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Fwd: Public Space, Plurality and Freedom according to Hannah Arendt

Funda Oral
Wed, Aug 2, 2023 7:41 AM

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Gönderen: Funda Oral fundaoral@gmail.com
Date: 21 Tem 2023 Cum 11:51
Subject: Public Space, Plurality and Freedom according to Hannah Arendt
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list <

Hi everybody,

What Hannah Arendt describes seems to point out "Open Space Technology".
Have a nice weekend.

Funda Oral

"The “political” which Arendt seeks to revive in her work is a concept
which both links and transcends these notions of natality and plurality.
Its core is freedom: Freedom for Arendt is not simply liberty from outside
forces or private necessities, but a freedom enabled by natality, by the
capacity to make beginnings, a freedom expressed in action. It is the
human freedom to act, to speak, and to create shared spaces through
interaction with others.
This interaction requires that a plurality of
human beings communicate with each other about the terms of their
coexistence. Plurality is thus both a basic existential fact of human
existence which requires* interaction, communication and cooperation*, so
that a shared life with others becomes possible, and plurality enables
action and speech within shared spaces, because interaction is contingent
upon the presence of others. At the intersection of these two notions we
encounter the true meaning of the political: It is the realization of
freedom through interaction with others in public spaces.
"  Andrea Thuma

---------- Forwarded message --------- Gönderen: Funda Oral <fundaoral@gmail.com> Date: 21 Tem 2023 Cum 11:51 Subject: Public Space, Plurality and Freedom according to Hannah Arendt To: World wide Open Space Technology email list < oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> Hi everybody, What Hannah Arendt describes seems to point out "Open Space Technology". Have a nice weekend. Funda Oral "The “political” which Arendt seeks to revive in her work is a concept which both links and transcends these notions of natality and plurality. Its core is freedom: Freedom for Arendt is not simply liberty from outside forces or private necessities, but a freedom enabled by natality, by the capacity to make beginnings, a freedom expressed in action. *It is the human freedom to act, to speak, and to create shared spaces through interaction with others.* This interaction requires that a *plurality* of human beings communicate with each other about the terms of their *coexistence*. Plurality is thus both a basic existential fact of human existence which requires* interaction, communication and cooperation*, so that *a shared life with others becomes possible*, and plurality enables action and speech within *shared spaces*, because interaction is contingent upon the presence of others. At the intersection of these two notions we encounter the true meaning of the political: It is the *realization of freedom through interaction with others in public spaces.*" Andrea Thuma