
(full day, full
day and morning)
• -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half day
(full day, full
day and afternoon)
• -2.5 days with reading and supplementary gallery in the evening of the
second day and
Action planning in the last half day
Comparison of a three day and a 2 day event
Length of open space events
Possibilities of a three-day event with 4.5 hours in the afternoon of the
first day, 8 hours on the second day and 3.5 hours on the third day, a
total of 16 hours, sleeping twice
compared to a
two-day event with 8.5 hours on the first day and 3.5 hours on the second
day, a total of 12 hours.
I have facilitated short events of 3.5 hours and such of 16 hours spread
over 3 days...and everything in between. Looking 167 events accompanied by
I see over 20 variants. All have their justification and
significantly different possibilities.
Urgent, complex and conflicting challenges, to which there are different
positions of the various stakeholders need more than an afternoon to
reach robust and sustainable action steps.
Thorough discussions, including a dive into the past (divergent phase) and
the development of robust, sustainable action steps with concrete
agreements (converging phase) are possible in a three day event (half day,
full day and half day, 16 hours total, sleeping twice).
This process allows:
- Six to seven beginning times for break out sessioons
- Three circles for all participants to come together to post issues (at
the beginning, in the evening of the first day and in the morning of the
second day)
- Two evenings and two nights to process ideas, thoughts and plans
- Incorporation of posted reports from other break out sessions to get
suggestions, to see connections and identify opportunities for collaboration
- Outlook and action space on the third day, including the next step for
each project.
A relatively small reduction in overall time of 25% from 16 hours,
distributed over three days, to 12 hours over two days, has the following
- Three to four beginning times for break out sessions (approx. 50% less)
- Only one time for all participants to come together for posting issues
(67% less)
- Only one evening and night to process ideas and thoughts (50% less)
- Reduced inclusion of already published reports from other break out
sessions, since almost all of the time was spent in the break out sessions
on the first day
- Reading all reports from the break out sessions mainly only in the
reading and augmentation round after the last break out sessions
- Outlook and action space on the second day, after only one night to
In comparison, this means:
• With three to four break out sessions, participants only have the
half the opportunities to be involved in issues that interest them
• With three to four break out sessions, participation of individuals can
decrease to two to three issues if a particular issue requires more than
one break out session
• If there are three to four break out sessions, the option to skip one
phase is still there, but with the consequence of only being able to take
part in two or three break out sessions
• Three to four break out sessions instead of 6 to 7 with 40 issues posted
by 110 participants, needs 14 break out spaces, seven beginning times for
break out sessions requires only 7 break out spacess ... a more manageable
situation for the participants to grasp the whole system,
and requiring significantly less space
• Sleeping twice means a deeper penetration of systemic connections, links
and possibilities and consequently more robust agreements than just
sleeping once ... peace and serenity to get on with important stuff
• At an event lasting one and a half days, many participants see the
results of the other break out sessions for the first time in the evening
of the first day in the reading and augmenting round or even on the second
day shortly before the action space. This leads to a lower processing depth
with regard to cooperation, networking and robust next steps
• If there is only one day for break out sessions, time for additions to
reports in the reading and augmentation round is reduced. Calm and
leisure for taking in all reports was reduced.
• The unfolding of the typical dynamic, which also leads to the discovery
of new issues is limited...there's just less total time and only one
instead of three structured opportunity (circles for the whole group) to
bring up new issues
• Space and time for the unfolding of self-organization, and for
of perspectives for action and agreement on next steps is reduced.
If you got to this point of my lengthy mail it might be a good idea to
take a nap.
Have a great day!
PS: Watched a long TV documentation yesterday on the highly complex
situation in Moldova... what a challenge!
Am 19.05.2023 um 04:58 schrieb Bhavesh Patel via OSList:
When I have 90 minutes, I call it Options Space, not Open Space Technology
- I still offer the principles and the law.
- However I have observed that movement between sessions is a lot less.
- I rarely see people sitting outside of sessions.
- It's like they have chosen an option and they stick with it.
- I feel like more time is needed for the OST spirit and dynamics to
kick-in and unfold.
- So I have started calling the 90 minutes Options Space instead.
What's your experience?
On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 01:48, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <> wrote:
Dear Joe,
It's wonderful in Berlin - we had a sunny day off :)
I have only been once in Limerick hitchhicking back to Galway with my
boyfriend at the age of 17. After lots of waiting we wrote a sign " Just 3
miles" - to encourage drivers to even take us for a short part of the trip.
Finally we were extrely lucky and tourists from the US picked us up - we
ended up spending several days with them and later visited them in Texas.
This is my memory of your part of the world. :)
And happy to hear that you're bringing Open Space to your communities!
How did you find out about it and how did you mentor yourself to apply it?
With the help of Harrison Ownes Book "Open Space Technology", or how is
your story?
For your 90 minutes Open Space next week I am curious about a couple of
- Is the Open Space part of a bigger meeting? Or are the participants
arriving in that moment?
- Who chose the title of the Open Space?
- Who will do the Welcome at the beginning? Do you have a sponsor?
- Do you have a big room with a circle and breakout areas close by or
in the room?
- How many starting times for breakout sessions have you planned?
- Are there more meetings planned for the near or far future?
- Will you invite them to write down highlights of their
conversations, will these be shared with everyone?
I am happy to share a few ideas with you - once I know about more about
these things.
Liebe Grüße
Anna Caroline
Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 |
Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 10:02 Uhr schrieb Joe Power <>:
Hi Anna,
Wie geht es in Berlin? Thanks for the message. Galway is a great city.
I held an OS for anyone in the restorative practices community in
Ireland to come together to see what else could be achieved. Had 30 people
show up and the feedback was great. People couldn't believe the freedom. Am
doing one in person next week (just 90 minutes though) for people in a
community with a lot of antisocial behaviour. They are bringing 20 parents
and 6 or 7 "professionals" and I think an Open Space is the best way to
maximise engagement and ideas. The time is obviously short, and I've never
done one in-person, nor done training, nor attended one, but hopefully it
goes to plan. Would welcome any advice from anyone.
On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 8:44 AM Anna Caroline Türk <> wrote:
Hi Joe,
I went to school in Galway- but I don’t live in Ireland any more. I
hope this still qualifies me to talk with you about your experience ☺️
I can relate to you having the bug - I guess something similar happens
to me 20 years ago.
Liebe Grüße from Berlin
Anna Caroline
Joe Power via OSList schrieb am Mi. 17. Mai 2023
um 08:53:
Joe Power
Restorative Practices Development Officer
Céim ar Chéim
Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
Knockalisheen Road
Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
Fax: 061-322203
Thanks Michael and Bhav,
No doubt, I've a lot to learn with all this. So far, I've ran one OS online
with 30 people for 2 hours, around a familiar topic, spreading Restorative
Practices. As to the event next week, it's a bit of an experiment really.
The person hosting it is hoping for anything really, so there is no
expectation or pressure (which is a nice way to start).
My hope is that people are engaged enough to see the need for a longer
session with more people invited. It's a community who are rarely asked for
their thoughts and who have become used to being the recipient of services,
so hopefully this is a different experience where they are asked to come up
with issues, topics and ideas. That's the hope anyway.
Thanks again,
On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 5:53 AM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <> wrote:
> Dear Bhav,
> when folks approached me with such a time volume I spoke to them about
> what they could expect with half a day, a full day, two days and three days.
> For some reasons, they were not very excited with what I promised them
> with a half day event and in most cases rescheduled and had one day events
> or even more.
> Here are two summaries of the various lengths in my practice in 167 events
> that I researched back in 2008 or thereabouts
> 1
> Length of open space events
> Twenty different lengths and differently structured open space events from
> my practice, sorted by length
> • -Morning, 4 hours (9am to 1pm)
> • -Afternoon, 4 hours (2pm to 6pm or 3pm to 7pm)
> • -Afternoon, 6 hours (2pm to 8pm)
> • -Afternoon, 6 hours with reading and supplementary round
> • -Full day, 6 hours (10am to 4pm)
> • -Full day, 6 hours with reading and supplement round
> • -Full day, 8 hours (9am to 5pm)
> • -Full day, 8 hours with action planning
> • - Whole day, 8 hours with reading and supplement round and action
> planning
> • -A long afternoon and a morning of action planning (15 to 15 p.m.).
> 20 and 9 to 13)
> • -Full day and one morning
> • -Whole day and a morning, action planning in the morning
> • -Full day and an afternoon with action planning a week later
> • -Two days
> • -Two days of reading and supplementing rounds over lunchtime on the
> second day and beyond
> action planning
> • -Afternoon, all day, morning, with reading group and action planning at
> the last
> Late morning
> • -Afternoon, all day, afternoon with reading session and action planning
> on the last
> Afternoon
> • -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half day
> (full day, full
> day and morning)
> • -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half day
> (full day, full
> day and afternoon)
> • -2.5 days with reading and supplementary gallery in the evening of the
> second day and
> Action planning in the last half day
> 2
> Comparison of a three day and a 2 day event
> Length of open space events
> Possibilities of a three-day event with 4.5 hours in the afternoon of the
> first day, 8 hours on the second day and 3.5 hours on the third day, a
> total of 16 hours, sleeping twice
> compared to a
> two-day event with 8.5 hours on the first day and 3.5 hours on the second
> day, a total of 12 hours.
> I have facilitated short events of 3.5 hours and such of 16 hours spread
> over 3 days...and everything in between. Looking 167 events accompanied by
> me
> I see over 20 variants. All have their justification and
> significantly different possibilities.
> Urgent, complex and conflicting challenges, to which there are different
> positions of the various stakeholders need more than an afternoon to
> reach robust and sustainable action steps.
> Thorough discussions, including a dive into the past (divergent phase) and
> the development of robust, sustainable action steps with concrete
> agreements (converging phase) are possible in a three day event (half day,
> full day and half day, 16 hours total, sleeping twice).
> This process allows:
> 1. Six to seven beginning times for break out sessioons
> 2. Three circles for all participants to come together to post issues (at
> the beginning, in the evening of the first day and in the morning of the
> second day)
> 3. Two evenings and two nights to process ideas, thoughts and plans
> 4. Incorporation of posted reports from other break out sessions to get
> suggestions, to see connections and identify opportunities for collaboration
> 5. Outlook and action space on the third day, including the next step for
> each project.
> A relatively small reduction in overall time of 25% from 16 hours,
> distributed over three days, to 12 hours over two days, has the following
> effects:
> 1. Three to four beginning times for break out sessions (approx. 50% less)
> 2. Only one time for all participants to come together for posting issues
> (67% less)
> 3. Only one evening and night to process ideas and thoughts (50% less)
> 4. Reduced inclusion of already published reports from other break out
> sessions, since almost all of the time was spent in the break out sessions
> on the first day
> 5. Reading all reports from the break out sessions mainly only in the
> reading and augmentation round after the last break out sessions
> 6. Outlook and action space on the second day, after only one night to
> "Digest".
