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WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Funda Oral
Tue, Mar 5, 2024 8:13 PM

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for
WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and register:


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,
Funda Oral

Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for WOSonOS 2024. Here is is our website where you can find further information and register: https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM Best regards, Funda Oral https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint
Wed, Mar 6, 2024 9:52 AM

Hi Funda, it seems you are all in a great mood for Wosonos 2024!
I´m so happy about it!

After Wosonos 2022 in Bilbao, we helped Lisa Heft updating the great reconpilation of
“Wisdom for future (Wosonos) inviters” she´s managed for years.
There maybe some interesting input, even if most important decissions you have already made and it seems fantastic!

Tell me, please, anyway, if you are interested in this information.
If so, I´ll check our last communications about it and send you the latest version I can find.

A big hug for you, Bike, Yesim, Lisa, and every friend around the world, too!

Gentza Eleder
Sunny weather in Bilbao, after a very cold
Listening now to Ayyuka 😉!

Hemendik: Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 5(a), asteartea 21:13
Hona: OS LIST 2022 everyone@oslist.org
Cc: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Gaia: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for
WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and register:


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,
Funda Oral

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.

Hi Funda, it seems you are all in a great mood for Wosonos 2024! I´m so happy about it! After Wosonos 2022 in Bilbao, we helped Lisa Heft updating the great reconpilation of “Wisdom for future (Wosonos) inviters” she´s managed for years. There maybe some interesting input, even if most important decissions you have already made and it seems fantastic! Tell me, please, anyway, if you are interested in this information. If so, I´ll check our last communications about it and send you the latest version I can find. A big hug for you, Bike, Yesim, Lisa, and every friend around the world, too! Gentza Eleder Sunny weather in Bilbao, after a very cold Listening now to Ayyuka 😉! Hemendik: Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 5(a), asteartea 21:13 Hona: OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org> Cc: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul Gaia: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for WOSonOS 2024. Here is is our website where you can find further information and register: https://wosonos2024.istanbul/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wosonos2024.istanbul/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISUONH7nk$> I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISUhNKt2I$> Best regards, Funda Oral https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISpuImCm8$> LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.
Funda Oral
Wed, Mar 6, 2024 2:32 PM

Dear Genza,

We have already received very helpful and valuable Wisdom from Boscop and
WOSonOS 2023 team.

And yes, we would be more than happy to receive the updated Wisdom prepared
by Lisa Heft.

We are deciding and planning step by step. There are of course many
decisions to make and actions to take
on the way.

Thanks very much, I really feel hugged,

back from my German Course in Berlin that is getting ready for a Beautiful
preparing for an online meeting with my partners in crime in Istanbul.


Le mer. 6 mars 2024 à 10:52, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder
eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus a écrit :

Hi Funda, it seems you are all in a great mood for Wosonos 2024!

I´m so happy about it!

After Wosonos 2022 in Bilbao, we helped Lisa Heft updating the great
reconpilation of

“Wisdom for future (Wosonos) inviters” she´s managed for years.

There maybe some interesting input, even if most important decissions you
have already made and it seems fantastic!

Tell me, please, anyway, if you are interested in this information.

If so, I´ll check our last communications about it and send you the latest
version I can find.

A big hug for you, Bike, Yesim, Lisa, and every friend around the world,

Gentza Eleder

Sunny weather in Bilbao, after a very cold

Listening now to Ayyuka 😉!

Hemendik: Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 5(a), asteartea 21:13
Hona: OS LIST 2022 everyone@oslist.org
Cc: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Gaia: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for

WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and register:


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,

Funda Oral


LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa
ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari
erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota
jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago.
Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta
jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik
hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan
jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren
bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) lantik@bizkaia.eus eta
gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez
bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es
para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s.
Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen
información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad
intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso
por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en
contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la
remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este
mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la
mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)
lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así
mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar,
distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este
mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

*DISCLAIMER *- The information contained in this email is for the
exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and
the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information
and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other
laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the
sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary
in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the
designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the
sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)
lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you
that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either
directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the
designated addressee.

Dear Genza, We have already received very helpful and valuable Wisdom from Boscop and WOSonOS 2023 team. And yes, we would be more than happy to receive the updated Wisdom prepared by Lisa Heft. We are deciding and planning step by step. There are of course many decisions to make and actions to take on the way. Thanks very much, I really feel hugged, back from my German Course in Berlin that is getting ready for a Beautiful Spring preparing for an online meeting with my partners in crime in Istanbul. Warmly, Funda Le mer. 6 mars 2024 à 10:52, AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder <eleder.aurtenetxe@bizkaia.eus> a écrit : > Hi Funda, it seems you are all in a great mood for Wosonos 2024! > > I´m so happy about it! > > > > After Wosonos 2022 in Bilbao, we helped Lisa Heft updating the great > reconpilation of > > *“Wisdom for future (Wosonos) inviters”* she´s managed for years. > > There maybe some interesting input, even if most important decissions you > have already made and it seems fantastic! > > > > Tell me, please, anyway, if you are interested in this information. > > If so, I´ll check our last communications about it and send you the latest > version I can find. > > > > A big hug for you, Bike, Yesim, Lisa, and every friend around the world, > too! > > > > Gentza Eleder > > Sunny weather in Bilbao, after a very cold > > Listening now to Ayyuka 😉! > > > > *Hemendik:* Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> > *Bidaltze-data:* 2024(e)ko martxoaren 5(a), asteartea 21:13 > *Hona:* OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org> > *Cc:* bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul > *Gaia:* [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul > > > > > > Dear Friends and Colleagues, > > > > We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for > > WOSonOS 2024. > > > > Here is is our website where you can find further information and register: > > > > https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wosonos2024.istanbul/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISUONH7nk$> > > > > I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. > > > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISUhNKt2I$> > > > > Best regards, > > Funda Oral > > https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISpuImCm8$> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > *LEGEZKO ABISUA*.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa > ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari > erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota > jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. > Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta > jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik > hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan > jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren > bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus) <lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta > gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez > bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati > bat. > > *AVISO LEGAL* - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es > para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. > Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen > información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad > intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso > por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en > contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la > remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este > mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la > mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus) > <lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así > mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, > distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este > mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. > > *DISCLAIMER *- The information contained in this email is for the > exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and > the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information > and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other > laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the > sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary > in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the > designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the > sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus) > <lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you > that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either > directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the > designated addressee. >
Thomas Herrmann
Wed, Mar 6, 2024 8:40 PM

Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space
Thanks for inviting!
I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar!
I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring some collegues from Scandinavia.
Thomas Herrmann

Från: Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Skickat: den 5 mars 2024 21:13
Till: OS LIST 2022 everyone@oslist.org
Kopia: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Ämne: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for
WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and register:


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,
Funda Oral

Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space Thanks for inviting! I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar! I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring some collegues from Scandinavia. WOhoooo Thomas Herrmann Från: Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> Skickat: den 5 mars 2024 21:13 Till: OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org> Kopia: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul Ämne: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for WOSonOS 2024. Here is is our website where you can find further information and register: https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM Best regards, Funda Oral https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint
Michael Herman
Wed, Mar 6, 2024 9:21 PM

have added your link on the main and wosonos pages at openspaceworld.org,
funda.  and now that we've done this 29 or so times, the only advice i will
share, having hosted osonos7 in chicago... it's just open space... an
invitation, a circle, a marketplace, bulletin board, breathing.  anything
is possible.  nothing is necessary.  less is more.  just keep having fun
with it!  michael


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)


On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:41 PM Thomas Herrmann via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space

Thanks for inviting!

I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar!

I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring some
collegues from Scandinavia.