> In comparison, this means:
> • With three to four break out sessions, participants only have the
> half the opportunities to be involved in issues that interest them
> • With three to four break out sessions, participation of individuals can
> decrease to two to three issues if a particular issue requires more than
> one break out session
> • If there are three to four break out sessions, the option to skip one
> phase is still there, but with the consequence of only being able to take
> part in two or three break out sessions
> • Three to four break out sessions instead of 6 to 7 with 40 issues posted
> by 110 participants, needs 14 break out spaces, seven beginning times for
> break out sessions requires only 7 break out spacess ... a more manageable
> situation for the participants to grasp the whole system,
> and requiring significantly less space
> • Sleeping twice means a deeper penetration of systemic connections, links
> and possibilities and consequently more robust agreements than just
> sleeping once ... peace and serenity to get on with important stuff
> • At an event lasting one and a half days, many participants see the
> results of the other break out sessions for the first time in the evening
> of the first day in the reading and augmenting round or even on the second
> day shortly before the action space. This leads to a lower processing depth
> with regard to cooperation, networking and robust next steps
> • If there is only one day for break out sessions, time for additions to
> the
> reports in the reading and augmentation round is reduced. Calm and
> leisure for taking in all reports was reduced.
> • The unfolding of the typical dynamic, which also leads to the discovery
> of new issues is limited...there's just less total time and only one
> instead of three structured opportunity (circles for the whole group) to
> bring up new issues
> • Space and time for the unfolding of self-organization, and for
> development
> of perspectives for action and agreement on next steps is reduced.
> If you got to this point of my lengthy mail it might be a good idea to
> take a nap.
> Have a great day!
> mmp
> PS: Watched a long TV documentation yesterday on the highly complex
> situation in Moldova... what a challenge!
> Am 19.05.2023 um 04:58 schrieb Bhavesh Patel via OSList:
> When I have 90 minutes, I call it Options Space, not Open Space Technology
> because:
> - I still offer the principles and the law.
> - However I have observed that movement between sessions is a lot less.
> - I rarely see people sitting outside of sessions.
> - It's like they have chosen an option and they stick with it.
> - I feel like more time is needed for the OST spirit and dynamics to
> kick-in and unfold.
> - So I have started calling the 90 minutes Options Space instead.
> What's your experience?
> On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 01:48, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Joe,
>> It's wonderful in Berlin - we had a sunny day off :)
>> I have only been once in Limerick hitchhicking back to Galway with my
>> boyfriend at the age of 17. After lots of waiting we wrote a sign " Just 3
>> miles" - to encourage drivers to even take us for a short part of the trip.
>> Finally we were extrely lucky and tourists from the US picked us up - we
>> ended up spending several days with them and later visited them in Texas.
>> This is my memory of your part of the world. :)
>> And happy to hear that you're bringing Open Space to your communities!
>> How did you find out about it and how did you mentor yourself to apply it?
>> With the help of Harrison Ownes Book "Open Space Technology", or how is
>> your story?
>> For your 90 minutes Open Space next week I am curious about a couple of
>> things.
>> - Is the Open Space part of a bigger meeting? Or are the participants
>> arriving in that moment?
>> - Who chose the title of the Open Space?
>> - Who will do the Welcome at the beginning? Do you have a sponsor?
>> - Do you have a big room with a circle and breakout areas close by or
>> in the room?
>> - How many starting times for breakout sessions have you planned?
>> - Are there more meetings planned for the near or far future?
>> - Will you invite them to write down highlights of their
>> conversations, will these be shared with everyone?
>> I am happy to share a few ideas with you - once I know about more about
>> these things.
>> Liebe Grüße
>> Anna Caroline
>> *Anna Caroline Türk*
>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
>> +49(0)176 24872254 | <>
>> Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 10:02 Uhr schrieb Joe Power <
>>> Hi Anna,
>>> Wie geht es in Berlin? Thanks for the message. Galway is a great city.
>>> I held an OS for anyone in the restorative practices community in
>>> Ireland to come together to see what else could be achieved. Had 30 people
>>> show up and the feedback was great. People couldn't believe the freedom. Am
>>> doing one in person next week (just 90 minutes though) for people in a
>>> community with a lot of antisocial behaviour. They are bringing 20 parents
>>> and 6 or 7 "professionals" and I think an Open Space is the best way to
>>> maximise engagement and ideas. The time is obviously short, and I've never
>>> done one in-person, nor done training, nor attended one, but hopefully it
>>> goes to plan. Would welcome any advice from anyone.
>>> Joe
>>> On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 8:44 AM Anna Caroline Türk <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>> I went to school in Galway- but I don’t live in Ireland any more. I
>>>> hope this still qualifies me to talk with you about your experience ☺️
>>>> I can relate to you having the bug - I guess something similar happens
>>>> to me 20 years ago.
>>>> Liebe Grüße from Berlin
>>>> Anna Caroline
>>>> Joe Power via OSList <> schrieb am Mi. 17. Mai 2023
>>>> um 08:53:
>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>> Am new to OS (via restorative practice) and would love to connect with
>>>>> anyone in Ireland or who has done work in Ireland. Held an online OS this
>>>>> week and have the bug!
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Joe
>>>>> --
>>>>> Joe Power
>>>>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>>>>> Céim ar Chéim
>>>>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>>>>> Knockalisheen Road
>>>>> Moyross
>>>>> Limerick
>>>>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>>>>> Fax: 061-322203
>>>>> Website:
>>>>> OSList mailing list --
>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>>>>> See the archives here:
>>>> --
>>>> *Anna Caroline Türk*
>>>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
>>>> +49(0)176 24872254 | <>
>>> --
>>> Joe Power
>>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>>> Céim ar Chéim
>>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>>> Knockalisheen Road
>>> Moyross
>>> Limerick
>>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>>> Fax: 061-322203
>>> Website:
>>> OSList mailing list --
>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>> See the archives here:
> OSList mailing list --
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> See the archives here:
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin
> +49 30 7728000
> In der Open Space World Map tummeln sich 155 Menschen aus
> Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
> Weltweit sind wir 517 aus 78 Ländern, die in 144 Ländern aktiv sind.
> Mal reinschauen:
> Bei Westkreuz gibts Bücher/e-Bücher und Kärtchensätze auf Deutsch,
> Englisch und auch mehrsprachig zu und um open space herum.
> OSList mailing list --
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> See the archives here:
Joe Power
Restorative Practices Development Officer
Céim ar Chéim
Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
Knockalisheen Road
Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
Fax: 061-322203
Anna Caroline Türk
Sun, May 21, 2023 9:49 PM
Dear Joe,
I hope you had a great weekend with more time to connect with your
intention for the upcoming 90 minutes meeting with approx. 25 people.
Or just relax and enjoy the first summer day? We had a really sunny and
warm day today and I was out in my mother’s garden with my family and some
friends eating asparagus pasta and rhubarb cake.
I have been thinking about how I want to respond to you.
I love that you’re diving into Open Space Technology and have learned from
sources online. Like me you might not be a book person - so don’t worry
about the book. Of course, I would love to welcome you to the Open Space
Technology training I am giving
with my colleagues in the Netherlands in September. That would be great to
dive in deeper there together with you!
Length and name
It sounds reasonable to be that you plan for one breakout time and have a
large space for parallel groups.
I like Bhavesh practice of calling these short meetings Options Space it
sounds more appropriate than Open Space. I have never facilitated an Open
Space Technology meeting in person in less than 4 hours. But of course, I
have built in something like an „option space“ in a bigger meeting - where
I invited participants to bring their themes to the agenda.
*Role of the sponsor *
The sponsor is the organization or leader, who is paying you. They decide
how open the space is - they decide how decisions can be made during or
after the meeting. They write the invite and work with you afterward on the
next steps. They communicate if there is a budget or not for projects and
ideas that arise and how a choice will be made about which project will be
One or more meetings
You say that there is a local coordinator who will do the welcome ( I guess
on behalf of the sponsoring organization), I think it would be very
important that she speaks about the intention of the meeting and the
potential of having more meetings in her welcome. Was this already
communicated in the invitation? If the group decides about upcoming
meetings, you would need to build in that question before the end of the
meeting - to see what people decide. Maybe they would need more information
to make that choice? I would plan for a little bit more time - to give them
a chance to speak about who would be volunteer to be part of preparing more
sessions (if applicable).
*What is the theme of the meeting? *
You say it’s an „attempt at averting antisocial behavior “ - how can you
form this into an engaging and nourishing question that everyone is
passionate about engaging and opening their minds and hearts for
possibilities they did not even feel possible before? Would it be something
like - „What are issues and opportunities for supporting our kids to have
the best summer of their life?“ I guess there is no budget for this theme?!
Is there a budget for that? Who will work with the results of the event?
How are decisions being made about ideas that arise in the meeting?
*Connection *
Do people get a contact list to stay in contact afterward - if they wish?
*Documentation *
If time is so short I would just give Flipchart and pens and ask them to
take notes together in their breakout and later take a picture for the
report, or you type them - it won’t be much. I would not increase
complexity by introducing technology aka google forms.
*Closing Circle *
I hope you also plan for a Closing Circle to give everyone a chance to
share how they are leaving the meeting.
*Whole Person Process Facilitation *
When Open Space Technology is not applicable I use Whole Person Process
Facilitation - it shares
the essence of freedom, that OST has, but it allows you to facilitate
meetings where the questions of a meeting are predetermined while the
sponsor knows that the wisdom of the group is needed to tackle the
questions that the group, team or organization has at this time.
What I am worrying a bit about in your meeting, is that the time is very
short and how you bridge from the welcome of the sponsor to your opening
and the agenda creation in a way that people feel invited to engage. I am
sure they all really care about their kids and also bring grief or crazy
stories from last summer - in the best-case scenario the extroverts jump up
and co-create the agenda. But in a not-so-ideal scenario, the professionals
alone get up and tell the parents what they think should happen or the
parents don’t feel that the space is the right timing to bring forth the
issues and opportunities that really are keeping them up at night.
BUT, I hope that the beginner’s luck is with you and that the participants
will engage and feel empowered to connect with each other and speak about
what matters to them. You might end up with one big breakout - you might
have 7 or 10 agenda items and then people will decide what can be talked
about in this short time.
I wish you a very good time and another good and focused conversation with
your sponsor to talk about the welcome and the Givens, future
accountability, decision-making, budget etc.
Please let us know how it goes or if you have more questions!
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
Anna Caroline
Joe Power via OSList schrieb am Fr. 19. Mai 2023 um
Thanks Michael and Bhav,
No doubt, I've a lot to learn with all this. So far, I've ran one OS
online with 30 people for 2 hours, around a familiar topic, spreading
Restorative Practices. As to the event next week, it's a bit of an
experiment really. The person hosting it is hoping for anything really, so
there is no expectation or pressure (which is a nice way to start).
My hope is that people are engaged enough to see the need for a longer
session with more people invited. It's a community who are rarely asked for
their thoughts and who have become used to being the recipient of services,
so hopefully this is a different experience where they are asked to come up
with issues, topics and ideas. That's the hope anyway.
Thanks again,
On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 5:53 AM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <> wrote:
Dear Bhav,
when folks approached me with such a time volume I spoke to them about
what they could expect with half a day, a full day, two days and three days.
For some reasons, they were not very excited with what I promised them
with a half day event and in most cases rescheduled and had one day events
or even more.
Here are two summaries of the various lengths in my practice in 167
events that I researched back in 2008 or thereabouts
Length of open space events
Twenty different lengths and differently structured open space events
from my practice, sorted by length
• -Morning, 4 hours (9am to 1pm)
• -Afternoon, 4 hours (2pm to 6pm or 3pm to 7pm)
• -Afternoon, 6 hours (2pm to 8pm)
• -Afternoon, 6 hours with reading and supplementary round
• -Full day, 6 hours (10am to 4pm)
• -Full day, 6 hours with reading and supplement round
• -Full day, 8 hours (9am to 5pm)
• -Full day, 8 hours with action planning
• - Whole day, 8 hours with reading and supplement round and action
• -A long afternoon and a morning of action planning (15 to 15 p.m.).