Thomas Herrmann

Från: Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Skickat: den 5 mars 2024 21:13
Till: OS LIST 2022 everyone@oslist.org
Kopia: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Ämne: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for

WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and register:


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,

Funda Oral


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org

have added your link on the main and wosonos pages at openspaceworld.org, funda. and now that we've done this 29 or so times, the only advice i will share, having hosted osonos7 in chicago... it's just open space... an invitation, a circle, a marketplace, bulletin board, breathing. anything is possible. nothing is necessary. less is more. just keep having fun with it! michael -- Michael Herman Michael Herman Associates 312-280-7838 (mobile) MichaelHerman.com OpenSpaceWorld.org On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:41 PM Thomas Herrmann via OSList < everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space > > Thanks for inviting! > > I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar! > > I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring some > collegues from Scandinavia. > > WOhoooo > > Thomas Herrmann > > > > *Från:* Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> > *Skickat:* den 5 mars 2024 21:13 > *Till:* OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org> > *Kopia:* bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul > *Ämne:* [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul > > > > > > Dear Friends and Colleagues, > > > > We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for > > WOSonOS 2024. > > > > Here is is our website where you can find further information and register: > > > > https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ > > > > I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. > > > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM > > > > Best regards, > > Funda Oral > > https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint > > > > > > > > > > > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >
Chris Corrigan
Wed, Mar 6, 2024 9:56 PM

Agree with Micheal and exactly my experience in 2001, where on his advice,
Laurel and I just opened space and closed it again 3 days later.

Enjoy it!


On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:22 PM Michael Herman via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

have added your link on the main and wosonos pages at openspaceworld.org,
funda.  and now that we've done this 29 or so times, the only advice i will
share, having hosted osonos7 in chicago... it's just open space... an
invitation, a circle, a marketplace, bulletin board, breathing.  anything
is possible.  nothing is necessary.  less is more.  just keep having fun
with it!  michael


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)


On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:41 PM Thomas Herrmann via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space

Thanks for inviting!

I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar!

I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring
some collegues from Scandinavia.


Thomas Herrmann

Från: Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Skickat: den 5 mars 2024 21:13
Till: OS LIST 2022 everyone@oslist.org
Kopia: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Ämne: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for

WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,

Funda Oral


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org


Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com
Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com

Upcoming events and workshops and online courses:

Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory,

Agree with Micheal and exactly my experience in 2001, where on his advice, Laurel and I just opened space and closed it again 3 days later. Enjoy it! Chris On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:22 PM Michael Herman via OSList < everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > have added your link on the main and wosonos pages at openspaceworld.org, > funda. and now that we've done this 29 or so times, the only advice i will > share, having hosted osonos7 in chicago... it's just open space... an > invitation, a circle, a marketplace, bulletin board, breathing. anything > is possible. nothing is necessary. less is more. just keep having fun > with it! michael > > -- > > Michael Herman > Michael Herman Associates > 312-280-7838 (mobile) > > MichaelHerman.com > OpenSpaceWorld.org > > > > > On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:41 PM Thomas Herrmann via OSList < > everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > >> Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space >> >> Thanks for inviting! >> >> I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar! >> >> I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring >> some collegues from Scandinavia. >> >> WOhoooo >> >> Thomas Herrmann >> >> >> >> *Från:* Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> >> *Skickat:* den 5 mars 2024 21:13 >> *Till:* OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org> >> *Kopia:* bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul >> *Ämne:* [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul >> >> >> >> >> >> Dear Friends and Colleagues, >> >> >> >> We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for >> >> WOSonOS 2024. >> >> >> >> Here is is our website where you can find further information and >> register: >> >> >> >> https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ >> >> >> >> I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. >> >> >> >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM >> >> >> >> Best regards, >> >> Funda Oral >> >> https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: >> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >> > OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org > To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org > See the archives here: https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org -- ____ CHRIS CORRIGAN Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com Upcoming events and workshops and online courses: https://www.chriscorrigan.com/parkinglot/events/ Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory,
Funda Oral
Thu, Mar 7, 2024 2:15 PM

Thanks Thomas, we are looking forward to meeting you in Istanbul.