20 and 9 to 13)
• -Full day and one morning
• -Whole day and a morning, action planning in the morning
• -Full day and an afternoon with action planning a week later
• -Two days
• -Two days of reading and supplementing rounds over lunchtime on the
second day and beyond
action planning
• -Afternoon, all day, morning, with reading group and action planning at
the last
Late morning
• -Afternoon, all day, afternoon with reading session and action planning
on the last
• -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half
day (full day, full
day and morning)
• -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half
day (full day, full
day and afternoon)
• -2.5 days with reading and supplementary gallery in the evening of the
second day and
Action planning in the last half day
Comparison of a three day and a 2 day event
Length of open space events
Possibilities of a three-day event with 4.5 hours in the afternoon of the
first day, 8 hours on the second day and 3.5 hours on the third day, a
total of 16 hours, sleeping twice
compared to a
two-day event with 8.5 hours on the first day and 3.5 hours on the second
day, a total of 12 hours.
I have facilitated short events of 3.5 hours and such of 16 hours spread
over 3 days...and everything in between. Looking 167 events accompanied by
I see over 20 variants. All have their justification and
significantly different possibilities.
Urgent, complex and conflicting challenges, to which there are different
positions of the various stakeholders need more than an afternoon to
reach robust and sustainable action steps.
Thorough discussions, including a dive into the past (divergent phase)
and the development of robust, sustainable action steps with concrete
agreements (converging phase) are possible in a three day event (half day,
full day and half day, 16 hours total, sleeping twice).
This process allows:
- Six to seven beginning times for break out sessioons
- Three circles for all participants to come together to post issues (at
the beginning, in the evening of the first day and in the morning of the
second day)
- Two evenings and two nights to process ideas, thoughts and plans
- Incorporation of posted reports from other break out sessions to get
suggestions, to see connections and identify opportunities for collaboration
- Outlook and action space on the third day, including the next step for
each project.
A relatively small reduction in overall time of 25% from 16 hours,
distributed over three days, to 12 hours over two days, has the following
- Three to four beginning times for break out sessions (approx. 50% less)
- Only one time for all participants to come together for posting issues
(67% less)
- Only one evening and night to process ideas and thoughts (50% less)
- Reduced inclusion of already published reports from other break out
sessions, since almost all of the time was spent in the break out sessions
on the first day
- Reading all reports from the break out sessions mainly only in the
reading and augmentation round after the last break out sessions
- Outlook and action space on the second day, after only one night to
In comparison, this means:
• With three to four break out sessions, participants only have the
half the opportunities to be involved in issues that interest them
• With three to four break out sessions, participation of individuals
can decrease to two to three issues if a particular issue requires more
than one break out session
• If there are three to four break out sessions, the option to skip one
phase is still there, but with the consequence of only being able to take
part in two or three break out sessions
• Three to four break out sessions instead of 6 to 7 with 40 issues
posted by 110 participants, needs 14 break out spaces, seven beginning
times for break out sessions requires only 7 break out spacess ... a more
manageable situation for the participants to grasp the whole system,
and requiring significantly less space
• Sleeping twice means a deeper penetration of systemic connections,
links and possibilities and consequently more robust agreements than just
sleeping once ... peace and serenity to get on with important stuff
• At an event lasting one and a half days, many participants see the
results of the other break out sessions for the first time in the evening
of the first day in the reading and augmenting round or even on the second
day shortly before the action space. This leads to a lower processing depth
with regard to cooperation, networking and robust next steps
• If there is only one day for break out sessions, time for additions to
reports in the reading and augmentation round is reduced. Calm and
leisure for taking in all reports was reduced.
• The unfolding of the typical dynamic, which also leads to the discovery
of new issues is limited...there's just less total time and only one
instead of three structured opportunity (circles for the whole group) to
bring up new issues
• Space and time for the unfolding of self-organization, and for
of perspectives for action and agreement on next steps is reduced.
If you got to this point of my lengthy mail it might be a good idea to
take a nap.
Have a great day!
PS: Watched a long TV documentation yesterday on the highly complex
situation in Moldova... what a challenge!
Am 19.05.2023 um 04:58 schrieb Bhavesh Patel via OSList:
When I have 90 minutes, I call it Options Space, not Open Space
Technology because:
- I still offer the principles and the law.
- However I have observed that movement between sessions is a lot
- I rarely see people sitting outside of sessions.
- It's like they have chosen an option and they stick with it.
- I feel like more time is needed for the OST spirit and dynamics to
kick-in and unfold.
- So I have started calling the 90 minutes Options Space instead.
What's your experience?
On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 01:48, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <> wrote:
Dear Joe,
It's wonderful in Berlin - we had a sunny day off :)
I have only been once in Limerick hitchhicking back to Galway with my
boyfriend at the age of 17. After lots of waiting we wrote a sign " Just 3
miles" - to encourage drivers to even take us for a short part of the trip.
Finally we were extrely lucky and tourists from the US picked us up - we
ended up spending several days with them and later visited them in Texas.
This is my memory of your part of the world. :)
And happy to hear that you're bringing Open Space to your communities!
How did you find out about it and how did you mentor yourself to apply it?
With the help of Harrison Ownes Book "Open Space Technology", or how is
your story?
For your 90 minutes Open Space next week I am curious about a couple of
- Is the Open Space part of a bigger meeting? Or are the
participants arriving in that moment?
- Who chose the title of the Open Space?
- Who will do the Welcome at the beginning? Do you have a sponsor?
- Do you have a big room with a circle and breakout areas close by
or in the room?
- How many starting times for breakout sessions have you planned?
- Are there more meetings planned for the near or far future?
- Will you invite them to write down highlights of their
conversations, will these be shared with everyone?
I am happy to share a few ideas with you - once I know about more about
these things.
Liebe Grüße
Anna Caroline
Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 |
Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 10:02 Uhr schrieb Joe Power <>:
Hi Anna,
Wie geht es in Berlin? Thanks for the message. Galway is a great city.
I held an OS for anyone in the restorative practices community in
Ireland to come together to see what else could be achieved. Had 30 people
show up and the feedback was great. People couldn't believe the freedom. Am
doing one in person next week (just 90 minutes though) for people in a
community with a lot of antisocial behaviour. They are bringing 20 parents
and 6 or 7 "professionals" and I think an Open Space is the best way to
maximise engagement and ideas. The time is obviously short, and I've never
done one in-person, nor done training, nor attended one, but hopefully it
goes to plan. Would welcome any advice from anyone.
On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 8:44 AM Anna Caroline Türk <> wrote:
Hi Joe,
I went to school in Galway- but I don’t live in Ireland any more. I
hope this still qualifies me to talk with you about your experience ☺️
I can relate to you having the bug - I guess something similar happens
to me 20 years ago.
Liebe Grüße from Berlin
Anna Caroline
Joe Power via OSList schrieb am Mi. 17. Mai
2023 um 08:53:
Dear Joe,
I hope you had a great weekend with more time to connect with your
intention for the upcoming 90 minutes meeting with approx. 25 people.
Or just relax and enjoy the first summer day? We had a really sunny and
warm day today and I was out in my mother’s garden with my family and some
friends eating asparagus pasta and rhubarb cake.
I have been thinking about how I want to respond to you.
I love that you’re diving into Open Space Technology and have learned from
sources online. Like me you might not be a book person - so don’t worry
about the book. Of course, I would love to welcome you to the Open Space
Technology training
<> I am giving
with my colleagues in the Netherlands in September. That would be great to
dive in deeper there together with you!
*Length and name*
It sounds reasonable to be that you plan for one breakout time and have a
large space for parallel groups.
I like Bhavesh practice of calling these short meetings Options Space it
sounds more appropriate than Open Space. I have never facilitated an Open
Space Technology meeting in person in less than 4 hours. But of course, I
have built in something like an „option space“ in a bigger meeting - where
I invited participants to bring their themes to the agenda.
*Role of the sponsor *
The sponsor is the organization or leader, who is paying you. They decide
how open the space is - they decide how decisions can be made during or
after the meeting. They write the invite and work with you afterward on the
next steps. They communicate if there is a budget or not for projects and
ideas that arise and how a choice will be made about which project will be
*One or more meetings*
You say that there is a local coordinator who will do the welcome ( I guess
on behalf of the sponsoring organization), I think it would be very
important that she speaks about the intention of the meeting and the
potential of having more meetings in her welcome. Was this already
communicated in the invitation? If the group decides about upcoming
meetings, you would need to build in that question before the end of the
meeting - to see what people decide. Maybe they would need more information
to make that choice? I would plan for a little bit more time - to give them
a chance to speak about who would be volunteer to be part of preparing more
sessions (if applicable).
*What is the theme of the meeting? *
You say it’s an „attempt at averting antisocial behavior “ - how can you
form this into an engaging and nourishing question that everyone is
passionate about engaging and opening their minds and hearts for
possibilities they did not even feel possible before? Would it be something
like - „What are issues and opportunities for supporting our kids to have
the best summer of their life?“ I guess there is no budget for this theme?!
Is there a budget for that? Who will work with the results of the event?
How are decisions being made about ideas that arise in the meeting?
*Connection *
Do people get a contact list to stay in contact afterward - if they wish?
*Documentation *
If time is so short I would just give Flipchart and pens and ask them to
take notes together in their breakout and later take a picture for the
report, or you type them - it won’t be much. I would not increase
complexity by introducing technology aka google forms.
*Closing Circle *
I hope you also plan for a Closing Circle to give everyone a chance to
share how they are leaving the meeting.
*Whole Person Process Facilitation *
When Open Space Technology is not applicable I use Whole Person Process
Facilitation <> - it shares
the essence of freedom, that OST has, but it allows you to facilitate
meetings where the questions of a meeting are predetermined while the
sponsor knows that the wisdom of the group is needed to tackle the
questions that the group, team or organization has at this time.
What I am worrying a bit about in your meeting, is that the time is very
short and how you bridge from the welcome of the sponsor to your opening
and the agenda creation in a way that people feel invited to engage. I am
sure they all really care about their kids and also bring grief or crazy
stories from last summer - in the best-case scenario the extroverts jump up
and co-create the agenda. But in a not-so-ideal scenario, the professionals
alone get up and tell the parents what they think should happen or the
parents don’t feel that the space is the right timing to bring forth the
issues and opportunities that really are keeping them up at night.
BUT, I hope that the beginner’s luck is with you and that the participants
will engage and feel empowered to connect with each other and speak about
what matters to them. You might end up with one big breakout - you might
have 7 or 10 agenda items and then people will decide what can be talked
about in this short time.
I wish you a very good time and another good and focused conversation with
your sponsor to talk about the welcome and the Givens, future
accountability, decision-making, budget etc.
Please let us know how it goes or if you have more questions!
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
Anna Caroline
Joe Power via OSList <> schrieb am Fr. 19. Mai 2023 um
> Thanks Michael and Bhav,
> No doubt, I've a lot to learn with all this. So far, I've ran one OS
> online with 30 people for 2 hours, around a familiar topic, spreading
> Restorative Practices. As to the event next week, it's a bit of an
> experiment really. The person hosting it is hoping for anything really, so
> there is no expectation or pressure (which is a nice way to start).
> My hope is that people are engaged enough to see the need for a longer
> session with more people invited. It's a community who are rarely asked for
> their thoughts and who have become used to being the recipient of services,
> so hopefully this is a different experience where they are asked to come up
> with issues, topics and ideas. That's the hope anyway.
> Thanks again,
> Joe
> On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 5:53 AM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Bhav,
>> when folks approached me with such a time volume I spoke to them about
>> what they could expect with half a day, a full day, two days and three days.
>> For some reasons, they were not very excited with what I promised them
>> with a half day event and in most cases rescheduled and had one day events
>> or even more.
>> Here are two summaries of the various lengths in my practice in 167
>> events that I researched back in 2008 or thereabouts
>> 1
>> Length of open space events
>> Twenty different lengths and differently structured open space events
>> from my practice, sorted by length
>> • -Morning, 4 hours (9am to 1pm)
>> • -Afternoon, 4 hours (2pm to 6pm or 3pm to 7pm)
>> • -Afternoon, 6 hours (2pm to 8pm)
>> • -Afternoon, 6 hours with reading and supplementary round
>> • -Full day, 6 hours (10am to 4pm)
>> • -Full day, 6 hours with reading and supplement round
>> • -Full day, 8 hours (9am to 5pm)
>> • -Full day, 8 hours with action planning
>> • - Whole day, 8 hours with reading and supplement round and action
>> planning
>> • -A long afternoon and a morning of action planning (15 to 15 p.m.).
>> 20 and 9 to 13)
>> • -Full day and one morning
>> • -Whole day and a morning, action planning in the morning
>> • -Full day and an afternoon with action planning a week later
>> • -Two days
>> • -Two days of reading and supplementing rounds over lunchtime on the
>> second day and beyond
>> action planning
>> • -Afternoon, all day, morning, with reading group and action planning at
>> the last
>> Late morning
>> • -Afternoon, all day, afternoon with reading session and action planning
>> on the last
>> Afternoon
>> • -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half
>> day (full day, full
>> day and morning)
>> • -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half
>> day (full day, full
>> day and afternoon)
>> • -2.5 days with reading and supplementary gallery in the evening of the
>> second day and
>> Action planning in the last half day
>> 2
>> Comparison of a three day and a 2 day event
>> Length of open space events
>> Possibilities of a three-day event with 4.5 hours in the afternoon of the
>> first day, 8 hours on the second day and 3.5 hours on the third day, a
>> total of 16 hours, sleeping twice
>> compared to a
>> two-day event with 8.5 hours on the first day and 3.5 hours on the second
>> day, a total of 12 hours.
>> I have facilitated short events of 3.5 hours and such of 16 hours spread
>> over 3 days...and everything in between. Looking 167 events accompanied by
>> me
>> I see over 20 variants. All have their justification and
>> significantly different possibilities.
>> Urgent, complex and conflicting challenges, to which there are different
>> positions of the various stakeholders need more than an afternoon to
>> reach robust and sustainable action steps.
>> Thorough discussions, including a dive into the past (divergent phase)
>> and the development of robust, sustainable action steps with concrete
>> agreements (converging phase) are possible in a three day event (half day,
>> full day and half day, 16 hours total, sleeping twice).
>> This process allows:
>> 1. Six to seven beginning times for break out sessioons
>> 2. Three circles for all participants to come together to post issues (at
>> the beginning, in the evening of the first day and in the morning of the
>> second day)
>> 3. Two evenings and two nights to process ideas, thoughts and plans
>> 4. Incorporation of posted reports from other break out sessions to get
>> suggestions, to see connections and identify opportunities for collaboration
>> 5. Outlook and action space on the third day, including the next step for
>> each project.
>> A relatively small reduction in overall time of 25% from 16 hours,
>> distributed over three days, to 12 hours over two days, has the following
>> effects:
>> 1. Three to four beginning times for break out sessions (approx. 50% less)
>> 2. Only one time for all participants to come together for posting issues
>> (67% less)
>> 3. Only one evening and night to process ideas and thoughts (50% less)
>> 4. Reduced inclusion of already published reports from other break out
>> sessions, since almost all of the time was spent in the break out sessions
>> on the first day
>> 5. Reading all reports from the break out sessions mainly only in the
>> reading and augmentation round after the last break out sessions
>> 6. Outlook and action space on the second day, after only one night to
>> "Digest".
>> In comparison, this means:
>> • With three to four break out sessions, participants only have the
>> half the opportunities to be involved in issues that interest them
>> • With three to four break out sessions, participation of individuals
>> can decrease to two to three issues if a particular issue requires more
>> than one break out session
>> • If there are three to four break out sessions, the option to skip one
>> phase is still there, but with the consequence of only being able to take
>> part in two or three break out sessions
>> • Three to four break out sessions instead of 6 to 7 with 40 issues
>> posted by 110 participants, needs 14 break out spaces, seven beginning
>> times for break out sessions requires only 7 break out spacess ... a more
>> manageable situation for the participants to grasp the whole system,
>> and requiring significantly less space
>> • Sleeping twice means a deeper penetration of systemic connections,
>> links and possibilities and consequently more robust agreements than just
>> sleeping once ... peace and serenity to get on with important stuff
>> • At an event lasting one and a half days, many participants see the
>> results of the other break out sessions for the first time in the evening
>> of the first day in the reading and augmenting round or even on the second
>> day shortly before the action space. This leads to a lower processing depth
>> with regard to cooperation, networking and robust next steps
>> • If there is only one day for break out sessions, time for additions to
>> the
>> reports in the reading and augmentation round is reduced. Calm and
>> leisure for taking in all reports was reduced.
>> • The unfolding of the typical dynamic, which also leads to the discovery
>> of new issues is limited...there's just less total time and only one
>> instead of three structured opportunity (circles for the whole group) to
>> bring up new issues
>> • Space and time for the unfolding of self-organization, and for
>> development
>> of perspectives for action and agreement on next steps is reduced.
>> If you got to this point of my lengthy mail it might be a good idea to
>> take a nap.
>> Have a great day!
>> mmp
>> PS: Watched a long TV documentation yesterday on the highly complex
>> situation in Moldova... what a challenge!
>> Am 19.05.2023 um 04:58 schrieb Bhavesh Patel via OSList:
>> When I have 90 minutes, I call it Options Space, not Open Space
>> Technology because:
>> - I still offer the principles and the law.
>> - However I have observed that movement between sessions is a lot
>> less.
>> - I rarely see people sitting outside of sessions.
>> - It's like they have chosen an option and they stick with it.
>> - I feel like more time is needed for the OST spirit and dynamics to
>> kick-in and unfold.
>> - So I have started calling the 90 minutes Options Space instead.
>> What's your experience?
>> On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 01:48, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Joe,
>>> It's wonderful in Berlin - we had a sunny day off :)
>>> I have only been once in Limerick hitchhicking back to Galway with my
>>> boyfriend at the age of 17. After lots of waiting we wrote a sign " Just 3
>>> miles" - to encourage drivers to even take us for a short part of the trip.
>>> Finally we were extrely lucky and tourists from the US picked us up - we
>>> ended up spending several days with them and later visited them in Texas.
>>> This is my memory of your part of the world. :)
>>> And happy to hear that you're bringing Open Space to your communities!
>>> How did you find out about it and how did you mentor yourself to apply it?
>>> With the help of Harrison Ownes Book "Open Space Technology", or how is
>>> your story?
>>> For your 90 minutes Open Space next week I am curious about a couple of
>>> things.
>>> - Is the Open Space part of a bigger meeting? Or are the
>>> participants arriving in that moment?
>>> - Who chose the title of the Open Space?
>>> - Who will do the Welcome at the beginning? Do you have a sponsor?
>>> - Do you have a big room with a circle and breakout areas close by
>>> or in the room?
>>> - How many starting times for breakout sessions have you planned?
>>> - Are there more meetings planned for the near or far future?
>>> - Will you invite them to write down highlights of their
>>> conversations, will these be shared with everyone?
>>> I am happy to share a few ideas with you - once I know about more about
>>> these things.
>>> Liebe Grüße
>>> Anna Caroline
>>> *Anna Caroline Türk*
>>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
>>> +49(0)176 24872254 | <>
>>> Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 10:02 Uhr schrieb Joe Power <
>>>> Hi Anna,
>>>> Wie geht es in Berlin? Thanks for the message. Galway is a great city.
>>>> I held an OS for anyone in the restorative practices community in
>>>> Ireland to come together to see what else could be achieved. Had 30 people
>>>> show up and the feedback was great. People couldn't believe the freedom. Am
>>>> doing one in person next week (just 90 minutes though) for people in a
>>>> community with a lot of antisocial behaviour. They are bringing 20 parents
>>>> and 6 or 7 "professionals" and I think an Open Space is the best way to
>>>> maximise engagement and ideas. The time is obviously short, and I've never
>>>> done one in-person, nor done training, nor attended one, but hopefully it
>>>> goes to plan. Would welcome any advice from anyone.
>>>> Joe
>>>> On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 8:44 AM Anna Caroline Türk <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>>> I went to school in Galway- but I don’t live in Ireland any more. I
>>>>> hope this still qualifies me to talk with you about your experience ☺️
>>>>> I can relate to you having the bug - I guess something similar happens
>>>>> to me 20 years ago.
>>>>> Liebe Grüße from Berlin
>>>>> Anna Caroline
>>>>> Joe Power via OSList <> schrieb am Mi. 17. Mai
>>>>> 2023 um 08:53:
>>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>>> Am new to OS (via restorative practice) and would love to connect
>>>>>> with anyone in Ireland or who has done work in Ireland. Held an online OS
>>>>>> this week and have the bug!
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Joe Power
>>>>>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>>>>>> Céim ar Chéim
>>>>>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>>>>>> Knockalisheen Road
>>>>>> Moyross
>>>>>> Limerick
>>>>>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>>>>>> Fax: 061-322203
>>>>>> Website:
>>>>>> OSList mailing list --
>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>>>>>> See the archives here:
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Anna Caroline Türk*
>>>>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
>>>>> +49(0)176 24872254 | <>
>>>> --
>>>> Joe Power
>>>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>>>> Céim ar Chéim
>>>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>>>> Knockalisheen Road
>>>> Moyross
>>>> Limerick
>>>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>>>> Fax: 061-322203
>>>> Website:
>>>> OSList mailing list --
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>>> See the archives here:
>> OSList mailing list --
>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>> See the archives here:
>> Michael M Pannwitz
>> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin
>> +49 30 7728000
>> In der Open Space World Map tummeln sich 155 Menschen aus
>> Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
>> Weltweit sind wir 517 aus 78 Ländern, die in 144 Ländern aktiv sind.
>> Mal reinschauen:
>> Bei Westkreuz gibts Bücher/e-Bücher und Kärtchensätze auf Deutsch,
>> Englisch und auch mehrsprachig zu und um open space herum.
>> OSList mailing list --
>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>> See the archives here:
> --
> Joe Power
> Restorative Practices Development Officer
> Céim ar Chéim
> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
> Knockalisheen Road
> Moyross
> Limerick
> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
> Fax: 061-322203
> Website:
> OSList mailing list --
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> See the archives here:
Jo Töpfer
Wed, May 24, 2023 11:20 AM
Dear colleagues and friends!