Funda, Yeşim, Bike

Le mer. 6 mars 2024 à 21:40, Thomas Herrmann thomas@openspaceconsulting.com
a écrit :

Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space

Thanks for inviting!

I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar!

I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring some
collegues from Scandinavia.


Thomas Herrmann

Från: Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Skickat: den 5 mars 2024 21:13
Till: OS LIST 2022 everyone@oslist.org
Kopia: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Ämne: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for

WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and register:


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,

Funda Oral


Thanks Thomas, we are looking forward to meeting you in Istanbul. Funda, Yeşim, Bike Le mer. 6 mars 2024 à 21:40, Thomas Herrmann <thomas@openspaceconsulting.com> a écrit : > Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space > > Thanks for inviting! > > I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar! > > I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring some > collegues from Scandinavia. > > WOhoooo > > Thomas Herrmann > > > > *Från:* Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> > *Skickat:* den 5 mars 2024 21:13 > *Till:* OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org> > *Kopia:* bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul > *Ämne:* [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul > > > > > > Dear Friends and Colleagues, > > > > We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for > > WOSonOS 2024. > > > > Here is is our website where you can find further information and register: > > > > https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ > > > > I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. > > > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM > > > > Best regards, > > Funda Oral > > https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint > > > > > > > > > > >
Funda Oral
Thu, Mar 7, 2024 2:25 PM

Dear Michael and Chris,

Thanks for your support and collaboration!

We also aim to have a nice time with all the participants, host everybody
in a fun, safe, comfortable and peaceful space,
hold the space for meaningful conversations and maybe for decisions toward
efficient actions.

Afterwards, eventually, we wish to pass the talking stick to the next host
for 2025.

We will keep you informed.

Looking forward meeting many of "everyone in the OSlist"

Best regards,
Funda, Yeşim, Bike

Le mer. 6 mars 2024 à 22:56, Chris Corrigan chris.corrigan@gmail.com a
écrit :

Agree with Micheal and exactly my experience in 2001, where on his advice,
Laurel and I just opened space and closed it again 3 days later.

Enjoy it!


On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:22 PM Michael Herman via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

have added your link on the main and wosonos pages at openspaceworld.org,
funda.  and now that we've done this 29 or so times, the only advice i will
share, having hosted osonos7 in chicago... it's just open space... an
invitation, a circle, a marketplace, bulletin board, breathing.  anything
is possible.  nothing is necessary.  less is more.  just keep having fun
with it!  michael


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)


On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:41 PM Thomas Herrmann via OSList <
everyone@oslist.org> wrote:

Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space

Thanks for inviting!

I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar!

I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring
some collegues from Scandinavia.


Thomas Herrmann

Från: Funda Oral via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Skickat: den 5 mars 2024 21:13
Till: OS LIST 2022 everyone@oslist.org
Kopia: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Ämne: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for

WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,

Funda Oral


OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:

OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org
To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org
See the archives here:


Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com
Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com

Upcoming events and workshops and online courses:

Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory,

Dear Michael and Chris, Thanks for your support and collaboration! We also aim to have a nice time with all the participants, host everybody in a fun, safe, comfortable and peaceful space, hold the space for meaningful conversations and maybe for decisions toward efficient actions. Afterwards, eventually, we wish to pass the talking stick to the next host for 2025. We will keep you informed. Looking forward meeting many of "everyone in the OSlist" Best regards, Funda, Yeşim, Bike Le mer. 6 mars 2024 à 22:56, Chris Corrigan <chris.corrigan@gmail.com> a écrit : > Agree with Micheal and exactly my experience in 2001, where on his advice, > Laurel and I just opened space and closed it again 3 days later. > > Enjoy it! > > Chris > > On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:22 PM Michael Herman via OSList < > everyone@oslist.org> wrote: > >> have added your link on the main and wosonos pages at openspaceworld.org, >> funda. and now that we've done this 29 or so times, the only advice i will >> share, having hosted osonos7 in chicago... it's just open space... an >> invitation, a circle, a marketplace, bulletin board, breathing. anything >> is possible. nothing is necessary. less is more. just keep having fun >> with it! michael >> >> -- >> >> Michael Herman >> Michael Herman Associates >> 312-280-7838 (mobile) >> >> MichaelHerman.com >> OpenSpaceWorld.org >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 1:41 PM Thomas Herrmann via OSList < >> everyone@oslist.org> wrote: >> >>> Dear Funda, Yesim and Bike. Dear friends in Open Space >>> >>> Thanks for inviting! >>> >>> I just registered and I am happy with having this in my calendar! >>> >>> I also posted about it on my website and social media – hope to bring >>> some collegues from Scandinavia. >>> >>> WOhoooo >>> >>> Thomas Herrmann >>> >>> >>> >>> *Från:* Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> >>> *Skickat:* den 5 mars 2024 21:13 >>> *Till:* OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org> >>> *Kopia:* bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul >>> *Ämne:* [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Dear Friends and Colleagues, >>> >>> >>> >>> We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for >>> >>> WOSonOS 2024. >>> >>> >>> >>> Here is is our website where you can find further information and >>> register: >>> >>> >>> >>> https://wosonos2024.istanbul/ >>> >>> >>> >>> I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. >>> >>> >>> >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM >>> >>> >>> >>> Best regards, >>> >>> Funda Oral >>> >>> https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >>> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >>> See the archives here: >>> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org >>> >> OSList mailing list -- everyone@oslist.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to everyone-leave@oslist.org >> See the archives here: >> https://oslist.org/empathy/list/everyone.oslist.org > > > > -- > ____ > CHRIS CORRIGAN > Blog and resources: http://www.chriscorrigan.com > Harvest Moon Consultants: https://www.harvestmoonconsultants.com > > Upcoming events and workshops and online courses: > https://www.chriscorrigan.com/parkinglot/events/ > > Located on Nex̱wlélex̱wm (Bowen Island), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh-ulh territory, > > >
Fri, Mar 8, 2024 10:23 AM

Just in case it´s useful, here the reporthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ap8fhOzcINrUQP5dhDct68eQaSABCktr5F_Hdo3DqQ/edit?usp=sharing I told you about.
Best wishes!

Gentza Eleder

Hemendik: AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList everyone@oslist.org
Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 6(a), asteazkena 10:52
Hona: Funda Oral fundaoral@gmail.com; OS LIST 2022 everyone@oslist.org
Cc: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Gaia: [OSList] Re: WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Hi Funda, it seems you are all in a great mood for Wosonos 2024!
I´m so happy about it!

After Wosonos 2022 in Bilbao, we helped Lisa Heft updating the great reconpilation of
“Wisdom for future (Wosonos) inviters” she´s managed for years.
There maybe some interesting input, even if most important decissions you have already made and it seems fantastic!

Tell me, please, anyway, if you are interested in this information.
If so, I´ll check our last communications about it and send you the latest version I can find.

A big hug for you, Bike, Yesim, Lisa, and every friend around the world, too!

Gentza Eleder
Sunny weather in Bilbao, after a very cold
Listening now to Ayyuka 😉!

Hemendik: Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org>
Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 5(a), asteartea 21:13
Hona: OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.orgmailto:everyone@oslist.org>
Cc: bike@wosonos2024.istanbulmailto:bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbulmailto:yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul
Gaia: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for
WOSonOS 2024.

Here is is our website where you can find further information and register:


I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul.


Best regards,
Funda Oral

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.

LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat.

AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada.

DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee.