On Monday, 22nd May, 2023 a group met online for a WOSonOS 2023 planning meeting. To attract young people and new groups and to help us focus, the group agreed on the idea of having a theme / question for the WOSonOS 2023.
We identified three different possible themes/titles for the event in October and now would like to invite you to explore these ideas and inspire new ones.
Please follow this link to see and participate if you like:
Please let us know which of the options resonate with you and feel free to add words, phrases that sound appealing to you in the comment boxes.
The survey is open for the next 10 days, until 5th June 2023 at 23:59.
Thank you for your thoughts and comments.
Warm regards on behalf of the Planning Meeting Group,
Jo, Juliane, Julia p { color: #000000; line-height: 115%; text-align: left; orphans: 2; widows: 2; margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; background: transparent }p.western { font-family: "Liberation Serif", serif; font-size: 12pt; so-language: de-DE }p.cjk { font-family: "Noto Serif CJK SC"; font-size: 12pt; so-language: zh-CN }p.ctl { font-family: "Lohit Devanagari"; font-size: 12pt; so-language: hi-IN }a:link { color: #000080; text-decoration: underline }
<a color="#000000">
<a color="#000000">Jo Toepfer, </a><a href="">boscop eg</a>
Boxhagener Str. 119B, 10245 Berlin
Tel: +49-(0)30-42018000
Mob: +49-(0)176-22394083
Join us for the Wold Open Space on Open Space from Oct 18 - 21, 2023 in Berlin
More information and tickets <a href="">here</a>
Anna Caroline Türk
Thu, May 25, 2023 4:35 PM
Dear Jo, Juliane and Julia,
thank you for opening this opportunity to be a bit part of the planning
process for the World Open Space on Open Space this October in Berlin.
Can you help me to understand the process a bit better that lead to your
three suggestions.
- Wosonos 2023: Challenge the world before it challenges you!
- WOSonOS 2023: Celebrating self-organisation in times of instability
- WOSonOS 2023: Festival of self-organisation - transformation in times
of instability
Who was involved in the meeting? How did you come up with the three
options? Basically what was the thinking behind it?
Personally I am very much looking forward to the WOSonOS and meeting
colleageus from around the world and I love that you're trying to attract
new and younger people to the event, too. The companies and people I work
with very much enjoy working with OST and they experience and recognize the
potential it has to transform their working culture.
The young people I am working with don't talk much about self-organizing
systems, and I am not sure these themes would attract them.
Maybe you had young people at your planning meeting and they talk a lot
about self-organizing systems?
So I am just writing with the hope to understand this a bit better. Thank
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
Anna Caroline
Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 |
Am Mi., 24. Mai 2023 um 13:21 Uhr schrieb Jo Töpfer via OSList <>:
Dear colleagues and friends!
On Monday, 22nd May, 2023 a group met online for a WOSonOS 2023 planning
meeting. To attract young people and new groups and to help us focus, the
group agreed on the idea of having a theme / question for the WOSonOS 2023.
We identified three different possible themes/titles for the event in
October and now would like to invite you to explore these ideas and inspire
new ones.
Please follow this link to see and participate if you like:
Please let us know which of the options resonate with you and feel free to
add words, phrases that sound appealing to you in the comment boxes.
The survey is open for the next 10 days, until 5th June 2023 at 23:59.
Thank you for your thoughts and comments.
Warm regards on behalf of the Planning Meeting Group,
Jo, Juliane, Julia
Jo Toepfer, boscop eg
Boxhagener Str. 119B, 10245 Berlin
Tel: +49-(0)30-42018000
Mob: +49-(0)176-22394083
Join us for the Wold Open Space on Open Space from Oct 18 - 21, 2023 in Berlin
More information and tickets here
OSList mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
See the archives here:
Dear Jo, Juliane and Julia,
thank you for opening this opportunity to be a bit part of the planning
process for the World Open Space on Open Space this October in Berlin.
Can you help me to understand the process a bit better that lead to your
three suggestions.
- Wosonos 2023: Challenge the world before it challenges you!
- WOSonOS 2023: Celebrating self-organisation in times of instability
- WOSonOS 2023: Festival of self-organisation - transformation in times
of instability
Who was involved in the meeting? How did you come up with the three
options? Basically what was the thinking behind it?
Personally I am very much looking forward to the WOSonOS and meeting
colleageus from around the world and I love that you're trying to attract
new and younger people to the event, too. The companies and people I work
with very much enjoy working with OST and they experience and recognize the
potential it has to transform their working culture.
The young people I am working with don't talk much about self-organizing
systems, and I am not sure these themes would attract them.
Maybe you had young people at your planning meeting and they talk a lot
about self-organizing systems?
So I am just writing with the hope to understand this a bit better. Thank
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
Anna Caroline
*Anna Caroline Türk*
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | <>
Am Mi., 24. Mai 2023 um 13:21 Uhr schrieb Jo Töpfer via OSList <>:
> Dear colleagues and friends!
> On Monday, 22nd May, 2023 a group met online for a WOSonOS 2023 planning
> meeting. To attract young people and new groups and to help us focus, the
> group agreed on the idea of having a theme / question for the WOSonOS 2023.
> We identified three different possible themes/titles for the event in
> October and now would like to invite you to explore these ideas and inspire
> new ones.
> Please follow this link to see and participate if you like:
> Please let us know which of the options resonate with you and feel free to
> add words, phrases that sound appealing to you in the comment boxes.
> The survey is open for the next 10 days, until 5th June 2023 at 23:59.
> Thank you for your thoughts and comments.
> Warm regards on behalf of the Planning Meeting Group,
> Jo, Juliane, Julia
> --
> Jo Toepfer, boscop eg <>
> Boxhagener Str. 119B, 10245 Berlin
> Tel: +49-(0)30-42018000
> Mob: +49-(0)176-22394083
> Join us for the Wold Open Space on Open Space from Oct 18 - 21, 2023 in Berlin
> More information and tickets here <>
> OSList mailing list --
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> See the archives here:
Gentza Eleder
Mon, May 29, 2023 8:05 AM
Hi all!
I have added another proposal to the pool:
Celebrating WOSonOS 2023: how can we better fit/manage/merge in the self-organising world/life?
Now I think I would like it better this way:
Celebrating WOSonOS 2023: how can we better enjoy our self-organising world?
As Anna Caroline and you
I'm very interested on how we could have "outsiders" and "young" people
in this design team and process.
And, as a result, what would the best ways to express and expand the invitation.
Would it be practical to have several ways to express it? Instead of self-organisation, what would be the words? For example, "Flowing"?
How can we better enjoy the flow of life?, for example?
By the way, are there many under-30-year-olds on the oslist?
Would you like to say hello ;-)? How would you do it?
In the Basque Country, and father of 4 youngsters for whom I may be rather "old",
I know few aobut the "youngs'' " whereabouts (many tend to escape from us, why ;-)?)
Yes, we sometimes meet them casually at home, in the street, the train, the schools, small villages...
Online, I've heard they ramble around TikTok.
Good to know about your adventure,
Jo, Juliane and Julia,
keep telling us, yes!
Bestt of all!
Gentza Eleder
(sea water temperature in Mundaka, around 18 º C)
------- Original Message -------
On quinta-feira, 25 de maio de 2023 às 18:35, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList wrote:
Dear Jo, Juliane and Julia,
thank you for opening this opportunity to be a bit part of the planning process for the World Open Space on Open Space this October in Berlin.
Can you help me to understand the process a bit better that lead to your three suggestions.
- Wosonos 2023: Challenge the world before it challenges you!
- WOSonOS 2023: Celebrating self-organisation in times of instability
- WOSonOS 2023: Festival of self-organisation - transformation in times of instability
Who was involved in the meeting? How did you come up with the three options? Basically what was the thinking behind it?
Personally I am very much looking forward to the WOSonOS and meeting colleageus from around the world and I love that you're trying to attract new and younger people to the event, too. The companies and people I work with very much enjoy working with OST and they experience and recognize the potential it has to transform their working culture.
The young people I am working with don't talk much about self-organizing systems, and I am not sure these themes would attract them.
Maybe you had young people at your planning meeting and they talk a lot about self-organizing systems?
So I am just writing with the hope to understand this a bit better. Thank you!
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
Anna Caroline
Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 |
Am Mi., 24. Mai 2023 um 13:21 Uhr schrieb Jo Töpfer via OSList
Dear colleagues and friends!
On Monday, 22nd May, 2023 a group met online for a WOSonOS 2023 planning meeting. To attract young people and new groups and to help us focus, the group agreed on the idea of having a theme / question for the WOSonOS 2023.
We identified three different possible themes/titles for the event in October and now would like to invite you to explore these ideas and inspire new ones.
Please follow this link to see and participate if you like:
Please let us know which of the options resonate with you and feel free to add words, phrases that sound appealing to you in the comment boxes.
The survey is open for the next 10 days, until 5th June 2023 at 23:59.
Thank you for your thoughts and comments.
Warm regards on behalf of the Planning Meeting Group,
Jo, Juliane, Julia
Jo Toepfer,boscop eg
Boxhagener Str. 119B, 10245 Berlin
Tel: +49-(0)30-42018000
Mob: +49-(0)176-22394083
Join us for the Wold Open Space on Open Space from Oct 18 - 21, 2023 in Berlin
More information and tickets
OSList mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
See the archives here:
Hi all!
I have added another proposal to the pool:
> Celebrating WOSonOS 2023: how can we better fit/manage/merge in the self-organising world/life?
Now I think I would like it better this way:
> Celebrating WOSonOS 2023: how can we better enjoy our self-organising world?
As Anna Caroline and you
I'm very interested on how we could have "outsiders" and "young" people
in this design team and process.
And, as a result, what would the best ways to express and expand the invitation.
Would it be practical to have several ways to express it? Instead of self-organisation, what would be the words? For example, "Flowing"?
> How can we better enjoy the flow of life?, for example?
By the way, are there many under-30-year-olds on the oslist?
Would you like to say hello ;-)? How would you do it?
In the Basque Country, and father of 4 youngsters for whom I may be rather "old",
I know few aobut the "youngs'' " whereabouts (many tend to escape from us, why ;-)?)
Yes, we sometimes meet them casually at home, in the street, the train, the schools, small villages...
Online, I've heard they ramble around [TikTok](
Good to know about your adventure,
Jo, Juliane and Julia,
keep telling us, yes!
Bestt of all!
Gentza Eleder
(sea water temperature in Mundaka, around 18 º C)
------- Original Message -------
On quinta-feira, 25 de maio de 2023 às 18:35, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <> wrote:
> Dear Jo, Juliane and Julia,
> thank you for opening this opportunity to be a bit part of the planning process for the World Open Space on Open Space this October in Berlin.
> Can you help me to understand the process a bit better that lead to your three suggestions.
> - Wosonos 2023: Challenge the world before it challenges you!
> - WOSonOS 2023: Celebrating self-organisation in times of instability
> - WOSonOS 2023: Festival of self-organisation - transformation in times of instability
> Who was involved in the meeting? How did you come up with the three options? Basically what was the thinking behind it?
> Personally I am very much looking forward to the WOSonOS and meeting colleageus from around the world and I love that you're trying to attract new and younger people to the event, too. The companies and people I work with very much enjoy working with OST and they experience and recognize the potential it has to transform their working culture.
> The young people I am working with don't talk much about self-organizing systems, and I am not sure these themes would attract them.