Just in case it´s useful, here the report<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ap8fhOzcINrUQP5dhDct68eQaSABCktr5F_Hdo3DqQ/edit?usp=sharing> I told you about. Best wishes! Gentza Eleder Hemendik: AURTENETXE PILDAIN, Eleder via OSList <everyone@oslist.org> Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 6(a), asteazkena 10:52 Hona: Funda Oral <fundaoral@gmail.com>; OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org> Cc: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul Gaia: [OSList] Re: WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul Hi Funda, it seems you are all in a great mood for Wosonos 2024! I´m so happy about it! After Wosonos 2022 in Bilbao, we helped Lisa Heft updating the great reconpilation of “Wisdom for future (Wosonos) inviters” she´s managed for years. There maybe some interesting input, even if most important decissions you have already made and it seems fantastic! Tell me, please, anyway, if you are interested in this information. If so, I´ll check our last communications about it and send you the latest version I can find. A big hug for you, Bike, Yesim, Lisa, and every friend around the world, too! Gentza Eleder Sunny weather in Bilbao, after a very cold Listening now to Ayyuka 😉! Hemendik: Funda Oral via OSList <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> Bidaltze-data: 2024(e)ko martxoaren 5(a), asteartea 21:13 Hona: OS LIST 2022 <everyone@oslist.org<mailto:everyone@oslist.org>> Cc: bike@wosonos2024.istanbul<mailto:bike@wosonos2024.istanbul>; yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul<mailto:yesim@wosonos2024.istanbul> Gaia: [OSList] WOSonOS 2024 Istanbul Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are very happy and excited to invite all of you to Istanbul for WOSonOS 2024. Here is is our website where you can find further information and register: https://wosonos2024.istanbul/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wosonos2024.istanbul/__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISUONH7nk$> I also wanted to share a nice video about Istanbul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3decbQhXZM__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISUhNKt2I$> Best regards, Funda Oral https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/view/fundaoraltoussaint__;!!D5mp3PWONmH39b4!E1PymjsTCPbCUQSMrULM8N8q5Bz5IYY0wZ6GPypfPWG6pOqj7dOEBtBUWGTovU3eKRsJtNfofTDig9Auo7ISpuImCm8$> LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. Este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos, en su caso, contienen información confidencial y/o protegida legalmente por leyes de propiedad intelectual o por otras leyes. Este mensaje no constituye ningún compromiso por parte de la persona remitente, salvo que exista expreso pacto en contrario, previo y por escrito entre la persona destinataria y la remitente. Si usted no es la persona destinataria designada y recibe este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo a la persona remitente con la mayor brevedad posible a la siguiente dirección:(lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> y proceda inmediatamente a su total destrucción. Así mismo, le informamos de que no debe, directa o indirectamente, usar, distribuir, reproducir, imprimir o copiar, total o parcialmente este mensaje si no es la persona destinataria designada. DISCLAIMER - The information contained in this email is for the exclusive use of the person(s) mentioned as addressee(s). This email and the attached files, where appropriate, contain confidential information and/or information legally protected by intellectual property laws or other laws. This message does not constitute any commitment on the part of the sender, except where there exists prior express agreement to the contrary in writing between the addressee and the sender. If you are not the designated addressee and receive this message by mistake, please notify the sender as soon as possible at the following address (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> and then delete it immediately. We also inform you that you may not use, distribute, print or copy this message, either directly or indirectly or totally or partially, if you are not the designated addressee. LEGEZKO ABISUA.- Mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa jasotzaile gisa ageri den(ar) entzat baino ez da. Mezu elektroniko honetako eta berari erantsitako fitxategietako informazioa isilpean eduki behar da edota jabetza intelektualaren gaineko legeen eta beste legeen babespean dago. Mezu honek ez dio ezartzen inolako konpromisorik bidaltzaileari, berak eta jasotzaileak, aldez aurretik, berariazko idatzizko itunaren bidez besterik hitzartu ezean. Errakuntzaren bat dela-eta mezu hau jasotzen baduzu, bertan jarritako jasotzailea ez izan arren, jakinarazi ahalik azkarren bidaltzaileari, mesedez (lantik@bizkaia.eus)<mailto:lantik@bizkaia.eus> eta gero ezabatu erabat. Horrez gainera, mezuan jarritako jasotzailea ez bazara, ezin duzu erabili, banatu, kopiatu ez inprimatu, ez osorik ez zati bat. AVISO LEGAL - La información contenida en este correo electrónico es para el uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionadas como destinataria/s. 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