> Maybe you had young people at your planning meeting and they talk a lot about self-organizing systems?
> So I am just writing with the hope to understand this a bit better. Thank you!
> Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
> Anna Caroline
> Anna Caroline Türk
> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
> +49(0)176 24872254 |
> Am Mi., 24. Mai 2023 um 13:21 Uhr schrieb Jo Töpfer via OSList <>:
>> Dear colleagues and friends!
>> On Monday, 22nd May, 2023 a group met online for a WOSonOS 2023 planning meeting. To attract young people and new groups and to help us focus, the group agreed on the idea of having a theme / question for the WOSonOS 2023.
>> We identified three different possible themes/titles for the event in October and now would like to invite you to explore these ideas and inspire new ones.
>> Please follow this link to see and participate if you like:
>> Please let us know which of the options resonate with you and feel free to add words, phrases that sound appealing to you in the comment boxes.
>> The survey is open for the next 10 days, until 5th June 2023 at 23:59.
>> Thank you for your thoughts and comments.
>> Warm regards on behalf of the Planning Meeting Group,
>> Jo, Juliane, Julia
>> --
>> Jo Toepfer,[boscop eg](
>> Boxhagener Str. 119B, 10245 Berlin
>> Tel: +49-(0)30-42018000
>> Mob: +49-(0)176-22394083
>> Join us for the Wold Open Space on Open Space from Oct 18 - 21, 2023 in Berlin
>> More information and tickets
>> [here](
>> OSList mailing list --
>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>> See the archives here:
Anna Caroline Türk
Tue, Jun 6, 2023 11:05 AM
Dear Joe,
how did you your meeting go?
Did your intentions play out the way you wanted it?
Or did you have a nice chaotic learning experience?
The first Open Space I facilitated was a wild experience - and it hooked
for a lifetime ;)
I had experienced OST in school - Michael Pannwitz facilitated several OSTs
in my school and I loved it.
I also thought it was quite straight forward and wanted to facilitate one
OST on a youth trip in Rumania. I got the mandate from the adults to do it
and to prepare it.
I called Michael and asked him to support me with the preparations.
He facilitated a planning meeting in my mums garden with a small group of
youth, who was going to Rumania.
We came up with a theme we loved and which inspired us: Atti! Let's create
the holidays of our dreams!
We didn't have any adulds joining the prep meeting and it turned out that
the theme was very frightening to them.
Once we arrived in the Vagarash mountains ready to kick of the holiday with
an Open Space the first morning - a group of adults who had arrived early
explained that the OST could not happen - but instead we all needed to work
and carry wood for a enourmous compost toilet.
Three days later the group of youth demanded the OST to happen - but in the
middle of the day the adults could not respect the structure and freedom it
created nor engage in the agenda creation and announce their activites in
the breakout times, but instead after lunch they clapped their hands and
shouted for everyone to return from their breakouts to follow their new
agenda. The space got closed down.
We were able to have a closing circle that evening and I declared the OST
finished - 2 days early.
I learned a lot about planning, facilitating and the essence of OST in this
Yaari Pannwitz came along as my assistent - so I would love for him to
share more about this adventure too.
I am sharing this to encourage you to share your experience wether it's
messy or beautiful!
Liebe Grüße from Berlin
Anna Caroline
Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 |
Am So., 21. Mai 2023 um 23:49 Uhr schrieb Anna Caroline Türk <>:
Dear Joe,
I hope you had a great weekend with more time to connect with your
intention for the upcoming 90 minutes meeting with approx. 25 people.
Or just relax and enjoy the first summer day? We had a really sunny and
warm day today and I was out in my mother’s garden with my family and some
friends eating asparagus pasta and rhubarb cake.
I have been thinking about how I want to respond to you.
I love that you’re diving into Open Space Technology and have learned from
sources online. Like me you might not be a book person - so don’t worry
about the book. Of course, I would love to welcome you to the Open Space
Technology training I am
giving with my colleagues in the Netherlands in September. That would be
great to dive in deeper there together with you!
Length and name
It sounds reasonable to be that you plan for one breakout time and have a
large space for parallel groups.
I like Bhavesh practice of calling these short meetings Options Space it
sounds more appropriate than Open Space. I have never facilitated an Open
Space Technology meeting in person in less than 4 hours. But of course, I
have built in something like an „option space“ in a bigger meeting - where
I invited participants to bring their themes to the agenda.
*Role of the sponsor *
The sponsor is the organization or leader, who is paying you. They decide
how open the space is - they decide how decisions can be made during or
after the meeting. They write the invite and work with you afterward on the
next steps. They communicate if there is a budget or not for projects and
ideas that arise and how a choice will be made about which project will be
One or more meetings
You say that there is a local coordinator who will do the welcome ( I
guess on behalf of the sponsoring organization), I think it would be very
important that she speaks about the intention of the meeting and the
potential of having more meetings in her welcome. Was this already
communicated in the invitation? If the group decides about upcoming
meetings, you would need to build in that question before the end of the
meeting - to see what people decide. Maybe they would need more information
to make that choice? I would plan for a little bit more time - to give them
a chance to speak about who would be volunteer to be part of preparing more
sessions (if applicable).
*What is the theme of the meeting? *
You say it’s an „attempt at averting antisocial behavior “ - how can you
form this into an engaging and nourishing question that everyone is
passionate about engaging and opening their minds and hearts for
possibilities they did not even feel possible before? Would it be something
like - „What are issues and opportunities for supporting our kids to have
the best summer of their life?“ I guess there is no budget for this theme?!
Is there a budget for that? Who will work with the results of the event?
How are decisions being made about ideas that arise in the meeting?
*Connection *
Do people get a contact list to stay in contact afterward - if they wish?
*Documentation *
If time is so short I would just give Flipchart and pens and ask them to
take notes together in their breakout and later take a picture for the
report, or you type them - it won’t be much. I would not increase
complexity by introducing technology aka google forms.
*Closing Circle *
I hope you also plan for a Closing Circle to give everyone a chance to
share how they are leaving the meeting.
*Whole Person Process Facilitation *
When Open Space Technology is not applicable I use Whole Person Process
Facilitation - it shares
the essence of freedom, that OST has, but it allows you to facilitate
meetings where the questions of a meeting are predetermined while the
sponsor knows that the wisdom of the group is needed to tackle the
questions that the group, team or organization has at this time.
What I am worrying a bit about in your meeting, is that the time is very
short and how you bridge from the welcome of the sponsor to your opening
and the agenda creation in a way that people feel invited to engage. I am
sure they all really care about their kids and also bring grief or crazy
stories from last summer - in the best-case scenario the extroverts jump up
and co-create the agenda. But in a not-so-ideal scenario, the professionals
alone get up and tell the parents what they think should happen or the
parents don’t feel that the space is the right timing to bring forth the
issues and opportunities that really are keeping them up at night.
BUT, I hope that the beginner’s luck is with you and that the participants
will engage and feel empowered to connect with each other and speak about
what matters to them. You might end up with one big breakout - you might
have 7 or 10 agenda items and then people will decide what can be talked
about in this short time.
I wish you a very good time and another good and focused conversation with
your sponsor to talk about the welcome and the Givens, future
accountability, decision-making, budget etc.
Please let us know how it goes or if you have more questions!
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
Anna Caroline
Joe Power via OSList schrieb am Fr. 19. Mai 2023 um
Thanks Michael and Bhav,
No doubt, I've a lot to learn with all this. So far, I've ran one OS
online with 30 people for 2 hours, around a familiar topic, spreading
Restorative Practices. As to the event next week, it's a bit of an
experiment really. The person hosting it is hoping for anything really, so
there is no expectation or pressure (which is a nice way to start).
My hope is that people are engaged enough to see the need for a longer
session with more people invited. It's a community who are rarely asked for
their thoughts and who have become used to being the recipient of services,
so hopefully this is a different experience where they are asked to come up
with issues, topics and ideas. That's the hope anyway.
Thanks again,
On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 5:53 AM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <> wrote:
Dear Bhav,
when folks approached me with such a time volume I spoke to them about
what they could expect with half a day, a full day, two days and three days.
For some reasons, they were not very excited with what I promised them
with a half day event and in most cases rescheduled and had one day events
or even more.
Here are two summaries of the various lengths in my practice in 167
events that I researched back in 2008 or thereabouts
Length of open space events
Twenty different lengths and differently structured open space events
from my practice, sorted by length
• -Morning, 4 hours (9am to 1pm)
• -Afternoon, 4 hours (2pm to 6pm or 3pm to 7pm)
• -Afternoon, 6 hours (2pm to 8pm)
• -Afternoon, 6 hours with reading and supplementary round
• -Full day, 6 hours (10am to 4pm)
• -Full day, 6 hours with reading and supplement round
• -Full day, 8 hours (9am to 5pm)
• -Full day, 8 hours with action planning
• - Whole day, 8 hours with reading and supplement round and action
• -A long afternoon and a morning of action planning (15 to 15 p.m.).
20 and 9 to 13)
• -Full day and one morning
• -Whole day and a morning, action planning in the morning
• -Full day and an afternoon with action planning a week later
• -Two days
• -Two days of reading and supplementing rounds over lunchtime on the
second day and beyond
action planning
• -Afternoon, all day, morning, with reading group and action planning
at the last
Late morning
• -Afternoon, all day, afternoon with reading session and action
planning on the last
• -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half
day (full day, full
day and morning)
• -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half
day (full day, full
day and afternoon)
• -2.5 days with reading and supplementary gallery in the evening of the
second day and
Action planning in the last half day
Comparison of a three day and a 2 day event
Length of open space events
Possibilities of a three-day event with 4.5 hours in the afternoon of
the first day, 8 hours on the second day and 3.5 hours on the third day, a
total of 16 hours, sleeping twice
compared to a
two-day event with 8.5 hours on the first day and 3.5 hours on the
second day, a total of 12 hours.
I have facilitated short events of 3.5 hours and such of 16 hours spread
over 3 days...and everything in between. Looking 167 events accompanied by
I see over 20 variants. All have their justification and
significantly different possibilities.
Urgent, complex and conflicting challenges, to which there are different
positions of the various stakeholders need more than an afternoon to
reach robust and sustainable action steps.
Thorough discussions, including a dive into the past (divergent phase)
and the development of robust, sustainable action steps with concrete
agreements (converging phase) are possible in a three day event (half day,
full day and half day, 16 hours total, sleeping twice).
This process allows:
- Six to seven beginning times for break out sessioons
- Three circles for all participants to come together to post issues
(at the beginning, in the evening of the first day and in the morning of the
second day)
- Two evenings and two nights to process ideas, thoughts and plans
- Incorporation of posted reports from other break out sessions to get
suggestions, to see connections and identify opportunities for collaboration
- Outlook and action space on the third day, including the next step
for each project.
A relatively small reduction in overall time of 25% from 16 hours,
distributed over three days, to 12 hours over two days, has the following
- Three to four beginning times for break out sessions (approx. 50%
- Only one time for all participants to come together for posting issues
(67% less)
- Only one evening and night to process ideas and thoughts (50% less)
- Reduced inclusion of already published reports from other break out
sessions, since almost all of the time was spent in the break out sessions
on the first day
- Reading all reports from the break out sessions mainly only in the
reading and augmentation round after the last break out sessions
- Outlook and action space on the second day, after only one night to
In comparison, this means:
• With three to four break out sessions, participants only have the
half the opportunities to be involved in issues that interest them
• With three to four break out sessions, participation of individuals
can decrease to two to three issues if a particular issue requires more
than one break out session
• If there are three to four break out sessions, the option to skip one
phase is still there, but with the consequence of only being able to take
part in two or three break out sessions
• Three to four break out sessions instead of 6 to 7 with 40 issues
posted by 110 participants, needs 14 break out spaces, seven beginning
times for break out sessions requires only 7 break out spacess ... a more
manageable situation for the participants to grasp the whole system,
and requiring significantly less space
• Sleeping twice means a deeper penetration of systemic connections,
links and possibilities and consequently more robust agreements than just
sleeping once ... peace and serenity to get on with important stuff
• At an event lasting one and a half days, many participants see the
results of the other break out sessions for the first time in the
evening of the first day in the reading and augmenting round or even on the
second day shortly before the action space. This leads to a lower
processing depth with regard to cooperation, networking and robust next
• If there is only one day for break out sessions, time for additions to
reports in the reading and augmentation round is reduced. Calm and
leisure for taking in all reports was reduced.
• The unfolding of the typical dynamic, which also leads to the
discovery of new issues is limited...there's just less total time and only
one instead of three structured opportunity (circles for the whole group)
to bring up new issues
• Space and time for the unfolding of self-organization, and for
of perspectives for action and agreement on next steps is reduced.
If you got to this point of my lengthy mail it might be a good idea to
take a nap.
Have a great day!
PS: Watched a long TV documentation yesterday on the highly complex
situation in Moldova... what a challenge!
Am 19.05.2023 um 04:58 schrieb Bhavesh Patel via OSList:
When I have 90 minutes, I call it Options Space, not Open Space
Technology because:
- I still offer the principles and the law.
- However I have observed that movement between sessions is a lot
- I rarely see people sitting outside of sessions.
- It's like they have chosen an option and they stick with it.
- I feel like more time is needed for the OST spirit and dynamics to
kick-in and unfold.
- So I have started calling the 90 minutes Options Space instead.
What's your experience?
On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 01:48, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <> wrote:
Dear Joe,
It's wonderful in Berlin - we had a sunny day off :)
I have only been once in Limerick hitchhicking back to Galway with my
boyfriend at the age of 17. After lots of waiting we wrote a sign " Just 3
miles" - to encourage drivers to even take us for a short part of the trip.
Finally we were extrely lucky and tourists from the US picked us up - we
ended up spending several days with them and later visited them in Texas.
This is my memory of your part of the world. :)
And happy to hear that you're bringing Open Space to your communities!
How did you find out about it and how did you mentor yourself to apply it?
With the help of Harrison Ownes Book "Open Space Technology", or how is
your story?
For your 90 minutes Open Space next week I am curious about a couple of
- Is the Open Space part of a bigger meeting? Or are the
participants arriving in that moment?
- Who chose the title of the Open Space?
- Who will do the Welcome at the beginning? Do you have a sponsor?
- Do you have a big room with a circle and breakout areas close by
or in the room?
- How many starting times for breakout sessions have you planned?
- Are there more meetings planned for the near or far future?
- Will you invite them to write down highlights of their
conversations, will these be shared with everyone?
I am happy to share a few ideas with you - once I know about more about
these things.
Liebe Grüße
Anna Caroline
Anna Caroline Türk
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 |
Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 10:02 Uhr schrieb Joe Power <>:
Hi Anna,
Wie geht es in Berlin? Thanks for the message. Galway is a great city.
I held an OS for anyone in the restorative practices community in
Ireland to come together to see what else could be achieved. Had 30 people
show up and the feedback was great. People couldn't believe the freedom. Am
doing one in person next week (just 90 minutes though) for people in a
community with a lot of antisocial behaviour. They are bringing 20 parents
and 6 or 7 "professionals" and I think an Open Space is the best way to
maximise engagement and ideas. The time is obviously short, and I've never
done one in-person, nor done training, nor attended one, but hopefully it
goes to plan. Would welcome any advice from anyone.
On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 8:44 AM Anna Caroline Türk <> wrote:
Hi Joe,
I went to school in Galway- but I don’t live in Ireland any more. I
hope this still qualifies me to talk with you about your experience ☺️
I can relate to you having the bug - I guess something similar
happens to me 20 years ago.
Liebe Grüße from Berlin
Anna Caroline
Joe Power via OSList schrieb am Mi. 17. Mai
2023 um 08:53:
Dear Joe,
how did you your meeting go?
Did your intentions play out the way you wanted it?
Or did you have a nice chaotic learning experience?
The first Open Space I facilitated was a wild experience - and it hooked
for a lifetime ;)
I had experienced OST in school - Michael Pannwitz facilitated several OSTs
in my school and I loved it.
I also thought it was quite straight forward and wanted to facilitate one
OST on a youth trip in Rumania. I got the mandate from the adults to do it
and to prepare it.
I called Michael and asked him to support me with the preparations.
He facilitated a planning meeting in my mums garden with a small group of
youth, who was going to Rumania.
We came up with a theme we loved and which inspired us: Atti! Let's create
the holidays of our dreams!
We didn't have any adulds joining the prep meeting and it turned out that
the theme was very frightening to them.
Once we arrived in the Vagarash mountains ready to kick of the holiday with
an Open Space the first morning - a group of adults who had arrived early
explained that the OST could not happen - but instead we all needed to work
and carry wood for a enourmous compost toilet.
Three days later the group of youth demanded the OST to happen - but in the
middle of the day the adults could not respect the structure and freedom it
created nor engage in the agenda creation and announce their activites in
the breakout times, but instead after lunch they clapped their hands and
shouted for everyone to return from their breakouts to follow their new
agenda. The space got closed down.
We were able to have a closing circle that evening and I declared the OST
finished - 2 days early.
I learned a lot about planning, facilitating and the essence of OST in this
Yaari Pannwitz came along as my assistent - so I would love for him to
share more about this adventure too.
I am sharing this to encourage you to share your experience wether it's
messy or beautiful!
Liebe Grüße from Berlin
Anna Caroline
*Anna Caroline Türk*
Mentor to Visionary Leaders
+49(0)176 24872254 | <>
Am So., 21. Mai 2023 um 23:49 Uhr schrieb Anna Caroline Türk <>:
> Dear Joe,
> I hope you had a great weekend with more time to connect with your
> intention for the upcoming 90 minutes meeting with approx. 25 people.
> Or just relax and enjoy the first summer day? We had a really sunny and
> warm day today and I was out in my mother’s garden with my family and some
> friends eating asparagus pasta and rhubarb cake.
> I have been thinking about how I want to respond to you.
> I love that you’re diving into Open Space Technology and have learned from
> sources online. Like me you might not be a book person - so don’t worry
> about the book. Of course, I would love to welcome you to the Open Space
> Technology training
> <> I am
> giving with my colleagues in the Netherlands in September. That would be
> great to dive in deeper there together with you!
> *Length and name*
> It sounds reasonable to be that you plan for one breakout time and have a
> large space for parallel groups.
> I like Bhavesh practice of calling these short meetings Options Space it
> sounds more appropriate than Open Space. I have never facilitated an Open
> Space Technology meeting in person in less than 4 hours. But of course, I
> have built in something like an „option space“ in a bigger meeting - where
> I invited participants to bring their themes to the agenda.
> *Role of the sponsor *
> The sponsor is the organization or leader, who is paying you. They decide
> how open the space is - they decide how decisions can be made during or
> after the meeting. They write the invite and work with you afterward on the
> next steps. They communicate if there is a budget or not for projects and
> ideas that arise and how a choice will be made about which project will be
> supported.
> *One or more meetings*
> You say that there is a local coordinator who will do the welcome ( I
> guess on behalf of the sponsoring organization), I think it would be very
> important that she speaks about the intention of the meeting and the
> potential of having more meetings in her welcome. Was this already
> communicated in the invitation? If the group decides about upcoming
> meetings, you would need to build in that question before the end of the
> meeting - to see what people decide. Maybe they would need more information
> to make that choice? I would plan for a little bit more time - to give them
> a chance to speak about who would be volunteer to be part of preparing more
> sessions (if applicable).
> *What is the theme of the meeting? *
> You say it’s an „attempt at averting antisocial behavior “ - how can you
> form this into an engaging and nourishing question that everyone is
> passionate about engaging and opening their minds and hearts for
> possibilities they did not even feel possible before? Would it be something
> like - „What are issues and opportunities for supporting our kids to have
> the best summer of their life?“ I guess there is no budget for this theme?!
> *Accountability*
> Is there a budget for that? Who will work with the results of the event?
> How are decisions being made about ideas that arise in the meeting?
> *Connection *
> Do people get a contact list to stay in contact afterward - if they wish?
> *Documentation *
> If time is so short I would just give Flipchart and pens and ask them to
> take notes together in their breakout and later take a picture for the
> report, or you type them - it won’t be much. I would not increase
> complexity by introducing technology aka google forms.
> *Closing Circle *
> I hope you also plan for a Closing Circle to give everyone a chance to
> share how they are leaving the meeting.
> *Whole Person Process Facilitation *
> When Open Space Technology is not applicable I use Whole Person Process
> Facilitation <> - it shares
> the essence of freedom, that OST has, but it allows you to facilitate
> meetings where the questions of a meeting are predetermined while the
> sponsor knows that the wisdom of the group is needed to tackle the
> questions that the group, team or organization has at this time.
> What I am worrying a bit about in your meeting, is that the time is very
> short and how you bridge from the welcome of the sponsor to your opening
> and the agenda creation in a way that people feel invited to engage. I am
> sure they all really care about their kids and also bring grief or crazy
> stories from last summer - in the best-case scenario the extroverts jump up
> and co-create the agenda. But in a not-so-ideal scenario, the professionals
> alone get up and tell the parents what they think should happen or the
> parents don’t feel that the space is the right timing to bring forth the
> issues and opportunities that really are keeping them up at night.
> BUT, I hope that the beginner’s luck is with you and that the participants
> will engage and feel empowered to connect with each other and speak about
> what matters to them. You might end up with one big breakout - you might
> have 7 or 10 agenda items and then people will decide what can be talked
> about in this short time.
> I wish you a very good time and another good and focused conversation with
> your sponsor to talk about the welcome and the Givens, future
> accountability, decision-making, budget etc.
> Please let us know how it goes or if you have more questions!
> Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
> Anna Caroline
> Joe Power via OSList <> schrieb am Fr. 19. Mai 2023 um
> 09:10:
>> Thanks Michael and Bhav,
>> No doubt, I've a lot to learn with all this. So far, I've ran one OS
>> online with 30 people for 2 hours, around a familiar topic, spreading
>> Restorative Practices. As to the event next week, it's a bit of an
>> experiment really. The person hosting it is hoping for anything really, so
>> there is no expectation or pressure (which is a nice way to start).
>> My hope is that people are engaged enough to see the need for a longer
>> session with more people invited. It's a community who are rarely asked for
>> their thoughts and who have become used to being the recipient of services,
>> so hopefully this is a different experience where they are asked to come up
>> with issues, topics and ideas. That's the hope anyway.
>> Thanks again,
>> Joe
>> On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 5:53 AM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Bhav,
>>> when folks approached me with such a time volume I spoke to them about
>>> what they could expect with half a day, a full day, two days and three days.
>>> For some reasons, they were not very excited with what I promised them
>>> with a half day event and in most cases rescheduled and had one day events
>>> or even more.
>>> Here are two summaries of the various lengths in my practice in 167
>>> events that I researched back in 2008 or thereabouts
>>> 1
>>> Length of open space events
>>> Twenty different lengths and differently structured open space events
>>> from my practice, sorted by length
>>> • -Morning, 4 hours (9am to 1pm)
>>> • -Afternoon, 4 hours (2pm to 6pm or 3pm to 7pm)
>>> • -Afternoon, 6 hours (2pm to 8pm)
>>> • -Afternoon, 6 hours with reading and supplementary round
>>> • -Full day, 6 hours (10am to 4pm)
>>> • -Full day, 6 hours with reading and supplement round
>>> • -Full day, 8 hours (9am to 5pm)
>>> • -Full day, 8 hours with action planning
>>> • - Whole day, 8 hours with reading and supplement round and action
>>> planning
>>> • -A long afternoon and a morning of action planning (15 to 15 p.m.).
>>> 20 and 9 to 13)
>>> • -Full day and one morning
>>> • -Whole day and a morning, action planning in the morning
>>> • -Full day and an afternoon with action planning a week later
>>> • -Two days
>>> • -Two days of reading and supplementing rounds over lunchtime on the
>>> second day and beyond
>>> action planning
>>> • -Afternoon, all day, morning, with reading group and action planning
>>> at the last
>>> Late morning
>>> • -Afternoon, all day, afternoon with reading session and action
>>> planning on the last
>>> Afternoon
>>> • -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half
>>> day (full day, full
>>> day and morning)
>>> • -2.5 days with a reading circle and action planning on the last half
>>> day (full day, full
>>> day and afternoon)
>>> • -2.5 days with reading and supplementary gallery in the evening of the
>>> second day and
>>> Action planning in the last half day
>>> 2
>>> Comparison of a three day and a 2 day event
>>> Length of open space events
>>> Possibilities of a three-day event with 4.5 hours in the afternoon of
>>> the first day, 8 hours on the second day and 3.5 hours on the third day, a
>>> total of 16 hours, sleeping twice
>>> compared to a
>>> two-day event with 8.5 hours on the first day and 3.5 hours on the
>>> second day, a total of 12 hours.
>>> I have facilitated short events of 3.5 hours and such of 16 hours spread
>>> over 3 days...and everything in between. Looking 167 events accompanied by
>>> me
>>> I see over 20 variants. All have their justification and
>>> significantly different possibilities.
>>> Urgent, complex and conflicting challenges, to which there are different
>>> positions of the various stakeholders need more than an afternoon to
>>> reach robust and sustainable action steps.
>>> Thorough discussions, including a dive into the past (divergent phase)
>>> and the development of robust, sustainable action steps with concrete
>>> agreements (converging phase) are possible in a three day event (half day,
>>> full day and half day, 16 hours total, sleeping twice).
>>> This process allows:
>>> 1. Six to seven beginning times for break out sessioons
>>> 2. Three circles for all participants to come together to post issues
>>> (at the beginning, in the evening of the first day and in the morning of the
>>> second day)
>>> 3. Two evenings and two nights to process ideas, thoughts and plans
>>> 4. Incorporation of posted reports from other break out sessions to get
>>> suggestions, to see connections and identify opportunities for collaboration
>>> 5. Outlook and action space on the third day, including the next step
>>> for each project.
>>> A relatively small reduction in overall time of 25% from 16 hours,
>>> distributed over three days, to 12 hours over two days, has the following
>>> effects:
>>> 1. Three to four beginning times for break out sessions (approx. 50%
>>> less)
>>> 2. Only one time for all participants to come together for posting issues
>>> (67% less)
>>> 3. Only one evening and night to process ideas and thoughts (50% less)
>>> 4. Reduced inclusion of already published reports from other break out
>>> sessions, since almost all of the time was spent in the break out sessions
>>> on the first day
>>> 5. Reading all reports from the break out sessions mainly only in the
>>> reading and augmentation round after the last break out sessions
>>> 6. Outlook and action space on the second day, after only one night to
>>> "Digest".
>>> In comparison, this means:
>>> • With three to four break out sessions, participants only have the
>>> half the opportunities to be involved in issues that interest them
>>> • With three to four break out sessions, participation of individuals
>>> can decrease to two to three issues if a particular issue requires more
>>> than one break out session
>>> • If there are three to four break out sessions, the option to skip one
>>> phase is still there, but with the consequence of only being able to take
>>> part in two or three break out sessions
>>> • Three to four break out sessions instead of 6 to 7 with 40 issues
>>> posted by 110 participants, needs 14 break out spaces, seven beginning
>>> times for break out sessions requires only 7 break out spacess ... a more
>>> manageable situation for the participants to grasp the whole system,
>>> and requiring significantly less space
>>> • Sleeping twice means a deeper penetration of systemic connections,
>>> links and possibilities and consequently more robust agreements than just
>>> sleeping once ... peace and serenity to get on with important stuff
>>> • At an event lasting one and a half days, many participants see the
>>> results of the other break out sessions for the first time in the
>>> evening of the first day in the reading and augmenting round or even on the
>>> second day shortly before the action space. This leads to a lower
>>> processing depth with regard to cooperation, networking and robust next
>>> steps
>>> • If there is only one day for break out sessions, time for additions to
>>> the
>>> reports in the reading and augmentation round is reduced. Calm and
>>> leisure for taking in all reports was reduced.
>>> • The unfolding of the typical dynamic, which also leads to the
>>> discovery of new issues is limited...there's just less total time and only
>>> one instead of three structured opportunity (circles for the whole group)
>>> to bring up new issues
>>> • Space and time for the unfolding of self-organization, and for
>>> development
>>> of perspectives for action and agreement on next steps is reduced.
>>> If you got to this point of my lengthy mail it might be a good idea to
>>> take a nap.
>>> Have a great day!
>>> mmp
>>> PS: Watched a long TV documentation yesterday on the highly complex
>>> situation in Moldova... what a challenge!
>>> Am 19.05.2023 um 04:58 schrieb Bhavesh Patel via OSList:
>>> When I have 90 minutes, I call it Options Space, not Open Space
>>> Technology because:
>>> - I still offer the principles and the law.
>>> - However I have observed that movement between sessions is a lot
>>> less.
>>> - I rarely see people sitting outside of sessions.
>>> - It's like they have chosen an option and they stick with it.
>>> - I feel like more time is needed for the OST spirit and dynamics to
>>> kick-in and unfold.
>>> - So I have started calling the 90 minutes Options Space instead.
>>> What's your experience?
>>> On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 01:48, Anna Caroline Türk via OSList <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Joe,
>>>> It's wonderful in Berlin - we had a sunny day off :)
>>>> I have only been once in Limerick hitchhicking back to Galway with my
>>>> boyfriend at the age of 17. After lots of waiting we wrote a sign " Just 3
>>>> miles" - to encourage drivers to even take us for a short part of the trip.
>>>> Finally we were extrely lucky and tourists from the US picked us up - we
>>>> ended up spending several days with them and later visited them in Texas.
>>>> This is my memory of your part of the world. :)
>>>> And happy to hear that you're bringing Open Space to your communities!
>>>> How did you find out about it and how did you mentor yourself to apply it?
>>>> With the help of Harrison Ownes Book "Open Space Technology", or how is
>>>> your story?
>>>> For your 90 minutes Open Space next week I am curious about a couple of
>>>> things.
>>>> - Is the Open Space part of a bigger meeting? Or are the
>>>> participants arriving in that moment?
>>>> - Who chose the title of the Open Space?
>>>> - Who will do the Welcome at the beginning? Do you have a sponsor?
>>>> - Do you have a big room with a circle and breakout areas close by
>>>> or in the room?
>>>> - How many starting times for breakout sessions have you planned?
>>>> - Are there more meetings planned for the near or far future?
>>>> - Will you invite them to write down highlights of their
>>>> conversations, will these be shared with everyone?
>>>> I am happy to share a few ideas with you - once I know about more about
>>>> these things.
>>>> Liebe Grüße
>>>> Anna Caroline
>>>> *Anna Caroline Türk*
>>>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
>>>> +49(0)176 24872254 | <>
>>>> Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 10:02 Uhr schrieb Joe Power <
>>>>> Hi Anna,
>>>>> Wie geht es in Berlin? Thanks for the message. Galway is a great city.
>>>>> I held an OS for anyone in the restorative practices community in
>>>>> Ireland to come together to see what else could be achieved. Had 30 people
>>>>> show up and the feedback was great. People couldn't believe the freedom. Am
>>>>> doing one in person next week (just 90 minutes though) for people in a
>>>>> community with a lot of antisocial behaviour. They are bringing 20 parents
>>>>> and 6 or 7 "professionals" and I think an Open Space is the best way to
>>>>> maximise engagement and ideas. The time is obviously short, and I've never
>>>>> done one in-person, nor done training, nor attended one, but hopefully it
>>>>> goes to plan. Would welcome any advice from anyone.
>>>>> Joe
>>>>> On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 8:44 AM Anna Caroline Türk <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>>>> I went to school in Galway- but I don’t live in Ireland any more. I
>>>>>> hope this still qualifies me to talk with you about your experience ☺️
>>>>>> I can relate to you having the bug - I guess something similar
>>>>>> happens to me 20 years ago.
>>>>>> Liebe Grüße from Berlin
>>>>>> Anna Caroline
>>>>>> Joe Power via OSList <> schrieb am Mi. 17. Mai
>>>>>> 2023 um 08:53:
>>>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>>>> Am new to OS (via restorative practice) and would love to connect
>>>>>>> with anyone in Ireland or who has done work in Ireland. Held an online OS
>>>>>>> this week and have the bug!
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Joe Power
>>>>>>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>>>>>>> Céim ar Chéim
>>>>>>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>>>>>>> Knockalisheen Road
>>>>>>> Moyross
>>>>>>> Limerick
>>>>>>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>>>>>>> Fax: 061-322203
>>>>>>> Website:
>>>>>>> OSList mailing list --
>>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>>>>>>> See the archives here:
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Anna Caroline Türk*
>>>>>> Mentor to Visionary Leaders
>>>>>> +49(0)176 24872254 | <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> Joe Power
>>>>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>>>>> Céim ar Chéim
>>>>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>>>>> Knockalisheen Road
>>>>> Moyross
>>>>> Limerick
>>>>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>>>>> Fax: 061-322203
>>>>> Website:
>>>>> OSList mailing list --
>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>>>> See the archives here:
>>> OSList mailing list --
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>>> See the archives here:
>>> Michael M Pannwitz
>>> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin
>>> +49 30 7728000
>>> In der Open Space World Map tummeln sich 155 Menschen aus
>>> Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
>>> Weltweit sind wir 517 aus 78 Ländern, die in 144 Ländern aktiv sind.
>>> Mal reinschauen:
>>> Bei Westkreuz gibts Bücher/e-Bücher und Kärtchensätze auf Deutsch,
>>> Englisch und auch mehrsprachig zu und um open space herum.
>>> OSList mailing list --
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>> Joe Power
>> Restorative Practices Development Officer
>> Céim ar Chéim
>> Unit 5 Shannon Development Units
>> Knockalisheen Road
>> Moyross
>> Limerick
>> Tel: 061-322122/087-9363010
>> Fax: 061-322203
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